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Moonlight Treachery

Moonlight Treachery

Autor: Evelyn Scott



Moonlight Treachery PDF Free Download


In the secluded village of Wolf’s Crest, Lucy, a strong werewolf, is betrayed by her fated mate, Skylat, the future alpha, who rejects her to secure a strategic alliance. Heartbroken, Lucy meets Darren, a rogue werewolf with a dark past, and their instant chemistry sparks a passionate connection. Disobeying tradition, Lucy and Darren challenge the rigid tradition of society, fighting for love and acceptance, and personal freedom. Together, they confront the old way and pave a new way for their pack, built on mutual respect and choice. This story is a alluring take of love,betrayal, and the courage to disobey convention.

Chapter 1

The full moon hung elevated in the velvety dusk sky, casting an ethereal glow over the secluded village of Wolf's Crest. Nestled deep within a dense forest, our village was hidden from the prying eyes of humans.

Tonight, We the members of the prestigious white moon pack assembled in an exalted clearing, and our faces alight with expectation and reverence. The atmosphere buzzed with observable energy, thick with the incense of pine, earth, and the underlying musk of werewolves in their natural state.

I stood at the edge of the clearing, my piercing green eyes surveying the friendly faces of my packmates. My dirty brown hair, usually feral and bestial, was neatly braided for the event, the strands catching the moonlight and giving me an almost ethereal appearance. I wore a simple, flowing white dress that contrasted starkly with the rugged attire of the others, illustrating purity and readiness for the rite. Despite the celebratory atmosphere, a sense of unease nibbled at the edges of my consciousness. Tonight, something significant was going to happen, I could sense it in my bones.

The center of the clearing was dominated by a towering bonfire, its flames reaching toward the sky as if trying to touch the moon itself. The pack’s elder, a withered man with a beard as white as the moon, stepped forward, his staff clutched firmly in his hand. His eyes, sharp and knowing, scanned the crowd with a vehemence that made the hair on my arms stand on end.

“ Tonight, under the vigilant gaze of the full moon, we come together to honor our predecessors and the bonds tie us as one,” he commenced, his voice resonating through the clearing. It was a voice of authority, endured by years and experiences, yet commanding respect with every word. “ But tonight is also a night of destiny.”

My heart skipped a beat. I had heard gossip and words about fated mates- pairs brought together by the will of the moon itself. I had always ignored such talk as fairy tales, relics of an ancient time that no longer held sway over modern werewolves. But now, standing here under the full moon, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was about to change forever.

The elder's eyes, reminiscing the flickering flames of the bonfire, found me in the crowd. “ Lucy of the white Moon pack, step forward”

A quietness fell over the gathering as I made my way to the center of the clearing.

I could feel the weight of their stares, a mix of curiosity, jealousy, and expectation. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing the rhythmic drumming that had begun at the perimeter of the gathering.

The elder beckoned me closer, and as I moved toward it, I felt the heat of the bonfire on my skin, the flames casting dancing shadows on my face.

“Tonight, the moon revealed a destined union,” the elder declared, his voice carrying a solemn reverence. He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in.

“Lucy, you and Skylar are destined mates.”

Sniffs of surprise and murmurs of excitement bubbled through the crowd.

My heart raced as I turned to see Skylar, the future alpha, step forward. He was tall and assessing, his silver hair catching the moonlight, his presence commanding respect and attention. His eyes, a striking shade of blue, met mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the world tightening to just the two of us.

But then, His expression hardened. He turned to the elder, his jaw set and eyes resolute.”I cannot accept this union.

A collective gasp echoed through the gathering, the sound of shock and disbelief.

I felt as if the ground had been pulled out from under me. The joy and expectation that had filled the atmosphere moments before were replaced by a heavy silence.

He proceeded, his stare fixed on the elder.

“ My duty to the pack is to guarantee a strategic alliance with the rival pack’s daughter. This union, though blessed by the moon, cannot fulfill that responsibility.”

The elder’s face tightened with objection, but he said nothing. The pack once united in celebration, now stood divided by his declaration. I felt the sting of disloyalty deep in my core, my mom and reeling from the public denial. The whispers among the crowd grew louder, a cacophony of perplexity and judgment.

