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The Mafia's Slave

The Mafia's Slave

Autor: Reckless Overthinker



The Mafia's Slave PDF Free Download


Georgina Adams had the worst year of her life when her finance broke off their engagement and at the same day, she got kidnapped by a gang of Mafia due to a misplaced Identity. Gina wants nothing more than to escape through the hell she has found herself in while trying to stay away from trouble. Alfredo De Luca is the leader of a notorious Mafia gang whose soul is as darker as anything. A man that's completely ruthless and feared by everyone. He's damaged, broken. Completely destroyed and tends to ruin anything he lays his hands on and right now, that thing is Georgina Adams. What happens when he wants to turn her innocent and pure form into something dirty and dark? What happens when he wants to wipe her away from all holliness and turn her as dark as he is? And what happens when a guardian angel will stop at nothing to prevent her from entering the dark world? What happens when there are tons of secrets to be revealed. Ones that would turn her entire life upside

Chapter 1


  "Are you sure you're okay young lady?"

  A man asks as I walk through the streets and I nod my head before mentally slapping myself to get my shits together.

  I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. So what if he broke up our engagement just few weeks to our wedding? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all.

  Like he said, he isn't into me anyone and he has someone new, someone that he loves. Someone that he doesn't want to let go. Someone that he wants to get married to and that someone isn't me.

  My only problem is that I had allowed myself to fall too deep in love with him. I should have listened to everyone when they were saying it. I shouldn't have fallen in love with him but I had allowed myself to and now, this is what I get in return.



  "I'm so fucking happy! I can't believe that we will be getting married very soon. I told my mom and dad about us wanting a small wedding and they think it's weird but I've made them understand that it's our choice and it's what we want. They are happy for us nevertheless."

  I grin happily at my soon to be husband. If only I knew what he has in plan for me.

  "Why are you not saying anything?"

  I ask as I stare at him and he smiles before shaking his head.

  "Nothing, I just like to see you happy."

  "No, that isn't what this is about. You have barely uttered a word ever since I've been here. Tell me what's wrong? Did something happen? Come on, you know you can always tell me anything."

  I smile at him, grabbing his hands but instead he sighs and removes his hands from mine.

  Okay, that's most definitely weird.

  "Raina, I have to tell you something."

  He says and I nod my head.

  "Go on, I'm all ears."

  He swipes his palm down his face as if he doesn't know how to begin. Now, he's getting me more and more eager to hear what he's wanting to say.

  "I know that you're really happy with everything that's going on. You know our wedding preparations and all…"

  He trails off and I nod quickly.

  "That's why this will make what I want to say right now very difficult but I need to say it anyways..."

  He lets out a sigh once again, closes his eyes before opening them back and staring at me.

  "I'm very sorry Raina but I can't get married to you."


  That's the sound of my heart beating.

  Did I heard him wrong or something? He couldn't possibly say what I heard, right?

  "What do you mean?"

  My voice comes out so small that I'm afraid I'm going to break.

  "I've been thinking about it for some time now and I'm sorry Raina but I can't get married to you. I don't love you anymore, I'm in love with someone else."

  I try to search his face to see if he's joking or anything but there's no hint of joke across his face and that made me lose control.

  "What the fuck are you talking about?! Our wedding is in weeks more and you're fucking telling me that you're in love with someone else? Please tell me you're joking Chris! Tell me you're fucking joking!"

  I yell but he only bows his head, not uttering a word.

  "Say something Chris! Say a damn thing! You can't do this to me! You can't possibly mean this, tell me you're joking. Say something!"

  I yell, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks.

  "I'm sorry."

  He whispers and I shake my head before grabbing my bag, tears rolling down my cheeks as I ran out of the room.


  "Young lady, are you okay? Do you need help?"

  Yes, I need help. Help me, my heart is breaking too hard and I'm slowly losing it, I don't know what to do. All I want to do right now is to go home and cry brains out on the bed and that's exactly what I would do.

  That's exactly what I'm going to do.

  Pushing along the large crowd that gsthers along the road for no damn good reason that I don't even know about, I wipe away my tears as I try to keep my head up straight and that's when my phone starts vibrating.

  At first I ignored it but it gets even louder and it just keeps on ringing which was really annoying and I had no other choice but to pull it out from my bag.

  I stare at the message across my screen and immediately I feel like finding him wherever he is and choking him to death.

  ~Im so sorry for what I did Gina but I had been planning on doing this for a long time, I just couldn't continue to deceive you when I don't even love you anymore.~

  The message reads and I scoff. You don't love me anyone? Did he just said that he doesn't love me anymore and he's been planning on doing this for a long time?

  Why didn't he do this before he fucking proposed to him and asked me to get married to him?

  Why didn't he do this when he said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me?

  Why not then? Why now? Why now that I felt like everything was finally perfect in my life and I don't need anything anymore.

  Why now when I thought that he was the perfect man for me and I'm finally going to be able to spend the rest of my life with someone?

  Why now?! Just why? Why?!

  Anger boils through me and I squeeze the phone in my head, wishing he would just go away. Wishing everything would just go away.

  "Excuse me..."

  "I'm okay. I'm fucking okay, stop asking me that stupid fucking question as if I told you that something is wrong with me. I'm fucking okay so just leave me the fuck alone!"

  I yell right back without even bothering to turn back and see who's talking to me. I didn't have to anyways because I know it would be one of those ones asking if I'm okay. Do I look like I'm not?

  You're sitting in the pathway of the street with your hands digger in your hair.

  My subconscious screamed at me but I cared less about that right now.

  "Very well. Have it your way then."

  The person says and before I realize what next is happening, everything went blank.