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Owned By The Alphas[Mates Stories]

Owned By The Alphas[Mates Stories]

Autor: DarkTwisted_Desires



Owned By The Alphas[Mates Stories] PDF Free Download


In this world, the line between what is taboo and what is desired is blurred, as you are taken on a journey through a steamy landscape of forbidden pleasure and carnal cravings. With each turn of the page, your senses will be awakened, and your deepest desires will be unleashed. In this collection of erotic shorts, you will be transported to a place where nothing is off-limits and where your wildest fantasies become a reality. From the seductive whispers of a stranger to the intimate touch of a lover, every encounter will leave you breathless and craving more. As you immerse yourself in this raunchy world, be prepared to experience every emotion, from lust and passion to heart-racing excitement and pure ecstasy. With each new experience, your own desires will be explored, as you are introduced to a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique tale to tell. So, if you're ready to let your guard down and surrender to your most intimate desires, then fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the ride of your life. This collection of erotic shorts is guaranteed to take you on a journey unlike any other, where lust, sin, and sexual debauchery reign supreme. Just remember, this book is intended for mature readers only and contains graphic adult scenes, adult language, and situations that may not be suitable for young readers or sensitive minds. So, reader discretion is advised.
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Chapter 1

A cool wind blew over the parking lot high atop the sharply sloped hill; curling around the repeating pattern buildings that made up the suites of off campus student housing and bearing with it the crisp scent that promised a fine October evening. The buildings were sharp and clean looking and for the most part, uniform and static. But here and there, hung in windows, were school banners and posters put up by the occupants inside. Many of the normal ones had been replaced for the holiday; here and there orange and black ribbons fell down windows, ghostly faces leered out, fake cobwebs were strewn across, and plastic jack o'lanterns grinned out into the autumn sunset. The branches of the trees planted around the carefully laid out apartment complex waved and rustled with the air; many still bearing leaves in vibrant oranges, yellows, reds, and browns, though many dried and desiccated leaves also scratched as they tumbled over the asphalt.

The door to one of the suites opened and a man walked out onto the hilltop. He was tall and lean, wearing a long black duster style coat and black pants, black leather boots on his feet, black leather gloves on his hands and holding a black broad brimmed hat in his right hand. A black leather vest was buttoned halfway up his chest beneath the duster, a gray shirt under it with a high neck that had been folded down over itself. His glossy brown hair fell to just past his ears, a bit shaggily though it was clean and combed. His features were noble and strong, eyes of a rich deep sea blue behind a pair of thin framed glasses. He walked toward a nearby car; a silver sedan that looked well looked after but was hardly the newest vehicle even in the row, let alone the lot. It was old enough that he took out his key and opened the driver's door with it, unlocking the others from the inside, not having a remote fob for his keys. Sean smiled as he leaned against the side of his car, "Your chariot awaits your leisure, ladies," he said. They really should get going soon if they wanted to get to the party before dark. The place wasn't too far out of town but they had to take the rural roads and he didn't want to find his way on the winding, signless routes in the dark.

"We're ready! Almost, anyway," came an answering call. A few seconds later, a trio of young women emerged, the last shutting the door behind her. "The High Queen's stalling so we have to wait on her and she can have a big entrance," the tallest of the girls went on. She was on the tall side of average and her body was well sculpted and shaped by endless hours of exercise; athletic and toned but her modest curves were still feminine and fetching. Her hair was a tawny mass that fell to her shoulders, currently gathered up into a pair of pigtails on either side of her head and her eyes were a a vibrant green. Her long, luscious, supple legs seemed to go on for miles before disappearing under the lacy hem of her white skirt. Her waist was slender and her bust pleasing, neither large nor small but a very happy middle ground. She was pretty and healthy; her face cheerful and exuberant. Sophie wore a short white dress with puffy sleeves that ended in a tight cuff, a thin red belt cinched about her waist to give the garment form, the skirt ending about three inches above her knees. The low neckline of the dress, combined with a simple brown corset tightened over it, offered up her assets in a deliciously tempting fashion. A pair of worn red Chuck Taylor's gave the outfit a bit of whimsy. She carried a wicket basket in one hand, a red cloth covering the contents of it. A red cloak was tied about her neck, the hood down at the moment, the garment falling about knee length on the fitness and nutrition major. "Nice outfit, Sean ! Never saw you as the Western type but it looks good!"

He grinned, even flushing a bit as the three girls approached to wait with him. "Thanks, you look great, all of you do. Though my costume-"

The shortest of the three girls cut him off, a smirk on her pretty lips, a shiny black lip gloss covering them, "Wait until you see all of it." Ina was barely five feet tall and petite, with a slender and willowy figure. Her shape was largely masked by the black dress she wore but it had enough shape to tease at her small but sensuously shaped curves. Her face was beautiful and fragile looking with cupid shaped lips and keen dark brown eyes that seemed endless behind a pair of round lensed glasses. Her hair was a sandy blond that was currently in a thick braid falling to her shoulder blades, much of it hidden by the pointed and bent witch hat on her head. She wore a loose black dress with it that went to her knees, a pair of orange and black stockings clinging to her legs to vanish under the dress's hemline. Black heels lifted her up a bit more than normal, still making her the shortest girl, pushing her ass up into the air and adding more sway to her step. She'd brought their broom along as a prop, dragging the bristles on the ground behind her.