“Skylar, how can you disobey the moon’s will?” one of the pack members shouted, his voice filled with disbelief.

Skylar turned to face the crowd, his expression unyielding. “ I do not disobey the moon’s will lightly,” he said, his voice carrying a heavy weight. “ But as future alpha, my first duty is to the well-being and future of our pack. An association with the rival pack’s daughter will bring us strength and security that we cannot afford to refrain from.”

I felt my heart shatter into a thousand pieces. I had always known Skylar to be enterprising, but I had never imagined he would sacrifice our bond for the sake of politics. I wanted to yell, to protest, but no words came out of my mouth. Instead, I turned and ran out of the gathering, my vision blurred by tears, my

mind a whirlwind of anguish and confusion.

I ran through the forest, the branches ripping at my gown and scraping my skin, but I didn't care. I needed to get away, to escape the suffocating weight of my pack’s anticipations and the crushing disloyalty of my supposed mate.

The moonlight led the way of my path, giving off startling shadows that looked like to mock my difficulty.

Finally, I reached the outskirts of Wolf’s Crest. The village lights glinted in the distance, a stark contrast to the dark, suspicious forest. I collapsed onto a fallen log, my breath coming in ragged gasps, my body shivering with the intensity of my emotions.

I could still hear the echoes of Skylar's rejection, his words replaying in my mind like a cruel taunt.

In the equanimity of the night, I allowed myself to break down. My wails echoed in the silence, a raw, primal sound that spoke to me of deep anguish and humiliation. I hugged myself tightly, trying to hold together the pieces of my broken heart. I had never felt so alone, so utterly retracted.

After what felt like hours, my wails dwindled into soft whimpers. I wiped my tear-streaked face with the back of her hand, my thoughts slowly connecting into a single, unyielding decision. I would not be bound by the anticipations of my pack or the cruel hand of destiny. I would falsify my path, no matter where it might lead.

As I stood, my legs rickety but determined, I glanced back towards the forest. The bonfire was a distant glow, the sounds of the ceremony faint echo.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead. With one last look at the place I had once called home, I turned and made my way toward the human town on the outskirts of the forest.

The town was a stark discrepancy between the forest and the village of Wolf's Crest. Streetlights blazed the roads, casting a harsh, artificial light that seemed to chase away the shadows. The buildings were tall and imposing, their windows dark and unwelcoming. As I walked through the abandoned streets, I felt an odd sense of relief. Here, among the humans, I could blend in, and become hidden.

I walked aimlessly, my thoughts a tangled mess of anger, grief, and determination. Eventually, I found myself in front of a small, dimly lit supermarket.

The neon sign droned aloft, giving out a sickly leafy glow onto the pavement. I pushed open the door, the bell jingling softly, and blazed inside.

The interior was a stark contrast to the outside world. Shelves lined with various goods stretched out before me, the atmosphere filled with the aware, mundane scents of human life. I walked through the aisles, the normality of the scene grounding in a way I desperately needed. The fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting a stark, sterile light on everything.

As I moved through the store, I became aware of another presence. A man stood at the end of the aisle, his rugged appearance drawing my attention. He was tall and athletic, his hair tousled mess of dark waves. His eyes, an impressive shade of amber, met mine with an intensity that sent a jolt through me. I felt an indisputable pull, a connection that was both thrilling and terrifying.

“Hey,” he said, his voice a low, hoarse rumble.” You look like you've had a rough night”

I forced a smile, though it felt more like a distortion.

“ You could say that.”

He stepped closer, his gaze never leaving mine.” I'm Darren,” he said, holding out a hand.

“Lucy,” I responded, taking his hand. His grasp was firm, his skin warm against mine.

“ What brings you here, Lucy?”He asked, his eyes searching for my answers.

I wavered, unsure how much to expose.

“ I needed to get away, “I said finally.

“ From my pack, from everything.”

Darren’s eyes loosened up with understanding.” know the feeling,” he uttered quietly.

“ Sometimes you just need to escape.”

We stood there for a moment, the quietness between us filled with unstated understanding. I felt a strange sense of comfort in his presence as if I had found a kindred in him.