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Ex-Husband Beggs Me Back

Ex-Husband Beggs Me Back



Ex-Husband Beggs Me Back PDF Free Download


On the eve of her engagement, An Xiaoxi was behaving wantonly in a bar, causing trouble with Mu Chen, the local overlord she shouldn't have provoked in City A. The next day she woke up, mistaking him for a gigolo, she hastily left him 200 dollars and fled. When they met again at a wedding occasion, her indecent behavior was exposed and the groom left her at the altar. The man who should have sought retribution came to her rescue in a domineering way: "Marry me!" Subsequently, she transformed from a humble illegitimate daughter to Mrs. Mu. Each day, he exploited her in the name of being her husband, demanding lavishly. However, to her dismay, when she had fallen for him heart and soul, he asked for a divorce...

Chapter 1

It hurts, it really hurts. My head feels like it's going to split and my body feels like it's going to crumble. An indescribable bitterness surges from within.

Morning sunlight seeps in through the window, Ann Creek sits upright from the bed with a dry throat and tousled long hair, the pain is unbearable.

"Ugh, I'm going to die, this feeling is disgusting." Clutching her mouth, Ann Creek can hardly bear the discomfort. She shouldn't have attended the singles' end night with Chu Chu last night, now, she is paying the price for her hangover- the feeling is excruciatingly unbearable.

The soft quilt slides off her body, Ann Creek sees red spots on her fair legs, more accurately looks like kisses, bite marks. With stiff sideways glance, the face of a man comes into her sight. Startled, she quickly covers her mouth, frightened that the scream might wake him up.

What on earth happened?

The man's face is thin and his eyebrows are like a sword. His eyelashes cast a shadow over his closed eyes, his fair skin seems to have a layer of rosy twilight, reflecting a dazzling gloss. On the man's strong body, the red nail scratches and hickies seem to be declaring the madness of last night. She doesn't recognize this handsome man!

In the same bed with a stranger, naked body, covered with love bites! There's no need to explain what happened last night!

Ann Creek grips her hair, she's on the verge of breakdown.

Her head feels like it's going to explode. Ahhh! Last night is a complete blackout! What happened after the third round of drinks! Chu chu?! She was drinking with Chu Chu last night. Damn Chu Chu, Where is she?! Who can tell her what on earth happened last night!

She only remembers bragging last night about her first time not going cheaply to a jerk like Johnny, but then after few rounds of drinks, she had a complete blackout!

Can't help but take another look at the handsome man lying beside her, Ann Creek's heart is pounding, she's scared when she thinks about last night and the current situation.

Such a handsome man in her room, could it be that she was drunk and called for an escort last night? Such a handsome guy must be expensive, crying, can she afford him? Biting her lower lip, Ann Creek cautiously crawled out of the bed, knelt down on the floor in search of her clothes to put on then carefully checked her bag. Checking her wallet, Ann Creek was stunned.

200 yuan, plus a few coins, this is all she got...

She should at least save some money for a cab, right? Eyeing around, Ann Creek mustered her courage and left the 200 yuan on the table.

I'm sorry handsome, this 200 yuan is all I have, after all, it's my first time, you're not losing out. Whispering in her heart, Ann Creek crawled on the ground trying to make as little noise as possible, and little by little, she escaped.

After exiting the hotel, An Xiaoxi finally let out a sigh of relief, and hastily hopped on a taxi. Turning on her phone, she dialed Zheng Chuchu's number in clear frustration, "Zheng Chuchu, you're such a..."

"An Xiaoxi, where on earth have you been, you idiot! Why aren't you here yet? The engagement ceremony is about to start, and your stepmother looks extremely upset. Hurry up and get here," Zheng Chuchu spoke in a hushed voice from the other end.

An Xiaoxi felt a violent head rush, making her scalp somewhat numb.

She had totally forgotten! Today, today was the day of the engagement banquet! She was truly doomed now.

"I...I'll be there soon, I'll be there soon!" Upon hanging up, An Xiaoxi scrambled to turn off her phone, and hurriedly called out to the taxi driver ahead of her, "Driver, please change course! Change course!"