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Possessive CEO And I, His Secretary

Possessive CEO And I, His Secretary

Autor: K.S. ORION



Possessive CEO And I, His Secretary PDF Free Download


Rumors goes around that the rich and handsome Chairman Jay Young is nothing but an arrogant narcissist who treated his Secretary worse than a dog. But this doesn't discourage the rookie Sarah Han to move to Seoul and work for the Chairman as his Personal Secretary. Apparently, Sarah is bound to discover that Chairman Jay's past is connected to her's and he is very different from what people thought about him. Why does he even keep the picture of her childhood in his album?

Chapter 1

"Honey, why don't you do something about this since you have a friend who knows the Chairman of Flamingo Cosmetics," suggest my Mom, to my Dad who is currently assaulting the keyboard with his large fingers and not even focusing on the conversation.

"We must not allow her to be transferred to Seoul, never." Mom adds. As expected, she doesn't like the idea of my work transfer. She can't bare not having someone around her to disturb.

Last year, I moved out of my family house and started living alone in my studio apartment away from home, but Mom often comes over to sleep and bother me with gossips about her Friend's son whom she wants to set me up on a blind date with.

"Eomma, I don't want to feel favored or make my colleagues think that I'm incompetent for my job," I say, trying to look serious. "Some of them already think that I got the job only because of my family's connection. I want to work hard on my own so please don't interfere in my professional life."

"But I find it strange that they're transferring you all of a sudden. You're not the only staff there, why does it have to be you?"

"Our CEO's secretary has passed away last week. I'm the only young person without kids who can quickly replace him for the time being. I'm not going to stay there, I'm going to transfer back as soon as they get a replacement. This is an emergency and I already told our Manager that I can manage."

"Sarah can handle it. She's just like me when it comes to showing off her competency at work. Let her do want she wants to do." Dad says in support of me, still typing and staring at his laptop. Though he said it the wrong way and I feel the need to correct him. And perhaps, stir up some troubles for him.

"Appa, i'm not showing off my competency. And why are you saying I take after you when you threatened to disown me yesterday?" I say, louder so that Mom can hear the words clearly.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see my Dad glaring at me. He has completely stopped typing and is now waiting for me to look at him.

"Honey what is she talking about?" Mom ask, with a burning curiosity spreading fast all over her face as she tries to divide her attention between Dad and I. "Is it true you threatened to disown our Sarah?"

Dad gently place the laptop on the couch as he stand up to his tall height. "I'm thirsty." He announces, and then he starts walking away, hurrying towards the kitchen, with Mom's short height trailing after him.

"Why would you say such harsh words to our baby, honey? Explain what you mean by disowning her, for what reason? Do you have anyone better than our Sarah? Do you know the severity of saying horrible things like that to your own child? You're not responding to me honey," nagging continues. . .

I laugh to my satisfaction but feel a little bit bad for my Dad after. Mother's nagging can be very scary sometimes, I wonder how they managed to stay in love for thirty one years. A sudden thought of having myself getting stuck with a partner like Mom makes me shiver internally, and I quickly snap out. I glance at my watch only to see that there's just about an hour to my flight.

Following my parents to the Kitchen, we say our final goodbyes and Dad helps me to leave quickly before Mom will finish gathering the bean powder she's planning to put in my already loaded luggage.

Because Dad has a lot to do and needs to rest before tomorrow, Monday, I refuse to allow him to follow me to the airport.


Monday morning was super quick to come by. I only slept for about four hours before my alarm woke me up. Last night was hectic because I did all my stuff arrangements alone without receiving any external help. My new place is also a fairly large and well equipped studio apartment which our company provided me with. Manager Ahn said a car will be given to me as soon as I meet with the CEO.

Talking about the CEO, Mr Jung Jae-young, who goes by his English name Jay, everyone at work thinks I'm lucky to be given such a big opportunity to work for him. I've heard and seen a lot about him on TV, but not even once in reality.

A lot of people admire his face and success given his young age of twenty eight. However, rumors are circulating that he has a narcissistic personality disorder and his temper is unimaginably shitty. I have already heard enough about how he treated his former secretary like a dog, and how miserable he made the man, yet the thought didn't hinder me from accepting the role when Manager Ahn talked to me.

Manager Ahn said the CEO rejected all the young employees working at the head office which was why he had to pick someone from our office in Daegu.

Well, I'm going to see for myself before forming any judgements about him. I dash out through the door in a hurry that I left my overall coat which I'm supposed to be using to guard myself against the cold.

As I head back in to grab it, I stop at the mirror to adjust the sleeve of my inner shirt. My suit is black but my heels are red in color so they stand out. I'm contemplating changing the heels and opting for a comfortable sneakers, but again, I don't want to show up looking like a rookie in front of the CEO. I guess I just have to go with the heels. I'm not willing to let the CEO find any flaw in my dressing which is why I put on my best work clothes to blast him with my impressive first impression.

The taxi drops me off opposite our Company's skyscraper building. I head out and walk to stand at the crosswalk. Waiting for the traffic light, I glance up at the massive skyscraper, feeling myself struck by awe and admiration. I can't believe that our company's head office is this huge and elegant in reality. A bold and colorful calligraphy written 'Flamingo Cosmetics' is fixed above the building, along with the statue of a Flamingo bird perching atop the skyscraper which makes the building to appear even more elegant and original.

