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Mated To Two Alphas And A Vampire

Mated To Two Alphas And A Vampire

Autor: Faye James



Mated To Two Alphas And A Vampire PDF Free Download


Camelia's life has been far from sunshine and roses. Faced with nothing but hatred from her father, she lived as a wolf-less omega in the Goldmoon pack. She was known to be cursed due to her unique features: bicolored hair and three scars on her nape. Her heart was shattered when she received rejection from the Alpha's son, Carlos, who turned out to be her mate. Every six years, a selection is made for omegas from various packs according to a rule from the famous Lycan beast, Xavier, who sought to find his destined mate at all costs. Unluckily for Camelia, she was among the chosen ones to be selected as his mate. But things became awry when she discovered she was the true mate for Lycan Xavier. Not only did things go awry, but they also became more complicated when Carlos came to reclaim her as his mate, along with Desmond, a vampire who viewed her as his destined soulmate. This made Camelia realize one thing: she has not just one but three mates. Camelia stands at the center of a prophetic revelation, holding the key to something far greater than she can ever imagine. But as she learns why she was chosen, evil slowly starts closing in. With her three mates serving as pieces to complete her puzzle-filled life, she is bound to make three great nations be at peace with each other. Camelia wasn't just an ordinary lady; she possessed a great secret power, unknown to her, and was wanted and coveted by various clans, demons, and enemies. When she gets trapped in the hands of her enemies, who will be the fated one to save her and finally claim her? What happens when a sudden twist of events occurs and she finds herself entangled with Zeus Dimitrious, the famous Dragon King from another kingdom? Will he turn out to be her captor or just another mate?

Chapter 1

Alpha Carlos has returned from war. He just arrived!"

The girls ran towards the courtyard when I heard their loud cries; they grinned and laughed, having caught a glimpse of the handsome Prince.

We shared the same age and status and they were maids and omegas, just like me.

When I saw Carlos, who was dressed in silver armor, getting off his horse, I turned and stood at a corner, a big smile spreading across my lips. He appeared to be in perfect shape and still looked hot even after returning from war.

Carlos was the precious son of Alpha Varlos and Goldmoon pack's successor. As the pack's apparent heir and the incoming Alpha, he had been putting in alot of training. To please his father, he has engaged in numerous wars, discovered numerous treasures, and even vanquished an entire pack. He was his father's pride and joy, and the entire pack looked up to him as the next worthy Alpha of Goldmoon pack.

"Long live the Prince!" The pack member's bowed to him respectfully and said in unison. Carlos smiled warmly at them as he passed by, followed closely by some sentinels. He appeared much heroic with his cloak hung behind him and his muscles straining against his knight garb. Women were drawn to him because of his statuesque, demure, appearance and modesty.

His father gave him a passionate hug, and when they released themselves, his eyes met mine and he gave me a comforting grin.


Night drew in quickly as the clouds began to build. That evening, I was feeding the cattle among the other maids while in my simple gray outfit. I was abruptly pulled from behind by a hand, and when I turned to see who it was, my eyes grew wide when I realized it was...."Carlos!"

"What are you doing here?" I inquired with my eyes darting around, ensuring no one sees us. An omega was not allowed to come in contact with the Alpha's son, strike up a conversation with him, or worse, form a romantic bond with him.

"Shhhhh! Follow me", Carlos insisted, dragging my hands along with him.

We came to a quiet spot, and he stepped up towards me, his hands on the wall, leaving me in the middle. Our eyes locked, and I couldn't help but blush from his shyness as he gazed at me. His bluish dreamy eyes studied my facial features and it was impossible to ignore the fact that the heat was making my cheeks blush.

"I miss you Camelia. I felt lonely without you during the war" He confessed as he leaned and moved his face closer to mine.

"I have also been eagerly awaiting your return. I'm relieved you made it back safely and unharmed." I mumbled back to him, smiling, as he caressed my cheeks and ran his fingers through my usual bicolored hair.

"I brought you something." He releaved as he stood upright and reached for his pocket. I was astounded to see the exquisite flowers he was holding when he opened his palms


"This is for you, my lady."

"Flowers are special to me and I'll keep giving them to you because you hold a special place in my heart." He said sincerely as he held my chin and gazed at my pretty cherry lips.

He twirled me around and pulled me toward himself, putting the flowers in my hair. My lips dropped open with a gasp as I settled onto his chest, staring into his elegant eyes.

It reminded me of the first time we met.

Four years ago....

My dad yelled angrily as he dragged me aggressively, causing a scene in front of everyone. Since I refused to accept the marriage he arranged for me and his creditor, he became enraged.

Considering how he never treated me like his child, I detested having him as father. My mother's death after childbirth left him believing that I was cursed.

He wasn't the only one who believed that I was cursed. The entire pack believed that I was also cursed because of the unique markings on my nape and the peculiar features of my hair.

Although the majority of my hair was black, a few strands in the front were naturally white. Even I was curious as to why I was born with those features.

"Explain to me why you are against marrying him! Simply tell me, you fool!"

"Dad, I can't. I'm much younger than him. We're all aware that he's merely an elderly man seeking pleasure from me. I'm only thirteen and I'm keeping myself for my mate.!" I scooted backwards and protested, wiping my tears with my palms.