Sean blinked but before he could ask the question, the middle girl shook her head, "Ina, don't talk it up like that. It's nothing special." She was blushing, her cheeks rosy. Her hair was black as night and had been carefully styled into a pixie-like bob, her forelocks held in place with a seashell decorated hair pin. Her eyes were a rich and earthy brown, her lips full and plush, and her face sweetly cute. She was currently wearing Sean's old raincoat, having asked to borrow it a few days ago, the thick coat covering her from neck to toe.

Sophie shook her head, "No way, you got to show him. You look awesome, girl. I've never seen you so sexy! Flaunt it, Elize!" She was delighted at her long term friend's costume choice. The nerdy girl was shy and had a terrible body image that Sophie just couldn't understand. She'd kill for a rack like Elize's! She stepped behind her and reached around her friend, starting to unbutton the coat, "Come on, show him or I'll do it for you," she sing songed.

"Sophie!" Elize was blushing brighter than ever, swatting at her best friend's hands.

"Guys, if she doesn't want to, then it's no big deal," Sean held up his hands and smiled, "I know Elize'll look good, she always does." He shrugged, "Besides, I'll see it at the party, right?"

Ina caught Elize's eyes as she spoke, "Right. So will everyone else."

Elize pushed Sophie's hands away firmly, "Sophie, no, I can show him myself." She looked up at Sean and then down. "It's probably too much, but..." she unbuttoned the rest of the coat and then pulled it open. Elize was stacked, top and bottom, with large, high, pert breasts , deliciously rounded hips, and a sweet, plush ass. Her stomach was flat despite her ample curves, when Sophie was your best friend you did work out a lot, and bust was generous enough that it actually cast a shadow onto it. Sean could see all of this as beneath the raincoat Elize wore a bikini top with a pair of large clamshells cupping her gorgeous mountains like a bra and nothing else on her upper body. She had a glittery wrap about her hips that swept around her legs in a cerulean blue, with a darker blue fin-like hem at ankle length, along with a pair of blue two inch heels.

Sean's mouth fell open and he went pale, then flushed, then went pale again. He tried to speak but was unable to. He'd never seen much of Elize! He knew she had a great figure, he's seen her in t-shirts and tank tops plenty of times but like this the effect was wholly different. Ina and Sophie grinned, exchanging satisfied looks. Elize slowly lifted her eyes, not hearing Sean saying anything and blinked at his gobsmacked expression. She smiled slowly, a twinkle in her eyes.

God, she should push him back onto the hood of his car and kiss him right now, she thought. Put his hands on her tits and let him feel them all he wanted, letting her hands travel all over, feel his dick getting hard against her stomach before he pushed her back and then bent her over the car's hood, pulling her skirt up and- "Uh, what," Elize asked, suddenly aware that someone had said something.

"I said," Ina repeated, "that I think you can call your costume a success. You're going to be boiling people's eyeballs."

"Y-yeah," Sean agreed, finally re-learning how to speak. He was still flushed as he looked at her, "Wow. I mean, you just about boiled my...pretty much everything. Elize, you look incredible."

"Thanks," she answered. "I'm still worried that it's a little too, uh, you know."

"Smoking hot," Sophie supplied.

Elize shook her head, "Skimpy. I mean, it'd be okay on you or Ina or Pia, you're all so thin and-"

"Are we going to stand around all night or are we going to party?" The sound of the door shutting behind the group caused them all to turn as the new speaker strutted towards them, her hips swinging with each long stride. "Honestly, we should have been gone already." She was tall, only three inches shorter than Sean, with a figure both ample and slender; her tits seeming to defy gravity as they jutted out from her body in proud majesty, her waist narrow and wasp-like, her ass taut and toned, and her legs shapely perfection. Her face was breath-taking with fine, delicate features plush lips that always seemed to smirk or scowl but never genuinely smile. Her eyes were blue and sharp; her hair cut to fall at her jawline and currently dyed a fiery red, styled to be slightly wavy. Pia was wearing a black catsuit with a high-tech looking bracer on both forearm, a belt of golden discs around her waist, and a pair of heeled black boots on her feet. The catsuit was so tight it looked like she'd been upholstered, leaving almost nothing to the imagination and everything at once; a magnificent tease. "What are you all just standing here for?" As they turned she caught sight of Elize's costume and her eyes narrowed, then she smirked. "Oh. That's very bold, Elize, but great mermaid costume."

"Thanks, Pia," the dark haired girl replied. "You look good too. Black Widow, right?"

"A geek like you is sure to know," she nodded with a smirk. "Well, let's get going, shall we? We don't want to catch cold before the party." Pia looked at Sean with an expression of condescending patience, "You could have warmed up the car at least."

He frowned a bit, "It doesn't take that long to warm up. Letting it idle just uses up gas and isn't good for it."