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It Started With a Push

It Started With a Push

Autor: istolethecookiez



It Started With a Push PDF Free Download


Maverly Perkins is full of witty comebacks, a loud laugh, and has a fierce attitude. Love doesn't come easy to her but does it to anyone? Just as Maverly is giving up on guys, due to a past experience with a jerk, she’s pushed into something she doesn't want to get involved with, literally. No, not something- more like someone; Cyrus Angelo to be exact. But somethings different about him; her usual witty and sarcastic comments become stutters and nervous babbling. What is this feeling in the pit of her stomach? A crush? Love? Of course not. Cyrus Angelo- those are the two words that make guys run and girls swoon. No one talks to him, threatens him, touches him, or talks back to him. The last time any one of these things happened; someone ended up in a hospital for 6 weeks in the intensive care unit. But what happens when Maverly breaks all those rules… within a 2 minute period? After a promise to 'see her later,' too many awkward moments to count, crazy parties where a few people get drunk and tell their life story in full detail, funny experiences of falling, failing, and fighting, terrible flirting, and stupid games of truth or dare- who knows what could happen? And to think it all started with a push.

Chapter 1

“I hate you,” Christy muttered as she walked beside me in the crowded hallway; people were trying to get to the parking lot as we were trying to pass the Student Council Meeting Room for Christy and the library for me- which so happened to be in the opposite direction of the crowd.

“Hey! You scored a date with him, you should be thanking me," I said, crossing my arms.

“But you pushed me into him" she said, rubbing her bruised arm.

“Take it like a man," I retorted, nudging her lightly. Just then, my best friend Riley put his head on my shoulder.

“Take what like a man?” he asked, grinning.

“About how we pushed Christy into Warner,” I informed him, shrugging casually.

“You mean how you pushed her into him- I did nothing of the sort. And you’re still complaining?” he inquired, turning to Christy who smiled sheepishly as she turned the corner with the two of her best friends on her heels.

“I guess I’ll see you later?” I waved as Christy literally ran down the hallway, ducking between people. She’ll have to face my accusations and wild questioning tomorrow.

"What is her problem?” Riley asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I may have… kind of… told her that if she complained that I’d do it again," I explained, glancing at Warner who was walking by as we spoke.

Riley looked at Warner and sighed. “Oh, my duckling. My violent, violent duckling,” he exhaled. We continued walking in silence.

I felt my shoulder jerk backwards causing me to stumble slightly. Riley’s eyes were wide as he looked at my offender. Who else but Miranda Carron? I glared at her as I took a quick step forward.

“Maverly," she spat my name with enough venom to kill the entire student body. She does this thing where she thinks that she is intimidating, when in reality- she’s just about as scary as a butterfly.

“Marissa,” I greeted, purposely calling her by the wrong name.

“It’s Miranda," she snapped, her bottom jaw jutting forward slightly- fixing her overbite.

“Same thing," I shrugged, carelessly.

“How’s Dean?” she asked as she began smirking at her walking Barbie’s who giggled. She brought up my ex, who turned out to be cheating on me. That struck a nerve, but I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

“Who cares? Unless… you do. You’ve always been one for sloppy seconds- haven’t you, Miranda?” I mocked. “Oh wait, he hasn’t even stuck around you long enough for it to qualify as sloppy seconds.” I remarked, earning a cheer of ‘oohs’ from the gathering crowd. The student body seems to take interest whenever they see me and Miranda about to cross paths; they know a battle is about to begin.

“Just because you can run your mouth doesn’t mean that you can back yourself up," she said, moving her neck in inhumanely ways. What I’d give to just reach out and punch her in the throat.

“Just because you sleep with guys doesn’t mean that they love you,” I replied, clearly offending her. Her face cringed as the crowd began to whisper. Many rumors spread that she's one to drop the ‘l bomb’ after doing the do with a guy and none of them were stupid enough to fall for it.

“Love requires risks that you obviously aren’t willing enough to take," she tried to defend.

“Relationships require the guy to stick around until the morning," I retorted. She exhaled loudly from her nose and stomped off as whispers erupted. The hallways went into motion again, bustling once more. Riley stood beside me, shaking his head.

“I don’t know how you manage to take her on like that every day," he said.

“Someone has to," I replied with a shrug, realizing that the last period bell had rang, meaning that Christy’s meeting was over and I didn’t even get to return my library books.

“How was your meeting?” I asked, as we made our way to our cluster of lockers.

