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My Brother in Law

My Brother in Law

Autor: Extraordinary Bards



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Years ago, a frowning boy was saved by a lady and he promised to come back to thank her. Now, he is back and offers to send the lady's grandchild to school. Bianca is happy when she hears that she gets the opportunity to go to school in the city. She is a bit different from most people. She grew up on a farm surrounded by people twice her age. Her only family is her grandmother. Naive? Yes she is. Blunt? Yes. Innocent? Yes. Fully trusting? Yes. She had flaws. On getting to the man's home, the man tells her she's getting married to his second son, Jacob. Jacob beats her up at every chance he gets. He downgrades her at every chance. He hates being around her and makes sure to show it to everyone around. But then, there's the first son. The one who struck her as handsome. The one who always has a smile on his face. The one who helps her when she is feeling down. The choice is obvious isn't it? Only if it was that easy.

Chapter 1

Bianca's Pov

"No! I won't marry her!" My soon to be fiance screamed.

"You have no choice Jacob" He's dad replied.

I didn't want him either. I haven't met him for up to a day but I already know he's too loud. He talked like a kid and behaved like one.

Spoiled rich brat!

"But look at her!" He shouted trying a fit like a little kid "She's ugly, unethical, she looks unkept and she's disgusting!'

I sighed looking away as he listed a few other things he hated about me. I didn't like this!

"Look at how uncultured she is" Mrs Liama shouted "My son can't marry this disgusting thing"

"What is done is done" Mr Liama said.

"Can't you see how perfect my son is?" Mrs Liama said "At such a young age he has accomplished so much. He's not even done with school but does perfect surgery's and in what way could you pay him back?"

I only came because grandma said I should and I can't disobey grandma, she had done too many things for me. She was also the only person I had.

I know you're confused about what's going on, let me explain.

Mr. Liama, who is Jacob's father, wants me to get married to his son, Jacob.

He owes my grandma a debt.

Back when he was young my grandma saved him when he was drowning and his friends didn't notice.

He had gone out with his friends in the middle of the night to the beach, to have a beach party.

Why in the middle of the night you ask? I don't know either although I find it ridiculous.

My grandma who was passing by found him drowning while his friends thought he was putting on a show. She quickly jumped into the water and brought him out.

Since then he owed my grandma a debt. He promised he would come back one day to pay that debt.

Yesterday he came to our house while we were having breakfast and told my grandma he was back to pay his debt.

I grew up a poor but loving family. My parents went rich but they loved me alot and took care of me like every parents should.

We didn't have enough money but my parents still sent me to school.

Although they died before I could finish my education. My parents died in a car accident.

A hit and run to be precise.

Grandma tried sending me to school but she couldn't afford to pay my tuition fees so I quit.

I had lost every hope that I'll ever go to school and get a cool job so I could take good care of grandma. Until yesterday.

Mr. Liama suddenly shows up and says he's going to train me in school but only on one condition. I had to get married to his son.

I agreed to it immediately because I thought nothing could go wrong from getting married to his son. Mr Liama looked decent so I thought his son was the same but I guess not.

When I left grandma I promised her I would be on my best behavior at all times till I returned.

But since I arrived here and Jacob was told he had get married to me, I've heard more insults than I have ever heard before.

I looked away shaking my head. No matter if I had to get married to Jacob I didn't care if he liked it or not.

I looked around the house. It was gorgeous and so big! I have never seen anything like this in all the time I have existed.

I lived in a small house with grandma and yet their dining room was way bigger than it. I haven't seen the other parts of the house so I couldn't say I knew everywhere.

But one thing was sure the house got better the more you looked at it.

It was like a castle, the one I heard and saw on phones. I never thought something like this really existed.

But wasn't this house too big for the amount of people who lived in it?

They were just three people who lived here and yet they needed a house as big as this?

All my life I shared a room with grandma and yet just three people get to live in such a big house. Some people really are privileged.

I wondered if they have talking tea cups and dishes who wash themselves just like in Beauty and the beast.

I giggled silently to myself, what a ridiculous thought.

"Pay him back for what?" Mr Liama asked "He is my son and he has to do what I say he should do! He has no choice and that's final"

"Then you could have found someone better!" She screamed back "If you think it was necessary for my son to get married then you would have found someone better"

She eyed Me saying "Not some low life that knew nothing but farm work"

I paused.

How could someone say that? Was I really that useless? A lowlife?

I raised my head trying to stop myself from crying when I saw him.

He stood upstairs by the rails staring down at the Liama family. He stared at Mrs Liama like he wanted to kill her but yet he looked so handsome.

How can someone be so hot? Just looked at him! Is he what they call… I paused trying to remember what Anna called guys like him.

But I couldn't remember so I looked up at him. This guy was too handsome to be real.

He turned to look at me. Eye to Eye.

I turned away immediately.

What a fool I am. I must have stared at him so much that he took note of it.

I looked up at him again just to check if he was still looking at me and guess what? He was.

He smiled at me and then mouthed "Pretty"

"Who?" I mouthed back surprised.

"You" He replied.