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His Attorney

His Attorney

Autor: Abrauning



His Attorney PDF Free Download


Coming out of Harvard law school I thought I seen all in cases but I had no idea what my career in Louisiana would be so different so unique. When I came to a certain interview it wasn't exactly a law firm. It was someone's personal attorney that was way out of my studies. But there always more to learn.

Chapter 1

I knew coming to Louisiana it would probably be hard find work. I have my lawyer degree but most of the law firms I had worked for wasn't paying me like they should. Waitresses were making more than me serving us lawyers. So I had quit my job at the law firm and went and became a waitress how it reminded me of my college years living off of Roman.

It's been two years and no law firm was accepting any new employees. I needed to pick up a second job to cover bills and other things I needed. I lived in a Royal area in Louisiana. Things have gotten expensive. I met some here and there but I had become bestfriends with my roommate that I met at the diner Miccas and she needed a place to stay so I had decided to take her in my spare was just collecting dust anyway.

My parents were lawyers out of New York and they pursued me to take on the law field. I had gone to Harvard law school one of the colleges hard to get in and hard to pass. I was looking in the news paper for extra work and a add said seeking personal attorney. Call this number to set up an interview. So I called.....

Hello Mr. Thomas's office how may I help you an assistant said over the phone.

Yes, I'm hi being kind of shy, but the court room you wouldn't even know it. I was going through the news paper and seen an add for seeking a personal attorney.

Ahh yes she said. How long have you been a lawyer? About two years I replied.

Okay, are you available tomorrow at 12.

Yes, mam.

Okay make sure you bring your ID and social as well as references.

Thank you.

I hung up the phone when Charlie walked in. Hey, she said sitting on the couch handing me a cup of coffee. Hey, I smiled. Question taking a sip of my coffee. Yes, she smiled. Do you think you could cover my tables tomorrow just an hour. Sure but why? I have an interview for this Thomas guy for being his personal attorney. She shot up an eyebrow. What? Like Peter Thomas. I don't know I replied. Must be she said because he is the only Thomas in this small town. Okay? I smiled what's wrong with Peter Thomas.

Stories have it he's a mean person has been that way since his father went crazy on his mom. He's the most wealthiest people in this town she said holding her cup of coffee. Okay so if he is wealthy why doesn't he look in New York for his personal attorney.

I don't know maybe likes having home roots. But you aren't the 1,2,3,4 she went on to he his personal attorney the last personal attorney he has is in the mental hospital saying she seen some crazy things. Mhmmm... I started to giggle. Kentana? She raised an eyebrow. Yes, why did you move here to Louisiana? When you come from New York a graduate from Harvardaw school. You could have gotten a job in California or some other state. Ehh, wanted something different everyone goes to new York or California for their career. Alot of my college friends went to California.

Being 20 minutes from New Orleans it's not bad and different. I like different. I replied with a smile. So since you know this Peter Thomas guy tell me more about him. Its nothing good she replied. But I think you would be a great fit she replied. He has a lot of charges against him. Like? That I can't say because it's never in the news or the paper she put her coffee down. You will have to find that out when you get the job. If I get the job there are alot of lawyers with more years under their belt. My gut feeling is saying you are going to get this. Charlie was born and raised here so she believes in the supernatural and the paranormal. As well as her family comes from a long line of witches.

She said here is line an entity for all those things but I haven't seen anything weird yet so I am on the side of those are just made up stories to scare little kids.

We got ready for work and left. Arriving at work it was always packed and were always asked to clock in the minute we made it to the back counter. Pam the owner came up to me and said she was switching the diner to a bar and asked if I had any experience at bar tending. Yes unfortunately I do why.Great she replied handing me an application to get my serving license. I need atleast one to cover all these waitresses and teach Charlie how to bar tend her and I will be the head shift leader. Can I have an extra application? She raised an eyebrow. Pam you are gonna need two people to have their license to serve alcohol not just one to many waitresses in here and I am not going to everyday here. If not then you will have to fire maybe about 5 waitress. So who do you have in mind. Well Pam being a air headed she just said Charlie and I would be a lead shift. Charlie I responded oh okay she handed me another application. Today will be the last day that the diner is open for 3 months it's going under reservations. 3 months are you kidding me how am I suppose to pay my bills. She huffed fine only you and Charlie will recieve pay but don't tell the rest. You are lucky I owe you she smiled. Yeah yeah I laughed. I still don't know why you chose to stay when you are an amazing lawyer.

Pam was in a whole lot of trouble when I arrived and me being the kind person I am looked over her cases and got most of them dismissed or just to pay a fine. No jail time.

I walked over to the locker to put my things in handing the application to Charlie. She looked at me funny. Just know you don't have to cover my shift tomorrow and we still get paid. Just don't tell the rest I will explain after work. She said okay still kind of nervous what the outcome is.

After an 1hr of being clocked in I was ready to go home. Most of the customers were very nice except for one whom was always hitting on me asking me out on dates and it didn't matter what I had said he still was persistent. I even said I had a boyfriend that is out of my home state and it still didn't do any good.


Have we found an attorney yet? I shouted at Treasa. We have an interview tomorrow with a girl named Kentana Lang tomorrow at 12. She replied. How many years has she been practicing. 2 she replied and where did she get her law degree. Don't know she replied before turning off the closet light. We will find that out tomorrow. Is she one of our kind. Again she sighed we won't find that out until tomorrow when she walks in the office sir. I rolled my eyes, if I don't find lawyer quickly I will lose my position as alfa. She needs to know the law for our kind. Sir if you wishes to have a lawyer of our kind her bright yellow eyes glaring at me you needed to look in New York. If she is human she came walking in my office what do we do? Well we won't hire her and move on to the next. Sir, there is no next no one has called for this position in weeks. We had tried a human and she went to the mental hospital. Well maybe she is a skeptic like the rest. What's her name? If I remember correctly sir it's Kentana Lang. The last name sounds like the pack in upstate New York. The Winchester pack. We had never see eye to eye but I did business with them a few times. Well let's hope Lang knows of our kind and our laws.

If she does and this goes well what about your Luna. You need a luna as well to keep the alfa position. We will worry about that next Treasa just one thing at a time.


Finally rush hour was over, I took a drink of my water and began to clean the counters. The place still was very loud so it was hard for me to hear myself think. When everything fell silent and the door opened. A man in a black suit with dark black hair pushed back bright blue eyes walked in. Everyone began to whisper and the music was turned down. He sat at the counter. Charlie I motioned over who is that he isn't a usual. That's Peter Thomas she replied the guy you have an interview for. Well don't just stand there go take his order. You are responsible for the counter today. Charlie shoved my arm. He don't like to wait.

I filled a cup with ice water like I would do for any customer grabbing a napkin and some silverware. Walked over with a lump in my throat. He kept his eye on his phone as I walked over. Hello, I stumbled to say. Putting the glass water down as well as the other thing. Pulling out my pad and pen. What can I get you tonight?

In a deep voice he said coffee and the special.

The special today was steak mashed potatoes and corn along with a salad.

Would you like your steak medium or well done I had asked as he continued to look at his phone. Medium rare he replied. Gravy or no gravy. He chuckled. Gravy he replied. Okay it will be out in 15 i said nervously. Before I could walk away. He looked at me what is your name? Tana I said. I had always gave a short in this place because we do get those weirdos. Well Tana, make sure the cook doesn't mess up my order this time he said in a rude voice. Sure thing I put a small side smile.

He is scary looking but you could spot him out in a crowd with those bright blue eyes. I was a little scared of myself and maybe not showing for the interview tomorrow.