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Reborn Rich

Reborn Rich

Autor: Sunshinehardey



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Sophia’s life changed instantly when her mom died after a boating accident. Her father took over her mom’s company and got remarried. Her stepmother and stepsister made her life a living hell and during an expansion project for the company, Sophia was arranged to be married off to the handicapped son of a rich family. Sophia ran away from home and was rescued by the Wilsons - a powerful and influential family. In her quest for revenge, she becomes entangled with the first son and head of the Wilson empire. Will she get her revenge after years of suffering? Or will she get distracted and dishonor her mother’s heritage? What will happen when her father and stepmother begin to manipulate her? Or when her stepsister tries to get her clutches into her man? Will she fight back harder or will she let herself be manipulated?

Chapter 1

As Sophia scrubbed the floor of her dad’s mansion, there were tears streaming down her face.

She should have gotten used to this by now. But no matter how she tries to prepare herself for the day’s chores. It was still too much to bear.

Her life wasn’t always like this. In fact, it was far better than this. She was the first and only child of the Miller family in City X. Their family was a well known one as they were part of the ruling families in terms of the business and economy of the city and so were very influential.

She was well loved and taken care of. She had maids at her beck and call. And life couldn’t have been better for her.

But all that changed after her mother died when she was just 12 years old. They had been on a vacation and had decided to go on a boat ride. The waves had been too strong to navigate and the boat they were in toppled. They all fell into the water and had to swim for their lives.

Sophia’s mom risked her life to save Sophia’s and by the time she made sure Sophia was safe, she was already too tired. Before anyone could get help, it was already too late for her mom.

Sophia knew that her mom had given her life to save hers and she was eternally grateful.

Shortly after that incident, just three months after, her dad took over her mom’s company that she inherited from her dead parents and remarried.

Her stepmother fit into the stereotypes of all wicked stepmothers. Her only difference was that she didn’t have to hide her disdain and hate for Sophia as her father couldn’t care less about her.

Her stepmother had brought a girl of about Sophia’s age into the marriage and she was the one her father showered all his love and affection on. The little girl was also influenced by her mother and in little time started giving Sophia hell too.

Almost six years had passed since her mother died and Sophia was now a young lady of 18. She had undergone different types of abuse both emotional and physical, in the hands of her stepmother and father.

It was tiring and she was getting fed up with the situation. She wasn’t even wishing for too much, just for her to have a normal life like every teenager out there. But guess that was also too much for her to ask for.

Finishing her chores for the day, she went to the kitchen to get her food for the day. It was already midday and she hasn’t had anything to eat. This happens almost everyday so it wasn’t new to her. The only exception were the days they had her late mother’s family over. They pretended to be a happy family then with threats behind closed doors.

The kitchen staff had already dished her food and she ate it immediately in the kitchen since she mustn’t be caught slacking off else her food privileges might be revoked.

Going to the basement where her room was located, she took her bath and started studying for school. One of her pride was that she was very intelligent. She found school work very easy and had graduated high school earlier that year.

She was hoping to gain admission into college soon but that was also a distant dream in her current state.

“Sophia, Sophia. Where did that useless girl go to? Get your useless self over here right now.”

Hearing her stepmother call for her so angrily. Sophia was sure she was going to be punished even if she had done nothing wrong. So she hurriedly left the basement and went to answer her stepmother.

“I’m here ma.”

“Where have you been, did you not hear me calling for you since?”

“I was in the basement, I came immediately I…..”

“Just forget it, don’t reply. What of the assignment I gave to you? Have you gotten the information I asked from you?”

Remembering that she had asked me to ask my friends about when the young master of the Wilson family would be coming to city X.

“Yes but there isn’t much information and I’m not sure he’ll be coming to city X soon.”

“Aren’t you friends with that twerp from the Mason Family. I thought they were friends. Did you ask him?”

“Yes I’m friends with Steve but I couldn’t ask that sort of thing from him.” I replied her getting bored with her questions. If she was looking for a marriage prospect for her daughter, surely she could do better than using me to source for information. There are matchmakers for this sort of thing.

“I knew you were useless before giving you this assignment and you just proved me right once again. It’s my fault for thinking you could be useful for once in your life. You’ve surely taken after your useless mother.”

Feeling stung by her words, I took a step back and glared at her. It was my small attempt at rebellion and even though I knew it wouldn’t bode well for me, I still did it because I despised her for always bringing up my mother in her insults.

“Who the hell are you glaring at that way? How dare you. I see you’ve grown some wings. Isn’t that so? Don’t worry, I’ll break them as I’ve always done. Now get out of my sight and go clean up my daughter’s bedroom, she’ll be back from her trip tomorrow and you know how much she despises dust and dirt.”

Heeding her words, I left her sight to go and do what she asked me to do. I had forgotten my step sister would be back from her trip abroad with her friends tomorrow. That meant more trouble, at least with her gone I had only to deal with the mother but with her coming back tomorrow, it was double the trouble.

Hearing her hiss resounding behind me as I climbed up the stairs to clean up the room, I vowed once again in my heart to get myself out of this situations. How exactly, I do not know but I will surely find a way.