Those words came out of my dad's mouth with scorn.

"I have no interest in keeping you as my daughter. You killed my wife and I've been wretched and miserable ever since your birth. What's the purpose of your existence when nothing good ever happens? I'm so done with you!"

With that final statement, my dad pulled me over to his creditor, Mr. Cornell, who was a famous middle aged businessman.

We lived in the small settlement of Goldmoon Pack, and I noticed that a few pack members assembled to watch the scene.

"Someone like you doesn't deserve a mate". My dad pushed me towards Mr. Cornell, who griped me firmly with a smile plastering on his face.

"Dad, please don't do this!"

I let out a cry and attempted to break free from Cornell's hold, but he was much more powerful than me.

Nobody offered assistance or intervention; everyone just watched the scene in silence.

"How can a father do this to his own daughter?"

"Don't blame him. She is cursed, most likely by a witch or the moon goddess."

Hearing the rumours and chatter of a few slanderers who had come to see the situation made me cry.

As soon as I was ready to face my fate, I heard a horse neighs and footsteps approaching behind me. I noticed that as everyone looked up at the folks coming towards us, fear replaced every other emotion on their faces.

Confusion spread across my face, as I wondered what happened. When I turned around, I was startled to see Alpha Carlos getting off his white horse.

"What in earth is Prince Carlos doing here?"

I asked in my thoughts and my eyes widened as he reached for my direction.

I stood on a spot, my eyes transfixed in him like I was staring at a handsome ghost.

Everywhere went quiet with all eyes on him, wondering what he was about to do.

"Why are you forcing her to get married to someone old enough to be her father?" Carlos turned to ask my father who had fear written all over his face..

"I--I. I. She expressed to me her desire to get married." Unable to keep his eyes in Carlos, my father responded with a bow.

My father's comment caused my eyes to widen with disbelief. Carlos smirked, knowing fully well that thise were lies coming out from his mouth.


He approached me with slow steps.

"Did you consent to it?"

"No_no, your majesty. I didn't." I replied and bowed my head simultaneously.

"I understand that meddling in family's problems is not my place, but I think things ought to be handled properly.

"Since she's a human, you should respect her decision. I'm the Alpha's son and it's my responsibility to ensure every of my pack members are okay."

"Come!" Carlos said, stretching out his hands toward me while I held him and stepped away from Cornell.

"I want to ensure that this never happens again. You have no right to treat her like a piece of property because she is your daughter." Carlos stated to my father in a sincere and caring manner. I was unable to look away from him.

I fell in love with him right away because of his captivating blue eyes, his lips, and the way he stood up for me.


I went to the riverbank later that night to give thanks to the moon goddess. To finally meet someone who genuinely cares about me.

'What if Carlos is my mate? What if he's the one to save me from my plight?' I asked myself happily as I dunk my hand into the river, feeling it's coldness on my skin.

I grinned, but was abruptly pulled from my reverie by a deep, lovely voice.

"How're you doing?"

I stood up as I turned to the direction of the voice and I was shocked to see that it was Carlos again.

"I'm doing fine",

"I really appreciate what you did for me back there, your highness" I said with a bow and he took quick steps towards me with a smile.

His beautiful lavender scent mixed with cologne overtook the smell of the grass. We smiled as the soft breeze blew past, cooling our skin and undulating our hair.

"Your name is Camelia, isn't it?" He asked and I nodded with a faint smile.

"I've heard quiet some things about you."

"Yeah, people say I'm bad luck." I added, smiling but there wasn't a single trace of smile on his face. Instead, he held my chin and stared at me with his calculating stunning blue eyes.

."Who says you're bad luck? You're more like an angel." He said, holding my hands and my heart raced as I gazed into his eyes.

I felt some connections with him even though I hadn't found my wolf yet. He was nineteen, six years older than me then, but I didn't mind our age . I felt the need to be with him and I was certainly sure he'd be my mate.

He caressed my cheeks and played with my hair lovingly. After that, he leaned and whispered to me. "Always remember that you are special no matter what."

I blushed and watched as he plucked some flowers on the river bank. He walked back to my direction and placed the flowers in my hair.

"This is for you. Next time people look down on you, just look at these flowers and remind yourself of how special you are."

I smiled as I touched the flowers and we both maintained our gaze, spreading out our arms to feel the cool breeze.

NOW. . . .

"Thanks for always reminding me that I'm special." I muttered, standing on my toes as I touched his soft plump lips.

"I love you!" Carlos admitted, tickling my nose and I blushed uncontrollably.

Within the twinkle of an eye, he dragged me closer to himself again. As he leaned forward, he planted his lips gently on mine.

I held him by the waist, and returned the kiss slowly and passionately. He pushed me to the wall, placing his hands on it and gave me a hungry kiss with our tongues sliding in and fighting for dominance.

Holding his head with my other hand, I opened myself up to his kisses as I dragged him by the collar.

We stopped whatever we were doing when we heard an angry, guttural roar. Our eyes widened in horror as we turned around and saw Alpha Varlos accompanied by a few sentinels.

I saw Carlos retreat nervously in awe as there was fury written on his father's face.

How on earth did Alpha Varlos find out about our hideout?

I couldn't help but cry. I knew I was done for.