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From The Dark

From The Dark

Autor: Abigail Abby



From The Dark PDF Free Download


Just to create alliance with a powerful kingdom she was forced to marry the dangerous demon prince male lead who is abandon and not loved by his family. The prince who was in disguise cannot show the world who he is marries a princess who was forced into the marriage with him but she is an angel who does not deserve to be with the devil like him Will he be able to reveal his real identity? Will she be able to stay with him and love him even still after knowing who he was? Will she be able to handle the mystery that revolves around him? Will he be able to handle her radiance?

Chapter 1

"I won't marry him" Evelyn screams tears rolling down her cheeks "you have no choice but to marry him, do you know what harm it would bring if you don't marry him?" her father responded "I don't care, I just won't marry him, let me find someone for myself, I want to love too" she cried, her father tilts his head "am afraid you have no choice" he left the room, banging the door at her when he left Evelyn held her head and made out a loud cry "I won't marry him! I won't marry him!!" She throws things that come across her way, away scattering her room, she cried all night before she finally fell asleep on the floor.

The next morning Evelyn's face was pale and swollen from all her loud cries all night when she got up on her feet she take a look outside through the window, the castle is bustling as the servants were moving up and down preparing for the big day, this was supposed to be her big day as well but it is not as her marriage isn't a love match, she walks towards the bed and sits up running her hand through her hair, Evelyn is a very beautiful lady with long blonde hair she had always dream of marrying a man she loves and have a perfect wedding with him but it is only a nightmare as she is a princess, who cannot have the life she wanted but only imagine it, every time she takes a step over finding a man, her parents reminded her of who she is and that dream die with her imagination. The door creaks open she raises her head and looks at the door, she saw her mother enter with five maids from the dressing unit seeing her wedding dress in a mannequin she tears up and ran to hug her mom "mom!" She cried shakily "I don't want to do this, I don't want to marry the other kingdom I want to stay here with you" her mother stroked her hair gently "I wish you stay here too..." She pull her away from her embrace and held her by her shoulder "this is what every princess face, I faced it too when I got married to your father am sure you will get through it" she wipe her tears with her hand "get dress now, your groom will be here anytime soon".

A few hours later

Evelyn got dress she was wearing a protracted sliver gown with sliver veil, her long length blonde hair was tied up in bun beautifully dress with white hairpins in shape of flower the make up to was perfect but too heavy that she almost did not recognize herself "it's time Eve" her mother declare Evelyn instantly felt weak and nervous hearing her mother speak again she wish this could just be a dream she wish her mother could just laugh and tell her this entire marriage was a prank but her mother is not she look so happy this wasn't a dream it was all real "I don't know him mom, I don't love him he is not mine" Evelyn tear up, she sigh and stood at front of her "I know Eve, I wish I had to power to stop this marriage but am sure you will get through this, just as I get through it" she gave a reassuring smile but she still look worry tears flow down Evelyn cheek but Molly wipe it away "always remember my training, serve your husband well, do not deprive him of his right, you know your husband is not just a random prince, his father is the most richest and powerful king, so you have to obey him and don't ever raise your voice at him, always respect him and give him everything he wants whenever he wants it, and never ever upset your husband" she instructed and rub her cheek down to her chin "you have always make me proud Eve am sure you will make me proud too this time" Evelyn took a deep breath "Okay mom" she force a smile lowering her head her mother hugged her and then stand her up "let go"

Evelyn's heart slam against her chest once her mother open the door she let out and deep sigh as she walk down gracefully with her mother she clutch unto her bouquet so hard that her hand was sweating "we have to meet your groom and his family first before the ceremony starts"

"huh? you should have told me then I wouldn't have got all dressed up" Evelyn said and her mother chuckle "the ceremony will start immediately after this so don't worry too much"

Evelyn and her mother strode into the hall and all eyes suddenly fell on them Evelyn walk staring down at the floor she hate too much attention being on her ignoring her father who didn't care about her she sit down at a nearby chair beside her mother. After a while, the huge door opened and everywhere became silent as they waited for the groom to enter Evelyn look down instantly and rub her hand together her hand became cold and her stomach was arching her not because she was hungry but because she was nervous her mother patted her shoulder and Evelyn slowly raise her head and glance at the door and her heart beat faster her lips parted in shock once she sights the groom she was expecting an old man with a bald head and bare but the man walking in wasn't old or ugly the man was tall he looks so young like a man in his early twenties his long white hair was tied up leaving some strand fell down his shoulder to his waist he has rare grey eyes. she has never seen a man with such hair and eye before, he is white almost pale as snow his soft red lips were shining he was damn handsome Evelyn began to wonder if this prince is a human maybe he is from the outer space

she has never seen a man with long white hair and grey eyes Who exactly is this man? who is he?

"your majesty" a sweet masculine voice snap Evelyn out of her thought Evelyn jolted and look at the man even his voice was sweet she blush slightly to see the man she was getting married to was at least one problem solved her groom was not ugly he is the type of guy she has always dream of to get married to one day. But there is a problem he seems rude and fearless he didn't bow to the king Evelyn swallow hard and look at her mother no one has ever done that to the king before but the king didn't care instead he gestured towards Evelyn and Evelyn flinch as she saw him near her and sit beside her, still with a sad expression she lowered her head clenching her fist together "am very happy today that my daughter is getting married to the prince of Trespia so my citizen let the ceremony begin" the king finally announce and the crowd screams joyfully sooner the musician played the music causing Evelyn to smile they were playing her favorite song 'stay a little longer with me

Hours had gone by he paid the bride price and they tie the knot her heart hammered she is now marrying the handsome icy cold man is now her husband.

It was time for the couple to dance they both stood up after they were announced and walked to the middle of the ballroom the guest clears the way for the room and move to either side forming a circle around them, Evelyn suddenly felt nervous she already pulled her veil off and now there is nowhere to hide her face due to her nervously she stumbled and was about to fell but suddenly her husband hand caught her waist "are you okay?" He ask, Evelyn, nodded shyly standing properly, he took a step back and bow down gracefully extending his hand, Evelyn gave her curtsy, her hand was shaking as she is very nervous this is her first time dancing with a man except her father, he encircled his left hand on her waist and his other hand wrapped hers, Evelyn put her other hand elegantly on his shoulder she knew her body is shaking and she knew he felt it too but he decided to keep quiet, her mother told her never to upset her husband but she didn't know if he was upsetting him doing this. The music started to play and her husband lead the dance she was matching him step by step and in no time she was twirling in his arms.

The king was speaking with Evelyn's husband when Evelyn hug her mother "I'll miss you, mom"

"I will miss you too my dear just hold on to everything I told you just listen to your husband I can see you like him" Evelyn smile and look at her husband "yes mum but he seems cold and unromantic I don't think I can cope with him" her mother hugs her tightly again "I am missing you already" the carriage is outside already and her husband led the way Evelyn look at her mother for the last time it shows clearly that she is hiding her tears "Wait!!" Her mother shout and Evelyn and her husband halt "this" she hand Evelyn her pipa box "you might need this" she said "thank you mom" Evelyn replied brimming with joy, she look at her husband "let go" she hold unto her pipa tightly then enter the carriage with her husband.