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After Divorcing, I amazed the world

After Divorcing, I amazed the world

Autor: Haera



After Divorcing, I amazed the world PDF Free Download


In the opulent world of the Della-Guardias, secrets and lies are the currency of power. Alexa, a wife and outcast, has been silently suffering at the hands of her husband Rex and his family for three years. But when Rex’s mistress and sister in law, orchestrates an incident, losing her unborn child and putting the blame on Alexa, Rex supports her. Because of this, Alexa finds the strength to break free from the shackles of her toxic marriage. It's time for her to leave behind her life as Alexa Stephens Della-Guardia and reassume her life as beloved daughter, heiress and powerful woman.

Chapter 1

Rex strode into his office, angry, tired and frustrated with the world and a particular woman. He hadn't slept throughout the night and now he was staring at his secretary's seat, empty where Alexa should have been.

He had thought she would crawl back to him as she always did. But three days after her disappearing stunt he still hadn't heard anything from her. He had been sure that she would be back, crying and begging for his forgiveness as she always did. But now, she was proving different and he did not like it, Alexa was becoming someone he did not know.

But How dare she? He thought angrily. After trying to kill Carla, killing his unborn nephew and almost injuring his mother, she thought she could go scout free, doing anything she could and thinking she could get away with it.

Or did she think he would come chasing after just because she walked out of his house? Well, if that was her plan, he would prove her terribly wrong.

He picked up the telephone and dialed his vice president's number,

“Have someone clear out Ms. Stephen's entire space. Throw out everything or better still, burn them. I don't want to see anything about her. And after that, I'll need a new secretary, preferably one who would take her job seriously. Have I made myself clear?” He screamed at his aide, Joseph .

“But, sir… “

“Don't you dare, don't you dare try to defend her. When she comes back from wherever she is, she can speak for herself. “

“But that was what I was trying to say,” Joe swallowed, “Ms. Steven's was in the office earlier this morning.“

“What do you mean she was in the office, and you're just telling me now?” Rex's fingers were tapping badly on his desk.

“That was what I was about to tell you,” Joe swallowed hard, knowing what might happen. Being Rex's second in command, he was the only one who knew of the relationship between Rex and Ms. Alexa Stephens. And he knew how terrible things were between them. Now he had to break this news… And probably get fired for angering Rex like Rex's former aide.

“Damn you, Joe, what happened then?” Rex yelled impatiently. Trying to restrain himself from flinging the telephone and marching to Joe's office to choke the truth out of him.

“Sir, she came by to drop a document for you and asked me to personally hand it over to you , I'll bring it over now. I'm sorry sir.” Without waiting for Rex to slam the telephone down, Joe ended the conversation. Wiping his sweaty hands on his suit, he whispered a prayer , picked up the document and walked out of his office. How could Alexa, knowing who her husband was put her in this mess?

In his office, Rex paced up and down as he thought about what the document would be about.

A resignation letter? An apology note was more likely. She was probably trying to beg him to not divorce her and to bring her back to the house. As usual.

When Joe walked into the office, Rex all but dragged the document out of his hand.

“What is the document about?” he asked him.

“I haven't opened it yet, sir.” Joe stood uneasily, worried that Rex could see through him. True, he hadn't opened the document, but there had been no need, not when the writer had told him the content.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Or do you need me to spell it out for you? Get out!”

Flushed with relief, Joe more or less disappeared from the office.

Rex sat down on his desk, eager to tear open the packaging,

who could be dumb enough to package a document she was simply dropping off? Obviously, only Alexa. Rex snickered.

There were two documents in the package. Opening the first document, Rex felt relieved even though he didn't know why. It was just a resignation letter. He laughed, at least she had saved him the trouble of firing her. He was about to tear the paper away when the title of the next document caught his eyes;


Rex’s flung the document at the wall. His heart was beating so fast, he could hear it pounding against his chest. How dare she?

He picked up the telephone and dialed Joe's office.

“I don't care how you do it, but find Ms. Stephens right now.”

“Sir, I can't.” Joe answered.

“What do you mean you can't? Joseph, this is an order!” Rex roared.

“Ms. Stephens said she knew you would try to find her. And that you shouldn't. Because you never will. Should I call your lawyer? She said you would be needing one.”

Without replying, Rex slammed the telephone down angrily… just as someone walked into his office without knocking…