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Hold My Hand.

Hold My Hand.

Autor: Zobby998



Hold My Hand. PDF Free Download


Wilson Anderson's perfect life took a turn for the worst when he was diagnosed with spinal tumor at an early age of twenty five, shortly after he took over his family's empire. Running a vast empire in his state, being in constant pain and barely walking ,yet he refused any form of treatment. He became invisible to the world, even his employees work for the unseen boss. He needed to employ a personal assistant ,giving his progressing ailment . He needs someone to trust, also someone who will be his everything, more like a representative. Amber Steel, got the job of the highest paid assistant. With the luxury, comes lots of works, baggages and adventure.

Chapter 1

Amber's POV

Waking up very early in the morning is not one of my proteges, but part of growing up and keeping a job demands that one should learn how to be an early bird. I just finished school, but I'll not say just finished, I finished like two months ago, took a well deserving vacation from the stress  of working and going to school. One might thing I have a rich parents with an empire waiting around to be passed unto me. Far from that, my life is all about paying bills and bills upon bills. Right from the time I could talk and understand life, I've always been on my two feet trying to survive. I grew up in the orphanage, they couldn't wait for me to be eighteen before they threw some of us into the streets to fend for ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all they did for me, I would say it shaped me into the human I am today. They had no other way, it was either they left us in or reject the new little ones. I would have chosen to leave by myself if they didn't. I mean, having a roof and food everyday is not something I should complain about. But I would rather stay out and fend for myself than allow those little ones homeless. So my struggle to survive started then, between struggles and scholarships, I graduated college two months ago. So before the struggle continues, I took a deserving vacation .

I've had series of interviews and yet again I have another interview at The Anderson group of companies. I don't really know much about the company but what I do know is that their pay is really good. Considering my unpaid bills and that I just returned from my "vacation ",all I need is a well paying job. I lazily went into the bathroom, did my morning  routines, dolled up and headed for the interview.

I walked into the company and I was in awe. The company is really all I have ever dreamed of; Skyscrapers,, elevator, departments, too many workers,etc. I walked to the receptionist, stated my business and I was directed to the last floor. That meant only one thing, I was to meet the boss. I went to the elevator, punched  the last floor. It was a long patient ride. Soon I got to the floor. I was expecting the place to be flooding with aspirants like I, but on the contrary ,only the receptionist was there. She's an elderly lady in her fifties but she's fit like a stallion,you could tell from her dressing . I approached her table and introduced myself.

"welcome, miss Amber. Thank you for answering to our summon. "

"the pleasure is all mine, thanks for the opportunity "

"let's get down to business, shall we?"

"of, course."

She gestured me to sit down and I sat down.

"you already have the job, that's if you want it at the end of today. But before I introduce you to the boss, you have few documents to sign. It's not your appointment papers, this is different. You're about learning some sort of secret, so we need to be discreet." she pushed an agreement paper towards me. I took it and read through it. It basically stated about secrecy and promising to keep whatever secret I learn from them from leaking. It's  not like I have any person to tell my tales to. I signed away. She collected it and gave me the another. Apparently, I was to just read it. I did and to say I was shocked was an understatement. The boss has spinal tumor, it recently advanced, so that's why he needs a personal assistant/live in assistant. The first thing that came to my mind was, "what the hell is a spinal tumor ?"  I have no clue what it was but from the sound of it, it must be serious.  I would have asked but I'ld rather ask the boss myself. That wasn't the bummer, I was to live in his pent house with him. As creepy as all this might sound, a part me was curious and I could really get some sort of relief on paying rent. After all, they said I could leave if I wanted at the end of the day. I accepted and signed away.

As I followed Mrs Ann to meet my boss, I couldn't help but think about life. My boss who has everything, lacks one thing that I, a common man has, good health. It made me realise that life is so unfair and unpredictable. The man must have toiled all his life only to be met with this ailment now. If I were to find myself in his shoes, I'll not only be sad, I would probably do something drastic. I just realised how lucky I am to be not just alive , but healthy. I was brought to reality by Mrs Ann's comment.

"you know, you are the first to actually have interest to work even for a day for Mr Anderson?"

I don't know if it were to be a compliment or just stating how stupid I was .

"thanks, I guess ". She chuckled and stopped at a door that had the caption 'Mr Anderson


'. I became anxious and nervous.  She opened the door but I was not ready for the heartbreaking view. I was dazed, before I could stop myself I spoke.

"you are young. I mean you're very young. Oh, you must be the boss' son" I said, while looking around for the main boss.  The young man smiled and gestured us to sit down.

"I take it that you thought I was older or should I say old" he answered me smiling. From what he said, he meant he's the boss.

"you are my boss? ". He nodded in affirmation. I couldn't believe it. The fine specimen before me, is my boss. Then i was hit really hard by the main reality. This young man, who from the looks of it  is few years older than I am, is sick.

"please tell me, you are not sick". I said, again not thinking.

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am sick".

"oh my God,i am so sorry".

"don't be, it's okay". How can he be okay with being sick,its so unfair. I was seriously disoriented. It has always been in my character to care so much, even for people I barely knew. So it might be awkward to care so much but I can't help who I've become.

"excuse me sir, I need a little time to collect my thoughts ". I stood up and paced for a while.

"OK, I think I am ready"

"if you don't mind, what was that all about? ".

"Ehhm, I don't think I'll be able to explain it but with time you'll understand it's in my character . I want to apologise for my rude questions. You should be the one asking the questions here. So please accept my apology ". He smiled again and I need to tell you, he has the best heart warming smiles ever. When he smiles, his dimples shows off and I love dimples, I am a bummer for dimples.

Focus, focus, I chanted within to focus on the task at hand and not ogling my boss, my sick boss at that. But sick or not, he's way out of my league.

"I must confess, you are rare character. And I like rare.i hope you stay after today". He said while still smiling. Someone should seriously tell him to stop doing that.

"thanks? "

"welcome. For starts,you need to arrange the files over there. You arrange it, in such a way it will be accessible and easy."

"Okay". I set out to work. In all the silence I couldn't help but ask

"How are you dealing with being sick and all?". He was silent and I panicked.

"I'm sorry,I overstepped..." He chuckled and answered.

"It's excruciating. You can't imagine it.". We were silent for some time and then he added.

"thank you. You are the first to ever ask me how  I felt. Even my family don't really talk to me about it. Maybe they think if they ignore I have the ailment, it will disappear. So,you are really the first to want to know how I really felt. So thank you". Hearing him say that made me really  sad and deep in my heart I had this nagging feeling to take care of him. And before I knew it.

"I am taking the job".

"are you sure?  You'll be stuck with me almost every hour, minutes and seconds".

"I am sure or you don't want me to work for you? " I asked.

"of course, I want you to work for me. I just need to be sure you are not doing it out of pity".

"pity?  Please. I would love to work with you because you're approachable. Just meeting you have changed my perspective on certain things. If you don't know it, you are amazing. I don't know how I will be if I were to be in your shoes. But I know I'll not be so optimistic and so smiley about my ailment. So pity has nothing to do with it, I have so much to learn from you and I mean,no offence, the pay is really good ". On hearing the last part, he laughed, like really laughed. And I am so glad I made him laugh.

"in that case, welcome on board Miss Amber".

"thank you, and please call me Amber "

"only if you call me Wilson". I nodded.

"Amber, thank you ".