Once again, I feel so proud of our skincare brand. We are one of the best cosmetic brand in Korea so our job is quite tasking and the competition is very high, but I really want to do well.

I don't notice that people have already start crossing the road until someone slightly graze their shoulder with mine. The young man turn and murmur out an apology before he hurriedly cross the road while I follow after him right away, causing the cars to start honking at me impatiently.

This is Seoul for you. Everyone tend to always be in a rush as if they're racing themselves to the end of the world. And in fact, this is the part of the country where people don't normally apologize whenever they graze your shoulder or push you. I think this man must be a real gentleman.

Surprisingly, he and I are both heading for the skyscraper entrance. I assume he also works at our Flamingo, judging from the rainbow color of the tag he has around his neck. As we pass through the censored double doors, he stops walking and turns himself around.

"Are you new here?" He asks, all of a sudden.

"Hello," I nod a little to greet him, and then I raise my head up wearing a warm smile, "Yes, I'm new here." I say. "I'm Sarah Han. Do you mind directing me to CEO Jay's office?"

"Ah, sorry for my bad behavior. I should've greeted first and introduce myself. I'm Kim Jin Woo, I work at the Make up department. It looks like this is your first time here, why do you want to meet with the CEO himself?"

"I'm from the Daegu branch office. Possibly the temporary replacement for the CEO's Personal Secretary position."

"Ah, congratulations. In that case, please ask one of the receptionist for a proper directions. Hwaighting!" He cheers for me as he flash out a set of splendid white teeth before turning and walking away in a hurry.

Such a strange, gentleman he is. He shouldn't have asked why I want to meet with the CEO if he has no intention of directing me to the office isn't it?

I walk towards the counter, trying to measure my steps and walk steadily to avoid tripping over my legs and causing a scene in front of all the employees. They're roaming everywhere across the spotless white tiles which is covering a wide expanse of space. There's a powerful lighting which has helped to enhance the neatness of the floor.

"Hello." I say, pulling out my ID Card and issuing it to the first young lady who's smiling from behind the spotless, marble counter. "I'm here as the new replacement for the CEO's Personal Secretary position. I'm Sarah Han." Isn't that obvious already? Of course you're Sarah Han!

"Welcome." She kindly hands back my ID. "Please hold on for a minute let me make a call." And then she turns around and press the telephone.

Just witnessing how this young lady clutches the phone in her hand is causing my stomach to churn. She's speaking with honorifics dripping out of her lips as if the lives of her entire bloodline depend on it. It seems like the employees are not at all comfortable with the CEO, how can an outcast like me survive here?

"Use this in the elevator to go up the thirtieth floor," she says, issuing me a security pass which I kindly collect with both hands. "The elevators are here." She adds, pointing towards a bend.

"Thank You." I smile.

I walk my heels to the first elevator and enter, along with six more employees who all got off at some point until I am left alone again. And finally, the engine shoots me up to the thirtieth floor. The doors part open and I step into a massive lobby. This thirtieth floor looks like a whole different place than the first floor because there are no doors or windows or cushions or anything but an expanse of another spotless white marble flooring. The walls are made of glasses, revealing my reflections at three separate angles.

Oh, there's a door actually. Just one lonely looking door fixed into the glass wall at one end of the lobby.

My heels make a click-clack sound as I walk to the door and stand, feeling the knot in my stomach tightening. I'm lost, my brain has turned to jelly and I don't even know what I'm supposed to do —whether to knock or just open up. Whenever I raise my hand to knock, it will tremble and cause me to put it back on my side.

I'm going to stand here for a minute and practice my breathing exercise to calm down my racing heart. Breathe in. . . Breathe Out. . . In. . . Out. . . In. . . Out. . . In. . .

"What are you doing?"

I gulp and shoot my eyes open only to be seeing a large brown eyes framed by glasses which soon becomes a full face of an unfamiliar young man in my view. No, I've seen him before, but he looks far better than what I am used to seeing on magazines and TV. The CEO of our brand; our Flamingo Cosmetics. He's so tall and very good looking;  thick dark hair and eyebrows, straight average nose and a cute upturned lips. His black, fur coat perfectly fit his straight, broad shoulders as far as my eyes can see. The one thing that mess up his look is the unwavering scowl that is plastered on his face like a living, angry kakao emoji.

"I know I'm good looking, but don't stare at me without my permission, Miss Han." I snap out of my daydream only to notice the close proximity of his face almost about to touch mine. I stagger backward quickly, but my high heels unfortunately loose balance, causing my left leg to flip over like a pancake. My weight descends onto a bone. . . Ouch! I yelp out in agony, mentally preparing myself for a crash. I'm ready to get buried in my pain and disgrace.

I'm waiting for the fall with eyes closed, but instead, I feel strong hands on my waist, holding and steadying me. His face is inching close to mine, and oh, shit, he just lets go of me.

I find myself flat on my bum with my hands on the floor as I Inwardly start cursing out his damned generation.