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The Alpha Queen's Destined Hybrid

The Alpha Queen's Destined Hybrid

Autor: marshmallowssprinkle



The Alpha Queen's Destined Hybrid PDF Free Download


It’s taboo to have a female alpha, but what more when the alpha queen gets together with the unwanted hybrid? Chaos. Kamilah Ziraili was born as omega and has been obsessed with the son of the Alpha, Darian. But when the most feared Alpha Magnus, suddenly took an interest in her, things took a turn. Kamilah broke the werewolf rules, gaining her own power and making her the target for enemies for disrupting the balance. Finding out that her mate is Alpha Magnus himself, and what more, a hybrid, who offers to help her, chaos erupted in the world, along with her heart. And with her past love coming back into life, she’s forced to choose. Her past, identity, or her own pack?

Chapter 1

Kamilah Ziraili’s POV

There are times that I just want to disappear.

And that time is now.

“Watch where you’re going, b*tch!”

I cringed as I heard Jessica’s high-pitched voice yell at me. I was just walking on my way to my house, but she took it as a chance to bully me. She flipped her ash grey hair with blonde highlights that cascaded on her back, batting her eyelashes at me with her pointy nail, ass always. She knew she could get away just because she’s the daughter of the past Beta of the past Alpha, Beta Drake…much higher status than a lowly omega like me.

I gulped, forcing my mouth to bear it for now. Never in my life did I expect to live worse than I had imagined. I mean, I had always been treated like sh’t, but most of the time, it was bearable. I couldn't even count the times I was pushed to my limit, but I had managed to live because of the very thing that kept me living.

Darian Barnes, the son of the Alpha of our Shadow pack.

My heart fluttered at the thought of him and Jessica noticed my expression so she chuckled, “No way, are you really thinking of your knight in shining armor right now?” She taunted, “Darian! Come save me! I’m scared!” She said in a tiny voice as if mocking me.

My eyes instantly snapped at her, now irritated. Gritting my teeth, my hands instantly met her cheek and she released a gasp, not sure if I really did hit her.

“Did you just-“

“Yes. I did. And I will do it again if you won’t shut up. I’m tired of dealing with your b*tchy ass.”

Out of everything, I don’t want anyone to mock Darian. Mocking me like that is like mocking him.

She gasped, “Do you realize the situation you’re in? I can tell this to my dad.”

I snorted, “Go ahead. I don’t care. Continue licking after your dad’s shadow.”

Her dark brown eyes filled with rage and her hands were about to hit me when a hand stopped her.

“Quiet, Beta Drake’s b*tch.”

I heard Darian’s deep voice beside me, hovering tall over my 5’3 ass. His earthy scent lingered on me, tickling my nose. Darian is 6'1 in height, almost the same size as his dad now. His cerulean eyes seemed to drown my soul whenever we made eye contact, his shiny blonde hair that he kept in a neat style, and his exuding aura shone wherever he goes, attracting and intimidating everyone around him. He’s ready to take his role as the future alpha now. He looks drop-dead gorgeous and ravishing.

As much as I want to oggle up on him, I am in a situation right now. I glanced at him and he flashed me a concerned look, “Are you really letting this b*tch torment you for life, Kamilah?”

I shook my head wanting to defend myself, “I did fight for myself, Darian…”

He glared at Jessica, “Are you going to slap my friend, Beta’s daughter?”

Jessica was breathing heavily, “She started it, Darian. And I have a name!”

Darian loomed over her, raising his eyebrows, “Are you talking back to your future Alpha?”

“I-I,” Jessica stuttered before glancing at me and snapping, “You ugly b*tch! You won’t get away with this!”

I smirked as she left us, and I could hear Darian’s deep sexy laugh thundering from his chest.

Darian offered his hand for me to high five before laughing out loud, “Did you see her reaction?”

I accepted his hand and we both burst into laughter, “She was completely mortified by you.”

Darian looked at me, “It’s the first time I saw you slapping her like that. How does it feel?”

I bit my lip, “Satisfying.”

“Good. Now do that often, I want to grab popcorn and see her suffer.”

He ruffled my hair and I looked up at him, “Thanks for the backup, Darian.”

He put his hands on my shoulders to comfort me, “no problem, you know I always got you. Go home. You have to prepare for tonight. I’m busy preparing so I’ll see you later?”

He flashed me his boyish smile before leaving me.

I watched as he walked away from me. It was not just Jessica who would treat me like this. When I was still a pup, Darian saw me weak from being bullied, all bruised up from head to toe. I thought he would also join in bullying me but instead, he yelled at them, and frightened them off with a protective stance.

He helped me up when I was at my worst, which let me be able to live comfortably for a while, but when everyone found that Darian and I became close, they tried to let me experience hell and did everything for me to get banished.