“Boring, all we talked about was how we need new snacks for the vending machines," she said, throwing her hand around in the air. I nodded, only half listening.

I was watching the people who passed us by in the hallway, trying to place a name to every face- whether it was their real name or just a name that seemed to suit them. We made our way to my locker and I shoved my stupid library books into it, cringing as they hit the metal. I grabbed my hood and bag quickly.

I shoved my homework and textbooks into my bookbag, groaning as I realized how much homework I had to do tonight. As we made our way towards the semi crowded parking lot, I glanced back at Riley and Christy who were smiling deviously at each other. Riley was holding Christy’s things as Christy held her hands out slightly.

Before I could realize what was happening- I was being shoved- hard. I didn’t know that Christy was capable of such manhandling. Does she even lift? I felt my body collide into what I thought was a wall until I heard a groan and a strand of cursing. I fell onto the floor along with the ‘not-so-wall’ wall.

“What’s your problem?” his voice asked, low and dangerous sounding- if that makes sense. His voice alone is attractive. I grabbed my bag and the textbook that flew out, sitting up.

“If you didn’t realize- I was pushed,” I replied snappily, shoving my textbook into my bag, not so graciously.

“By who? The wind?” he retorted mockingly as I zipped up the large compartment on my bag this time.

“I don’t like your attitude,” I said, grabbing my hat that fell onto the floor.

“I don’t like you," he replied hastily. I felt my anger rising and reaching a boiling point. First Miranda, now this stranger - I can't just have a good afternoon, can I?

“I didn’t come here to make friends; I came here to be America’s Next Top Model,” I responded in an attempt to calm myself down. I kneeled, shoving my hat into my bag.

“What?” he asked, chuckling slightly.

“Honestly, I’m glad that I amuse you. But my mother always told me not to hang around people that give me the urge to murder them. I do have a short temper, you know," I huffed, grabbing my gloves. Only a few more items.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed. I don’t think you realize who I am," he stated, sounding amused and extremely cocky. Who he is? What do I care who he is?

“I don’t think I’d care,” I replied honestly, shoving my phone into my pocket. Good thing it had the protective case or else I would be on the floor screaming ‘why’ at the top of my lungs.

"Take a look," he said, causing me to scoff. Stupid arrogant guys and their super large egos- would it make a difference who he was? No, because he’s a jerk and jerks deserve to be put into their places.

I glanced up, raising an eyebrow. It clicked in my mind. Oh..oh no! I just back-talked Cyrus Angelo. I managed to keep my face calm and collected as I panicked internally. He's known as the schools 'bad boy'

rebel, dissident - take your pick

that no one talks to, or even looks at for that matter. Well, yeah, people look, girls mostly and some guys. Other than the fact that he was gorgeous, he was also dangerous.

He has 2 friends in our school- who were both seniors, unlike him, who's a junior, just like me. He was in a few of my classes, and sat in the back usually texting or tapping a pencil- which was super annoying but no one had the guts to outright say it, at least not to his face.

You know the rumors that go around about how someone made out with so and so in the janitors closet? Yeah, how about so and so

being Cyrus of course

punched a guy in the face

several victims, too many to name

and knocked him unconscious or broke his nose while knocking him unconscious? Yeah, I’m pretty sure those were true. But I really wouldn’t like to find out.

I turned my eyes back towards the floor; picking up the remaining’s of my things- trying not to have a panic attack.

“And again, I was right. I don’t care,” I replied, grabbing my scarf.

“Do you even know who I am?” he repeated, unbelieving. Sorry to burst your bubble Cyrus, but not every girl is gaga over you. Terrified, sure, but not gaga.

“Yeah," I said, grabbing my pencil case. I think I’m crapping my pants at this very moment.

"Are you into girls?” he questioned. I looked up at him, eyes wide.

“What? No! Why would you even ask me that!?” I remarked, causing him to raise both his eyebrows.

“Because you’re not swooning and falling to your knees in lust,” he said with a smirk on his lips. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

“Because I’m not stupid,” I replied, giving him an annoyed look.

“I doubt that," he said in attempt to be quiet. I heard him and gave him a glare.

“What’s your name?” he asked, still towering over me although we were both standing.

“Maverly.” I replied, not thinking. Why did I tell him my real name? I should've gone all Amanda Bynes and starting giving fake names- like Penelope!

“I guess I’ll see you around, Maverly," he replied, smirking at me before walking off. I need to tell Christy about how her and Riley’s actions almost cost me my life. But first, I need to burn my pants.