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WHAT ARE WE? PDF Free Download


Kairi Sean Harris and Cloud Harris is married at a young age. They are only pretending to be in love, especially Cloud, which doesn’t have a little bit hint of feelings towards his wife. Kairi secretly love him, even if they are both pretending things to show people that they are in love, she wishes through herself that it will eventually be true, but she believes that it is impossible.

Chapter 1

I'm Kairi Sean, you can call me Kairi or Sean.

I'm on the stairs now near Cloud's room. I'm waiting for him to come out because aunt/mom

Cloud's mom

said we will go to school together.

I stood up properly when I saw him come out of his room.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

Cloud despise and hates me. I don’t know what's the reason within his anger towards me. He always criticizes me for everything even when I'm not doing anything wrong.

"Cloud, uhmm can I go to school with you?" I spoke to him.

"Go to school alone, don't expect me to take you gold digger."

It hurts, so much.

He looked at me as if disgusted and began to frown. Even Cloud is like that. He still looks handsome and attractive for me. Though he despises my whole being, and I feel sorry for myself for that.

"Why the hell would be the reason though? I think you shouldn't actually get your business with me because I ain't gonna do that b*ullshit like ever!" He said.

"But Cloud, mama wants us to go to school together," I said.

"Huh !?

"I mean Aunt Vicky wants us both accompany together to school this morning Cloud, please I will not do anything that annoys you," I begged him.

He only looked at me badly for about 10 seconds. Then he stood up on the sofa he was sitting on. He slowly approached me as if he was going to kick me, but he controlled himself. I can feel suddenly that my legs were shaking. I couldn’t move and it seemed like I had become a statue with my body stiffening out of fear.

"You don't have the right to call my mother mama ,remember that! How many times should I tell you that when it's just the two of us around and there's no one else, don't show off in front of me like there's something going on within us!" He said, as he angrily stood up in front of me.

I stood on the wall and was overshadowed by his shadow in his stature since he is very tall.

I bitten on my lower lip because of shame and I am holding myself from crying. Until now, he still thinks that way about me.

"B-but aunt momm--,"

"Will you shut up! I don't care if that's what my MOM said! Don't ever come near me at school and don't talk to me! You should understand it! I don't like you!"

I sat on the wall as if I was already crying and was already full of Cloud's anger. I don't know how to convince him of things that we should normally do because we both know that we are married together, even if it's simple I always agreed with his decision and can't talk back because I am scared.

Maybe because I really have no hope for my husband. We're in high college now but Cloud and I got married already, he's 18 while I'm 17.

His Mom likes me very much that he was forced to marry me even if it's rather cruel for his side to agree. But for the sake of his love to his mother, he would do anything for her, but obviously, he will not reconsider loving me back.

We are both victims here. But I guess I am more of a victim because.... I love him, silently.

I have no intention of scolding Cloud back because I know that's not important anymore. I'm also useless in his life and he really can't love me back even a little tiny bit.

"Cloud, I'm just asking if you want, because aunt Vicky requested me so, and i--uhh I don't want to disobey her," I said as my voice was shaking and my tears were almost falling.

"There's no reason to ask me Kairi, you already know that in yourself that I will never allow you to be with me and keep up with you," He shouted angrily.

Cloud turned around and quickly took his car key and bag when he left. Aunt Vicky just left and been to work already, so I don't know if I can join school today without getting late and suspended all over again just because Cloud left me again, he's always like that.

I'm getting used to it too, so when Cloud's car was starting to exit the house gates, tears kept coming out of my eyes that I had been holding back. I didn't want to cry in front of him because I knew he would get angry more.

Maybe it’s my fault that I am forcing myself too much into Cloud’s life. I have also served in their home for a long time, ever since I was very young. I know Cloud's habit and attitude, but he is very kind for some way if he really wanted to treat someone right, the way that he loves his mother and friends is very ideal.

I hope I can be one of them someday that Cloud will be proud of. My mother is also just a maid, so I help her down from the dishes, laundry, cooking and everything else.

I always see him playing alone, I really want to play with him but he really doesn’t want to, so it gets to the point that my feet and knees gets injured because Cloud pushes me harshly like almost everytime.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I have to get to school fast before I get late again," I mumbled.

I slowly wiped away my tears and searched for tissue in my bag. I always carry it with me because not a day goes by that my husband doesn't make me cry.

Even if it seems like a sin for me to call him my husband, I can't do anything because I want him, before and even now. Everyone in his family thought that Cloud and I were happy, that we always got along and that we seemed to have a perfect relationship.

