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Werewolves And Witches: The Alpha, The Beta And The Witch

Werewolves And Witches: The Alpha, The Beta And The Witch

Autor: BohemianWallFlower



Werewolves And Witches: The Alpha, The Beta And The Witch PDF Free Download


Reuben is a witch who has been hunted all her life, she runs from secrets, fate and haunted memories until a werewolf breaks into her hut, looking for some health and healing, suddenly she can't run anymore, now she must learn to face, her fate, her secrets and the haunting memories that come with them

Chapter 1

A deep musky scent of honey, worn-out leather and freshly dug ground erupted my senses along with the feeling of pure pleasure, the feeling of being in utter bliss, it wasn't lustful and wanting, it was connected, close and centre. Suddenly another scent came floating around me, this wasn't rugged, virile, this was feminine, gentle with the scent of peppermint, citrus and tobacco; it curtained around me like a blanket, caressing my neck, moving between my thighs and cupping my jawline

Abruptly the atmosphere changed around me, a sense of touch began to physically appear, a warmth settled against my flesh and a growl echoed in my subconscious, I was forced awake

The scent still lingered in the air when I forced myself up onto my bed, I turned to my one-bedroom cabin to see the house fully awake and at hard work, the dishes were being cleaned, the floors moped and breakfast laid ready for me to eat but I couldn't, not with this ridiculous scent floating around my room; I jumped to my feet as my crystal ball began to glow and blink as the familiar voice clouded my mind

~This is how we are starting our day~ is a voice that sounds like a distant song, ~smudging~ the condescending attitude

I ignored the glass ball, moving to my sage and cedar smudge stick, I lit the bundle of herbs, started circling the room "I can't start my day with this shit in the air" I moved through the small cabin which was filled with herbs, spices and crystal

It was much like any old cabin with aged wood walls and cold stone floors, a mixing table sat in the middle of the open-plan kitchenette, a bay window and a few hay couches sat under a great circle window, drier flowers hung from the ceiling and four corner bed sat on the furthest wall with a bathroom shielded but door Japanese room dividers

~It's not going to work~ the sphere said on my office table ~smudging gets rid of negative energies, not passionate desires~ they moaned the last time as I rolled my eyes

I let out loud 'ha' "this is just to get rid of the smell" I announced as I jumped onto the bed, began to bounce up and down "it's time to renew my blocking spell, I should do that now," I said frantically before rushing to my mixing table

The table was cluttered with stuff, Crystals, herbs, spices and many other items, I searched through my jars of tea leaves only to find I was out of peppermint, Lemon balm and hibiscus tea leaves, I looked to the crystal before rushing towards it with two jars in each hand

"Where are my tea leaves?" I asked them but they didn't respond, I rolled my eyes

~just to make some more~ they blinked as I shook my head, moving to the little garden that sat on the outside of my kitchen window. I looked through the bush, but they weren't ready

"I am gonna have to go into town and buy so processed shit," I said as I swiped my hand across my body, the fresh feeling of being washed and clothed was exhilarated, I moved to the hooks next to the door where my sling bag and wide rim hat sat, I placed took them onto my person "prepare some cleansing water while I am out" I tipped my hat, I greeted as I ran for the woods

Walking along the main road of the small town of Ebonywood, a place where everyone knew everyone which made it hard to blend in, so placed a spell of recognition on each person except for the supernaturals of the town, they kept to their own and didn't raise an eye if you kept to yourself too; I walked past Victorian buildings, trimmed hedges and friendly faces

I walked into the greenhouse tunnel where various people bought and sold goods, it was a farmer's market, I walked through the different stalls of flowers, spices, foods, homemade goods and antique furniture, my eyes filtered through the different supernaturals and humans until I spotted the merchant in his human form; he rolled his eyes as I made my way towards him

Before I took a step forward I bumped someone's shoulder which caused us to turn towards each other, I froze as the familiar scent whiffed around my nose, peppermint, citrus and tobacco while spores erupted in my vision making her face unrecognisable until she spoke

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," she said in a husky yet smooth voice like she down a bottle of whiskey in one sitting "are you ok?" She asked with those bright brown eyes which had a ruby crown circling her iris

I took a step back to admire her beauty, her strong nose which has a septum piercing and below it a medusa one which brought me to her full lips, she had this tough feeling to her along with a dangerous look in her eyes

"No, please, it was my fault" I expressed realising how much bigger she was compared to me, I could see the muscles under her leather jacket, she stepped closer before bending down next to me, the fine hairs on my arm stood up and my skin was coated in goosebumps

"If it is my fault then I get to repay you for it" her words caressed my ear and a sudden floating feeling clouded my mind before I was quickly pulled out of it

I shook my head frantically "no, my fault, I am a klutz and not great at walking, sorry, my bad" I stuttered, moving away from the dangerous woman

I swiftly moved through each stall, desperately trying to get to the merchant stall and once I was safely in his tent, I turned to stare at the woman who still stood watching where I had left, she flicked the hair from her undercut out of her face before leaving the other and my eyes lingered on her bountiful ass

"You back as a greeting" hum of a voice sounded behind me "not off to a good start" I rolled my eyes and turned to be faced with a famous mask, his true form which was covered in a leather coat and bandages

"It's real early to be a bitch, isn't it?" I gave her a fake smile as she hissed at me as I moved towards her "I need some tea leaves" he raised his arms which made his kimono flap, gesturing to his merchant "peppermint, lemon balm and hibiscus tea" I looked around the tent which was bigger on the inside but enchanted by a cloaking spell

