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I Hate You My Love

I Hate You My Love

Autor: LiliBeth



I Hate You My Love PDF Free Download


Mia Digsby and Rebecca Milles are two young women who have known each other since childhood. They come from different social backgrounds but throughout their lives they have both shown that social status does not matter in fulfilling dreams if you are hardworking and talented. Having a lasting friendship together, they go through dramas but also beautiful moments trying to find their love and the meaning of life.

Chapter 1

There are times in life when you simply feel overwhelmed. Moments when you can't ask yourself what your limit is or how much is too much to make you give up? Yesterday you had everything and today you have nothing. You are no longer in control of your own being. You would like to scream, to tell everyone that you do not agree with what is happening to you, but who will listen to you? You are too small in this world to be listened to. You've been wearing a label since your birth. You are from the lower class in society and in the eyes of some people you were born only to serve a master. Your qualities don't matter. Have you ever felt too insignificant to struggle with what is happening to you?

Two suitcases and a child matured overnight. That's what I'm carrying with me while I wait to board the flight to New Jersey. I'm going to study at Princeton. This is my "reward", the opportunity to study at one of the largest universities in the world. I give up to love and get the launching

pad in life as proof of the supreme goodness shown by my family's mistress. I just feel like I'm living the worst joke I've ever seen, and this bad joke is my life.

The house where I grew up in, my family, Arthur ... nothing I know I'll probably never see again. I’m experiencing so many emotions in these moments. I just would like to cry, but I would probably scare the people that are waiting at the airport with me. I never liked the circus. I cry without tears. I actually feel like I'm falling apart on the inside.

My name is Mia Digby. I am 18 years old and I am without seeming to be without modesty a beautiful girl. I have 5.9 feet and a very delicate silhouette. I am the ideal of nordic beauty. Blond hair up to the waist, blue eyes and a smile that some people say brighten anyone's day. I am the only child of my parents who have been in the service of the Forbes family all their lives. I have never encountered in this life evil or hatred, I felt surrounded by the love of those around me. My parents, Arthur, my friend Rebecca, the Forbes family ... I've always felt happy having them in my life.

I love everyone, I love Arthur. Yes, I can say it now, although I've been afraid to admit it my whole life. I love Arthur.

The most beautiful moments of my life are the ones that included him. We grew up together, we went to school together, since we were in diapers we did everything together. His parents are the one of the richest people in England, the absolute billionaires with businesses in all fields. If something proves profitable, surely that business will get into their hands and they will increase its value even more. For Arthur everything was easy. Being the only child in the Forbes family is the absolute blessing a child can receive at birth. My parents are the employees of the Forbes family. My father is the family butler. He is the gentlest and most loyal man I have had the honor of meeting. My mother is the chef of the same family.

I grew up in the house of the Forbes family, I was pampered by Mrs. Forbes, Aunt Charlote as I like to call her, and by Uncle Patrick. Arthur was only 3 months older than me. We've loved each other since we wore diapers. Initially we were like brothers, we were partners in everything. Whatever he had he was sharing with me si I was doing the same thing for him. Time, food, gifts, everythig was in common. He wanted to offer his education to me as well. We were totally dependent on each other. His parents were amused by the situation initially, while my family was panicking.

"This world is not for us, Mia," my mother always said, "They are lords and we have the duty to serve them." Please try to be reserved. Lord Arthur cannot be your brother, he cannot be your friend or your lover. He is your master. Please, Mia, don't love him. I do not want you to suffer…". I was 12 years old when I first heard these words, then they became part of my daily routine.

I had the best education. I studied in top schools with Arthur. He didn't want us to be separated for a second. Every time he convinced his parents that if he was with me he would have a better performance, because I am the most important human in the world for him. Thus, although I love music and am a talented soprano, I chose to follow Arthur and study Finance, a program with a strong emphasis on business administration. He said that this way we could work together in the future,

"Mia,my love, I always want you by my side. “

Yes, I loved Arthur and the feeling was mutual, but I never dared to hope for more than a friendship. I always kept decent and apart from the hugs in which I actually melted and the hand he offered me, I did not allow myself to have illusions that one day we will really love each other, although I wanted this more than anything. My mother's words were my morning and evening prayer. They were imprinted in the mind and soul. "Mia, he is your master first of all, you will suffer."

What I didn’t know, however, was that in his family, over the years, his parents' attitude towards me has changed. Uncle Patrick started to love me more and more and always told me that I was the daughter he never had. He also had reasons to be proud of me because I rewarded every effort this family made for me, although my studies were an insignificant cost to them and a show of generosity to the loyalty offered by my parents , he could always chosses to not care about me. However, they paid for my education and I was able to show everyone that even a poor child can be an exemplary student. Uncle Patrick was like a second father to me. Always with a real smile, always ready to teach me something new.

Aunty Charlotte looked the same. It was all a smile when I appeared with Arthur. She never objected to the favors her boy was offering me. The kindness with which this family surrounded me had become so normal that I don’t know when I began to pay no attention to what was happening around me.