But no, It is all just for a show, to make people believe that we are truly in love with each other. Even if it's all truly just a mess and a myth.

As he wanted it to happen, he did not accompany me. It's okay though, the school is not that far from the village.

The only thing I'm afraid of are the perverts loitering on the road streets.

"Miss, you're alone," I suddenly backed away.

"Miss, talk to me. Your skin is so smooth!" An unknown voice spoke directly to me which suddenly made me nervous. I walked by him quickly but he also quickly stopped me and gripped my wrist tightly.

"Miss. Don't turn your back on me, let's talk first," He said.

"How can I talk to you, you look like a rapist!" I shouted.

"I-I'm sorry but I have a class," I tried to remove his grip on me.

"Don't run away! When I say we'll talk—"

"L-let me go!" I shouted as he tried to touch my legs.

I'm getting scared. Will I always beg not to get hurt ?!

He pushed me violently against the wall causing my arm to hit it. I could feel the tingling of my bones and the pain.

"P-please, i-I'm busy, I have business to do," I cried while shouting for sympathy. But he just laughed and approached me slowly.

[ You are such a loser Kairi Sean! You can't even fight for your own self. The suspension you will get in class will be added again! What if Cloud find out again! You will be hurt again!]

I just keep on trying to let go from this street pervert's hands, until I can hold the right position that I can kick him in his f*cking nuts.

"Let's just hurry Miss, you'll like it, I promise," He is grinning towards me and it was very creepy and frightening, so before he could touch my legs again, I hit him hard with the knee, causing him to writhe in pain and I quickly stood up and ran.

[Thank God! You are able to stood up for yourself for now Kairi, I am so proud of you self]

I quickly grabbed my bag and fix the things that is messed up inside. I hurried up to school and was able to catch up in the school gate, but for sure I am already late in my first class in the morning.

~Fast Forward to Kairi's Classroom~

"Sean! What happened to you?" My classmate immediately asked.

I just smiled at her.

"Sean you're pale are you really okay?" Samantha said. She is my current seatmate.

I nodded and took out the book that I would give to Cloud. It even made it harder for me to grab it because my arm started to sore so much and I can feel the bruise coming and showing out.

"I'm fine Sam, wait a minute, I'll give this book to Cloud first."

"But uhm, I thought he was mad at you Sean," She said.

"No, don't mind it Sam, I appreciate your concern. But really, I'm doing fine with Cloud."

She is annoyed that I just smiled at her and tried to keep things low key like there's nothing wrong, when she knows exactly the mood that there is.

I just don't want people to bother and think of my situation. It's not helping anymore because I am so messed up in life and I can't be anything that Cloud wants, so it doesn't really matter.

I left the room and went to the Engineering course where I believe Cloud is there right now for his second subject in the morning as I am already late for the first subject.

~Cloud's Engineering Classroom~

"Hey, Ms. Sean. What brought you here?" Calvin asked.

He is Cloud's bestfriend. Their attitude is very opposite and I don't know how the hell that both of them were friends up until now.

"Uhm, I'm here to see Cloud, Is he here?" I added.

"Oh him? He's with Elise."

"A-ah I see, it's fine, can I just give it this book to you, please tell Cloud that it is his book that he left at home for this subject," I requested referring to the book.

"Okay, but oh well he is actually here, let me call him for you. I'll go first."

I nodded and watched him enter.

He was with Elise. I just smiled bitterly at both of them as they suddenly stop talking because Cloud have seen me looking for him inside.

I was far enough from them while they are both having their own chit-chats.

I hugged the book tightly when I saw Cloud seriously walking towards me.

"Didn't I tell you not to talk to me," He said it quite loudly, so his classmates and other students turned their backs on us.

"What did I say last time, didn't you understand that? Are you that dumb and desperate?!" He is still shouting.

I'll just give him the book. Why is he so mad at me.

"I came here to give you this, I'm leaving right away," I said.

I handed him the book.

He violently took it as an excuse to make me complain. My arm was shocked because that's what I used to hand him the book.

"Why does your uniform blouse soiled and muddy? Did you flirt somewhere? You are such a hoe," He said which makes me cry from being hurt emotionally and physically as he grabbed my arms not knowing that my bruises is there.

He is the reason that I get hurt, abused and harassed last time. I wish I could tell him that right in front of his face but I know I'll only look coward.

[Am I really that crummy and seems to be like a slut to him. I am just doing the least that I can do for him because it benefits him, and I am his wife. I am not trying to start any misunderstandings here.]