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Autor: Parnika


Steamy Stories



Jalal couldnt believe that fate will play such a pathetic joke when he saw jodha again, he thought he would never meet her again but there she is in flesh and blood in front of him, the pain he tried to buried all these years come again like a knife slicing his heart, he want to make her suffer just like the way he suffer, he want her feel the pain just like his pain, he want to hurt her, crush her but he cant denied and he still cant get her out of his heart, no matter how much he hate her but she still under his skin, but what jalal didnt know that his encounter with jodha will changed him forever, when he finally find out what jodha must been through for the last 4 years he will use all his power to win back jodha, he will get her by his side at any cost, nothing can stop him from making jodha his wife not even the hottie ruqaiya sultan who is now his fiancee.

Chapter 1

Juhi watch jodha who is laying on the couch with motherly concern, she is been her psychiatrist for almost 2,5 years now and she done lot of effort to finally make her feel normal again but she still trap in the darkness, the painfull experiences she suffered 3 years ago still leave a nasty scar in her heart and soul, sometimes she wonder why God give this sweet beautiful girl such hard life, but may be this is life and we never knew what the story written up for our life, she back to reality and hearing jodha says something.

" im sorry jodha what you say ? "

Jodha look at Juhi with smile in her face, her best frend mother were like her own mother, since her mother death and mess in her life she was taken her under her wings, she help her to back on her own feet again " I say tonight my boss asking my help supervise an event since some some supervisor cant come to work due to flu, it's a engagement party if im not mistaken " said jodha

" oh really jodha .. that's a good news my child, im happy for you because it will the first time for you to have an opportunity to socialize again, I know you're attending not as a guest but at least you can feel and watch how people get to know each other " Juhi catch a glimpse of fear in her eyes.

" but aunty .. how if I cant ... "

" stop jodha ... " cut Juhi " its been a long time and you show a lot of improvement so don't feel fear my child, its time now you move forward, leave the past, what's the past stay in the past, don't let it hold your back to reach happiness, you're young still have very long way , have lot things you haven't see and reach so don't give up, don't let the past become a obstacle that you couldn't pass .. and beside .. moti will be with you so im sure you're gonna fine " jodha nod understand to every her words, may be it is the time she put everything behind and start her new life.

" yes aunty ,, I just hope I wont feel awkward looking soo much people around me, but like you said moti will be with me so im confident I will be ok " she said with excited.

Juhi smile with satisfaction listening to her positivity " good jodha . . I like your positivity, and don't forget to tell me bout it , I want to know all the detail "

Jodha laugh with happily " of course aunty . .i wil tell you everything "

There is pain in Juhi heart listening jodha laugh, its very rare to hear jodha laugh " oke jodha .. you and moti have fun ok " and jodha nod as agreement.

MughaLs Coorporation Head Office

Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar read the report on his hands with serious, he found something odd in one branch sales report and give it note to let adgah investigate this matter, then he close the report and when he intend to take another report the phone on his desk ringing, he pick it up in the first ring.

" yes ... "

" Mr. Jalal ... Ms. Ruqaiya want to see you " his secretary announce.

Jalal take a deep breath cos he know what for ruqaiya come to his office " let her in " he said then close the phone, not for long the door open and a beautiful woman come into his office, ruqaiya indeed a very beautiful woman and only with one glance men will fall on her feet but not him, he is immune to her beauty , her beauty is nothing compare to one woman he knew once and without his permission her face come to his mind, her innocent smile, her doe eyes, her curly long back hairs and her soft voice , with her face come to his mind he feel pain in his heart just like someone stab it with a knife.

" Jalal ... " hearing ruqaiya calling him jalal back to reality, ruqaiya standing in front of his desk.

Very quick jalal composed himself " yes ruqaiya ... what can I do for you ? "

Ruqaiya see jalal lost in his mind for a few second and she wonder what he think about " I just want to remind you bout tonight "

Jalal smirk " aahh tonight .. of course I remember it ruqiaya, how can I forget it if you remind me everyday . . . " said jalal cynical.

" Im afraid you forget it since you seem not interesting in our engagement "

Jalal look at ruqaiya with his cold hawk eyes " this engagement is arranged by my ammijan and your abbujan,from the very beginning I've been honest with u that I agreed to this matter only for ammijan and I've told you once don't fancy yourself that i will acted like a doting your fiance to be, I've busy enough with work no need wasting my time into something not important " said jalal coldly.

Ruqaiya know that jalal love for his mom that make him agree to this engagement but she never think that he will act like this, she know people call him Iceman for a reason, she never heard news bout him linked with a woman, he is famous for being as one of the most richest people in the world, he own lots of business, from hotel chain to gold mining, he inherit mughal coorporation from his father but he is the one who make the company became huge like now, no one dare to challenge him in business world, this company is like his own kingdom and he is the absolute power, if people cant follow his ethic and rhythme work he will show the way out but he is appreacite hie employee who give contribution to his company and he pay them big.

" I know jalal your time almost for work .. but at least please show some interesting in this engagement matters, what will people say ... "

" I never care what peolpe say bout me ... " he cut her.

Ruqaiya take a deep breath to keep her patient " I know that too jalal ... just don't forget to attend ok " she said almost plead, she never plead in her life but this is bout her honor and her good name, if jalal not come she wont be able to show her face to media, and despite his cold manner she is very curious with him, no woman can tame this handsome iceman and she always up for a challenge, in modellling world she is famous for her beauty and she can get any man she want but not this man, he even didn't look at her twice when they met for the first time infact he looked so boring when they spen time together, and she is not used with man not interesting in her.

" Don't worry ruqaiya I will come .. " he reassure her.

Ruqaiya feel relief listening to his words " okey than .. I will waiting for you tonight " she said with excitement.

Jalal nod " so if you finish there are lot of report I must to read so . . . "

Ruqaiya not a fool to not understand that is the signal she must leave but at least he already said he will come and one thing everyone know bout this iceman that he is man of his words " ok ok .. I will leave now , my make up artist will come in an hour to arrange my make up .. so I will leave you now , see you tonigh jalal " said ruqaiya then she fly out from jalal office.

Jalal see her leaving his office with unreadable expression then he got up and walking towards the windows, he look up the sky and remembering the woman he love once, the first and the last woman he ever love, she completely broken his heart and shattered it into pieces and his broken heart unheal even after soo many years, he lost faith into something called love, its like poison now for him.

" wherever you are I hope you miserable like me Jodha " he whisper with soo much hatred.