"How much?" He sneered as I walked about the tent, looking at the Persian rugs and tapestries that hung along the wall

"Half a kilo" I threw over my shoulder as I stared at the different items, jars and relics, mostly fake, one even caught my eyes "where did you get "the fake palm of Bath"? " I asked, looking at the familiar relic which had a scroll in the bottle with an ancient script written on it

He looked up at me "oh it's real" he reassured me as I shook my head and moved back to his station

"No, it's not"

"Yes, it is"

"No, it's not"

He slammed the spoon he was using to scoop up the tea leaves "and how would you know?" He crossed his arms

"I have it" I bounced on my heels "I had to fight this weird guardian called Mune, horrible experience to be honest" I began to rumble as the man ignored me "but it's a great replica," I said as I felt his eyes roll even though I couldn't see them "although…"

"What!" He shouted as I raised my hand in the struggle

"It's really small, compared to the actual thing I mean, the whole point of the relic is because it was made o" he was too quick to answer

I let out a bitter bark "let's see" I opened the jars and took a hearty sniff, I couldn't believe what I was sniffing so I took another whiff "pixie dust?!?" I took another sniff "you lace your tea leaves with fucking pixie dust" I stared at the insane merchant

He struggled "it preserves the tea much longer"

"No, it doesn't" I argued "all it does is glow in the dark, give the tummy a floating feeling and make fairies drunk" I complained as I shook my head, as I released the gold and the merchant began to happily take the gold from the table "don't tell anyone you saw me here, ok?" I threatened before leaving the tent, making my way home

My footsteps on damp grass and the munching coming from my mouth echoed in the empty forest, the creamy rich chocolate which was filled with nuts and cookies coated my mouth and I was in heaven, I watched the fairy float through the air and the animals that ran alongside them, I felt the breeze move through my hair and cooled my sweating forehead as I saw my humble hut which was covered in moss come into view; I ran for it when I realized my door was broken open and my heart stopped

With my heart in my ear, my breath harsh and a dagger at my side, I stepped into the doorjamb to find silence, I looked to crystal who sat on my fountain table but they were still, not a blink, I heard a loud growl as the creature came walking back into the kitchen. Our eyes locked as I took a silent step back while keeping my eyes on the beast before jumping on the roof as the beast rumbled below; I felt it jump onto the roof as well but holding itself up with its bat wings

Running over the roof as I enchanted its bones before flipping over and landing on my feet before running towards the woods, I just needed to get it into the pentagram is all I thought when I heard the loud swoosh sounded behind me, I ran for a tree and jumped flipping over as a violent wind blew below me, taking the tree I used and a few others with it, I landed on my feet again and made a ran off again; Until the clearing came into view and the neatly made pentagram arranged with pebbles

I slide into the pentagram waiting for it to take the bait, once it stepped foot into the circle, I closed it and smirked "you are stuck here with me" I circle the creature which stared at me with its beady eyes, its bird-like skeleton form and bat-like wings, it screeched at me which made me step back "ok" I raised my hands "no need to shout" I summoned twin daggers before running towards it as it came towards me

I jumped, flipped over and landed on its beak, I stabbed my daggers into its eyes, scratching them out then pushed off, it screamed in agony while I land on one knee and my head bowed, I looked up to see its nose flaring and it's structure burning in rage, it came for me as I ran for it, I slide under its body, summoning an axe and slicing its legs, black blood began to fall from it which coated my body; I shook off the access blood as I turned to the creature

I walked towards the creature while I lit a flame between my fingers "Tell your master, he can go to hell" I sneered as I lit the beast on fire

Sweat barreled down my back as I pulled the massive creature's bones by robe towards a patch of daffodils, I threw down the robe and began digging the hole when a bright light came flying towards me, it fluttered around before landing in soft daffodils field and transformed into a man, I leaned against the spade as the prince's princely glow surrounding his perfect polish and lean body, his golden hair flowed through the wind along with royal wear which was floaty and airy, in blues and gold

"Good morning, fair prince, to what do I owe the pleasure," I said as I went back to digging the hole

He flipped his hair as he stared at the dead creature "so…burying another Bawinsksi on my land" he stared at the burned corpse which I had flipped into the hole

I hummed, closing the hole again "they make daffodils grow" I smiled as I stepped back from my handling work as a few sprouts formed "it's the second this week so you know what that means" I turned to leave as the Prince followed me

"You are leaving again" he gasped as I nodded "when? Tomorrow, next week" he was frantic in his questioning which made me stop

"As soon as possible," I ask, watching the emotions filter through his face, you see fairies can only feel emotion at a time, so I watched him pick one

"Why in such a rush?" Concern clouded his vision and he wasn't thinking of the possibility of me staying

"If I stay more of these will come and worse things, so to protect you and myself, it's better if I skip town" I took off again as he followed me like a droopy-eyed pup

"Where would you go?" He wandered next to me with his head bowed

I stopped in my tracks "maybe, Morocco but then I will have to braid my hair" I touched my blunt bob subconsciously. "So this is goodbye, Raine" I presented my hand but he just stared at it

"Will you come back?" The words lingered in the air, I knew I couldn't, after the first time I was here, coming back would be a death wish to his people and me

"Only time can tell" he stood still for a moment, grabbing my hand which turned into him pulling into his embrace

He smelled like rain, fresh cut grass with a hint of lemon. "I am gonna miss Reu," he whispered into my hair

"Me too"