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I‘m An Agent Undercover in High School

I‘m An Agent Undercover in High School



I‘m An Agent Undercover in High School PDF Free Download


Riley Scott's the one name that everyone knows in the agency. She's the best at her job along with her best friend, Joey. So when Riley is ordered by her step-father to go undercover in a high school in LA, she's all but surprised. Catching a few drug dealers should be easy. But when things start taking longer than expected and love starts getting in the way, Riley's almost perfect life starts spiraling. Will she make it back home or will love or even death get in the way?

Chapter 1

I watched from the van as the male brought in a young girl into the old factory. I wasn't familiar with the place, but based on the coordinates and the information I was provided, it used to be a manufacturing company for some corporate company. Looking at the blue prints beforehand given to me from the agency, I was able to hide easily right now. Especially in such a tight vent. I was thankful for being blessed and staying such a thin female.

The girl I was keeping an eye on seemed about twelve and was sobbing, which filled me with disgust as the guy dragged her in on the floor.

"Thank you, Steve. You ready for a good time?" a guy who looked to be in his early fifties sneered at the girl as he tied her up to a chair.

"Please let me go," the girl sobbed.

"Shut up," the man yelled as he slapped her across the face, leaving a red mark.

"Robert, she also has a sister. I locked her in the bathroom," the guy named Steve said.

"Perfect. I will have fun with her later." Robert smirked at the little girl. Steve nodded and stood next to a gray pole on the other side of the room.

"No, don't hurt my sister. She is only eight," the girl yelled and received another slap from Robert. The poor girl would probably have bruises after this.

"That's enough," I said as I jumped down from the vent. I was furious that he had treated a girl, especially of this age, like this.

"Who are you?" Robert sneered at me.

I ignored his question and pulled out a gun, pointing at him.

"Step away from the girl," I ordered.

He quickly held up his own gun and pointed it at the little girl, who was still sobbing.

"Take another step and she's dead," he said, causing the girl to shake in fear.

I put up my hands in surrender, worried for the poor girl's life.

"Now put your gun down," Robert demanded.

I nodded, setting my gun in front of me. I smirked as he started walking toward me with the gun still raised, but now at me.

"Who knew someone could be so dumb?" I said, shaking my head as I pulled out my hand gun from the back of my pants, pointing it at him. This time , he held up his hands, but I was smart enough to know he was trying to distract me. He wasn't scared and I knew it.

"Put your weapon down," I demanded anyways, and he quickly moved his hands back down and pulled the trigger on the gun. Expecting the exact motion, I quickly dropped to the ground and slid my leg in a fast motion so it hit his own, causing him to trip and stumble backwards. I laughed as I realized nothing came out of the gun in the first place.

"There is something called a safety button, dumb ass," I said, shaking my head. I quickly moved back to a standing position and didn't hesitate as I did a high kick, kicking him in the head as he tried to figure out his gun. He groaned as he landed on the floor, the gun sliding the opposite way as it left his hand. I quickly took out my handcuffs and clicked them on his wrists as he laid on his stomach, groaning.

The other guy, Steve, tried running out of the room but Joey, another agent, stopped him and kicked him a few times, eventually knocking him out. Then he handcuffed him as well. Joey wiped fake dust off his shoulder, giving me a cheeky grin causing me to smile.

It was definitely one of the easier jobs. We've been tracking these guys for weeks trying to figure out why there were sudden disappearances with young females. They'd disappear for multiple days and then randomly reappear severely injured and with no memory.

"I always wondered why you got this job," I said, rolling my eyes. "Go get her sister out of the bathroom," I said, walking toward the girl in the chair.

"Got it, red bird," Joey said, raising his hand to his forehead, doing a fake salute and running off, making me roll my eyes.

"Red Bird reporting in. Job is done," I said into my earpiece as I cut the ropes off the girl's wrists and ankles.

"Once again, nice job, Red Bird," Cole said into his own earpiece as police started coming in, picking up Steve and Robert.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" I asked, bending down.

She threw her arms around me as she cried into my shoulder. "Thank you!" she said in between sobs as she held onto me tighter.

"It's no problem at all," I said, wrapping my arms around her. "Don't worry. I'm going to get you and your sister back to your parents right away," I said as Joey walked in with the girl's sister.

"What's your name?" I asked the twelve—year—old.

"Dani, and that's my sister Caitlyn," Dani said as her sister ran over to her.

"It's nice to meet you two. Now come on, let's get you out of this awful place," I said leading the one young girl out as Joey followed with the other, only his hand on the small of her back to help lead her forward.

"Once again, we did it. That had to be the easiest mission yet," Joey said as the girls ran to their mother, who was waiting outside of the warehouse.

"Indeed, it was. Celebrate with some Nandos?" I asked Joey.

"Let's go!" he said , dragging me to his car. I tied my trench coat around me so no one would see my black tactical pants and my skin tight, zip up jacket that had tons of weapons attached. People would start questioning who I was if they saw my knives and guns.

"We have to get our paper work done first back at the office before anything." I reminded him, causing him to groan.

"Just once, I'd wish you'd forget." He said frowning as he put his hand on his growling stomach.

I rolled my eyes, "Definitely not. It's important and you know Cole would have our asses if we didn't do it." I said causing him to sigh.

"Fine, let's go."

Maybe I should explain. I'm Riley Scott's, the secret agent. I have been training to be an agent since I was about twelve , right after my parents were murdered by a robber. I am now eighteen and a field agent who does multiple side jobs and conducts cases as a criminal investigator all around Europe for the FCA, the Federal Crime Agency. I became an agent when I was sixteen due to my genuine smarts and amazing photographic memory that would've had me skipping grades in school. At sixteen, I was able to stay behind the scenes and help with cases, slowing working my way up to being the best agent possible until I turned 18 and could start going out in field missions. Part of it is when my parents were murdered, it stuck with me, shaping me to work hard.

On that night six years ago, I was laying in my bed, trying to sleep, when I heard a loud crash downstairs. Being a nosy twelve—year—old, I walked downstairs to see a guy in an all—black suit and a mask shooting my parents. He was about to a shoot me but Cole, my boss now, jumped in and knocked him out. He eventually had me join the agency, seeing as my parents both died and I could take their place. It was a big surprise to me to find out both of my parents were agents. My parents weren't expecting the attack, which is why they died. I trained till I was fifteen and then I started going on real missions. At eighteen, I am one of the number one agents this agency has, including Joey. He and I are a kick ass team. Joey lost his parents when he was thirteen and ever since we met at the agency, we have been the best of friends.

"Cole told me he has another mission for us, so we have to go to his office bright and early. I guess it's a big job. He is even sending Rachel and Emily in," Joey said interrupting my thoughts as we sat got back to the agency.

"Finally. I've been waiting for another big, serious case. He's been sending us on small missions. I mean, did you see the one guy in there? He blacked out after one kick," I said, rolling my eyes. If he was sending a group of us in on a case, it had to be huge.

"Yeah, that was pretty sad. I have been wanting more of a fight," Joey said.

I nodded in agreement as I took a sip of my Dr. Pepper. After eating for a little while and talking about the mission we were just on, I decided we should call it a night.

"Well, I'll see you bright and early tomorrow," I said as Joey dropped me off.

"Bye, see you tomorrow." Joey waved before driving off. I went into my own apartment and started taking off all my weapons and putting them in a safe then locking them. I live on my own now that I'm eighteen. I always have to lock up my weapons because we can't let those get into the wrong hands. I took a quick nice hot shower then changed into my pajamas and went to bed.