But unfortunately for them, I am tough. I held on. Held every day… hoping for Darian to see me not just as more than friends…

All that matters to me is Darian…

I smiled at the thought of him, realizing my infatuation for him is growing. I should know my place as an omega, but I couldn’t deny his charms.

I instantly went home and as I was about to enter my room, a yell from inside surprised me.

I rolled my eyes as I saw who it was. Valentina. the only female I managed to befriend in this pack.

“What took you so long?” She asked then clicked her tongue, realizing it. “Let me guess, Jessica the b*tch bullied you again?”

I shrugged.

She heaved a heavy sigh, as I propped on my vanity. “You should fight back!” She said in exasperation.

“I did. Darian came, and I won.”

Her eyes lit up and hugged me. Since I’m already 18, right this ceremony night, a huge banquet will begin, celebrating as our Alpha decided to step down and the new alpha, Darian will take his place tonight. Plus, the expected time of the Blood moon is also tonight. Blood moon enables us to sense our mates nearby and it only happens every year.

I have to take this chance. It’s now or never. I prayed to the moon goddess to let me be Darian's mate, hoping that my suffering was just a test and Darian is my end game.

I grabbed the red lipstick from my table and put it on my dry lips, staring at my reflection in the mirror. I also grabbed a concealer to hide the bruises that were left from my training every day. Since I’m one of the lowest ranks, my healing abilities are almost nowhere and I’m practically a human so wounds would stay with me for months. Geez, being an omega never had any break.

“It's finally tonight,” Valentina said. Her family just moved in as they had made trouble from their past pack, and our Alpha took them in. I guess that is the bright side of our pack, we have a nice alpha.

I pouted, realizing I am getting ready for nothing. “Well, I’m on a patrol.”

Sadly, as an omega, I had a bad schedule. Everyone will be at the packhouse, where the ceremony will be held. They get to enjoy everything except me. Great.

“Good luck, my friend. I’ll make sure to bring some food to you.” Valentina offered nicely, breaking me away from my thoughts.

I grinned at her, “Don’t you know that you are the best friend out there?”

“I know.” She replied cheekily. Locking my room, we went outside and parted ways midway as she was going in the direction of the packhouse while I am off to my night shift in patrol.

I was wearing the best outfit I could find, a pair of black leather jeans and a black top with red flannel over, my hazel brown hair, and ocean blue eyes that shift to red whenever I transform and are glowing as ever. I wore my black heeled boots and wore the necklace I had been wearing since I was a child.

I’m not even sure why but I feel safe whenever I do it. I feel like the necklace has some magical powers as it gives off a warmth that keeps me calm and I feel I am somehow connected to my parents.

I mean, since I was just an orphan as a baby, I couldn’t even remember if I have any parents left alive. I’d like to think they were killed in the war and not abandoned.

“Hey, you’re late!” Said our delta as he saw me going to the tree, my resting place every time I’m on guard duty. I flinched, expecting him to hit me but he didn’t. Instead, he just shrugged it off and left the area. It’s kind of unusual but also I won’t complain. Another night, another fight for my survival.

I got on my favorite tree branch, which outlooks the whole packhouse and I was able to see a glimpse of the disco lights and loud music stretched from afar. I really wish I could go there and witness a happy moment…

“Hey, have you heard that someone who came to the famous necromancer was now dead?”

I heard one of the she-wolves say from below.

“Yikes, that necromancer gives me chills. You know he could give you everything you want, but fail to give his conditions and there is a price to pay.” Responded her friend.

Hmm, about that necromancer, that rumor has been going on for decades now. I’m quite intrigued but

“Oh, you know what, I’m excited to see Alpha Magnus!”

“Gosh! That man is drop-dead gorgeous.”

My ears perked up at that. Alpha Magnus? I’ve never seen that man, but all I know is that he had a large scar on his left cheek, a greek good handsome level, and some six-pack abs, according to the she-wolves. He happens to be flush with the women as he’s some womanizer who has different women every day.

The two gossipings she/wolves then walked to the packhouse and my eyes followed them.

Despite my weak abilities, my eyes could still be able to see clearly in the dark night, which I’m thankful for. Well, I would have been driven away in this pack if it wasn’t for my white wolf. As the elders say, a white wolf is a blessed wolf that the moon goddess gave. I don’t even believe that crap since I don’t hold any special abilities except being a big white furry animal when I transform.

The cold wind brushed past me and I shivered slightly. I am a damn wolf but I couldn’t even give off natural heat. I sighed.

Suddenly, a branch of a twig snapped and I immediately turned in that direction.

No one.

I blinked, trusting my eyes. Hmm, it might be a rat or some night owl but then I heard some weird sloppy noises, sucking and then spitting some saliva behind the tree 20 feet away.

I frowned, knowing everyone must have left for the party.

“Who is there?”