Arthur loved me too.

On the last day of highschool Arthur and I made a promise. At only 18 years old, standing face to face, with united hands and foreheads, we promised each other that if until the age of 35 we will not find a love more beautiful than the one we shared now we will get married and form a family together . Arthur sealed our promise with a tender kiss in which I actually felt every part of my being melt. I promised myself that I would not allow myself to look for another love. And if he had changed his mind, I would wait for him. I couldn't see things any differently. No matter where my life tooks me, when I was 35 I would be Arthur's wife. I will not allow myself a greater love. How can I wish for something else when my best friend was standing in front of me? When the man I loved from the earliest memories of my life promise me a future together?

I couldn't wish for anything more.

"I love you, Mia. My first memories are with you, they are not with me. You know me better than anyone in this world. I don't always have to be decent and serious with you, to be stick to the etiquette imposed by society. You accept me without being a lord. We understand each other just so good, you often finish my sentences. "And he in closing his eyes and kissed the tip of my nose and after that he continued " Do you know what's funny? You call me on the phone just when I want to call you because I miss you too much. Mia, I love you. Do you know for how much time I want to tell you this? I don't care about anything around me. I want you "


"Mia, I don't want you to believe that until I am 35, I will love someone else. That's not the plan. I am just thinking of you. You've been connected to me your whole life. I know this didn't bother you, but now you're in college, you'll meet new people. I love you and I will love you every moment of my life. I want you to have time to think. To be convinced that you love me and that you want us to be together all our lives. I don't want you to feel compelled by my love for you. "

We stayed hugged for minutes in the mansion garden. I didn't feel the coolness of the evening either. We were both drunk on happiness.

I don't even know how I got into the house, I just know that my mind was racing, happiness could be read on both of our faces. Arthur led me to the front of my room and took me in his arms, wrapped around my waist, he kissed my forehead and said:

"My love,I will see you tomorrow. Dream about me".

In the first moment I entered in my room I began to jump becaus of joy. I wanted to run to my mother's room and tell her what had happened. To tell her how wrong she was, to tell herthat there are love stories in the world, that I found my handsome Prince Charming. What I felt was so intense that that happiness almost suffocated me.

Suddenly the door of my room opened and in front of me sat Aunt Charlote holding an envelope. I've never seen her so serious. I wanted to ask her what happened, but she wouldn't even let me open my mouth. What she told me couldn’t be processed. In front of me stood Aunt Charlote, Arthur's mother, the woman who smiled and hugged me for 18 years. This woman was now staring hard into my eyes.

Aunt Charlote approached to me and without a warning slapped me on the cheek. I actually felt my ears prick with pain. Everything was spinning. Not! What is happening! This can not be real! Everything is a nightmare! But why does it hurt so badly? Why do I feel my face swelling? Tears began to flow, I didn’t dare say a word. My mother's advice resonates in my mind: "They are masters, we are their servants. You don'tneed to love him that much, Mia. You will suffer. Don't believe in fairy tales."

"Mia, how much do you think I will tolerate this circus? It's already become a bad joke. I was able to tolerate the friendship with Arthur when you were little, although initially I was afraid that you would be a bad influence for him, that you would move him away from his study. Surprisingly, even though you come from a mediocre family, you proved to be a young woman with a high intelligence. Your parents are my basic people. I always put my life in your father's hands, so for them I will try to be forgiving today and show you mercy. You have 3 hours to pack and leave this house. In this envelope you will find a plane ticket and an address. From next week you will start classes at Princeton. I hope the distance from an ocean is enough to wipe you out of Arthur's life. You have been and are a socially mediocre. Ther is no way that I will allow you to interfere in Arthur's life in the future and steal his chance to be a respected man in society. "

“Are you crying? Very well, that's worth it for all the stress you've caused me in recent years. You have in this folder everything you need to get out of here. You have your studies and accommodation paied for 4 years, it depends on you. It's the only concession I make in your case, because you grew up in this house. And I'm not doing it for you but for your parents. I forbid you to contact Arthur anymore, I will talk to him personally and I will make sure that nothing affects him. Your parents have been informed of the change to be made a little earlier. You have three hours to pack and leave. Arthur doesn't need to know anything. If you keep in touch with him, I promise you will regret it bitterly. You understand?"

"Yes, Auntie Charlotte ..." I said, almost drowning in tears.

"As from today, I'm just Lady Forbes for you. You need to start knowing where is your place! ”

I collapsed as soon as Auntie, I mean Lady Forbes, left the room. Mom and Dad came in right away and seeing me collapsed on the floor they hugged me. They didn't argue. They didn't tell me anything.

We cried together until my mother's trembling voice said:

"My child, it's time to get ready. Everything will be fine. We'll see each other again, be sure, even if we have to work a lifetime to get to you. Be strong, my child! Be strong!"