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Compassion Under Marriage

Compassion Under Marriage

Autor: Evelyn Scott



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In a city of Williamsburg where fortunes are made and lost, Isabella Darvis is frantic to save her father’s business from bankruptcy. Enter James Andrews , a billionaire who proposed an unexpected proposal. He will rescue Darvis Industries if Isabella agrees to marry him. Force into a world of power, jealousy, and hidden agendas, James and Isabella must navigate their arranged marriage, confront their pasts, and discover that love can truly conquer all.” Compassion under contract” is a captivating tale of romance,revenge and redemption where every decision could change lives forever.

Chapter 1

The late afternoon sun was blazing and radiating a golden shade over Williamsburg’s skyline, its glimmering glares evaporating through the big windows of the Davis family’s modest but well-built and well-furnished apartment. I sat at the dining table, staring at the pile of design yellow prints for my new project. I fixed my eye on what I was currently doing, my pencil swabbing rhythmically against the paper as I was perfecting the final touches for the client’s room renovation.

Despite the total concentration I gave my work, an uneasy thought occupied my mind suddenly. My father, Daniel Davis, had been worriedly quiet over the past few weeks, and his behavior was more withdrawn than usual. I have always been one of my father’s admirers because of his strength and how he is when it comes to business. He had developed one of the biggest real estate firms from scratch, it was the most talked about, and he provided a comfortable life for his family. I noticed the worry lines reflecting on his face and his anemia becoming more frequent.

The banging sound of the back door opening and closing broke my deep thoughts. I looked up to see my father, his shoulders sagged, and his face was of exhaustion and worry. His face was beaming with a weak smile as he entered the living room.

“ Hi, Sweetheart,” Daniel said with his face beaming with a smile, trying to put some cheerfulness into his voice but it was not working out.

“ Hi, dad. How have you been? I asked with a concern look casting in my face.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair.” hectic, hectic, very hectic. We have to talk Isabella,”

My heart paced fast, the tone in his voice was one I hadn't heard in years, not since my mother gave up the ghost.

I stood up and moved frantically to the living room, sitting close beside him on the worn-out but very comfortable chair.” What’s going on Dad?” I inquired, with a shaking voice.

He took a deep breath, his eyes resisting mine” It's about the business, Isabella. Things have been really…difficult. We’re experiencing a severe financial crisis.”

My eyes widened.” How bad is it? I curiously asked.

He finally raised his head to look at me, his eyes filled with tears of sorrow and guilt.” We are experiencing bankruptcy. I took out several loans in order to keep the business going, but the market’s been unfavorable. We have lost a lot of our major clients, and now the debt has increased. I've tried all my possible best, but…” he went off, unable to finish his sentence. I felt a surge of fear and anguish crash over me. How had things gotten extremely bad without me knowing? I had always trusted my father to manage my business, but this was a critical result.

“ Why didn't you inform me sooner? “ I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

“I didn't want to frighten you, especially with all the work you have been putting into your own career,” he replied with a trembling voice.” I thought it was a little thing that I could fix, but it has gotten out of my hands now.”

My mind shivered as I was trying to think of a possible solution. But my own savings was going to be a savior, because I knew we wouldn't make dime from the debts my father was describing.“ What do we do now?”I asked, with a helpless face.

He nodded.” l don't know, Isabella, I've been trying to bargain with the banks and creditors, but they're unleashing patience. We might have to sell the business, the house……everything we have acquired.”

I felt tears prickling at the sides of my eyes, but I winked them away. The thought of losing our house, the place where we had developed so many memories, was almost too much for me to bear, but I was determined to stay strong for my father's sake.

“ There had to be another way,” I said with full hope,” Maybe I would talk to some of my customers, to see if they know any investors who might be willing to help.”

My dad looked at me sadly.”I appreciate that, Isabella, but we need more than just an investor. We need a miracle.”

As if on alert, the doorbell rang. Both my dad and I looked towards the door, shocked by the unexpected visitor. I stood up and walked to the door, opening it to reveal a tall, neatly dressed man in his early thirties. His black hair was neatly styled and his green eyes seemed to take everything at once.

“Good evening,” the man spoke out, his voice sounding very smooth and confident.” My name is James Andrew. I'm here to see Daniel Davis.”

My heart beat battered at the mention of my dads name. James Andrew was a well-known figure in New York’s business circles, a multi-billionaire with a reputation for being both ruthless and astute. What could he possibly want with my father?

“Please, come in,” I said, stepping aside to let him enter.

James shook his head politely and walked into the living room, his stare briefly meeting me before he turned his attention to my father.” Mr. Davis, I've been following your situation closely. I honestly believe we have a mutual understanding interest that we need to discuss.”

My Dad looked bewildered but gave a sign to James to take a seat” What do you mean? Mr. Andrew?”

He sat down, his pose relaxed but commanding.”I'm aware of your financial problems, and I have a proposal that could solve your problems.”

My father and I exchanged glimpses, both of us skeptical yet intrigued .” Go, on, “ My Dad said cautiously .

James leaned forward, his eyes locking onto my daddy with a assertiveness that was almost uneasy.”I propose an arranged marriage between myself and your daughter, deal I will pay off your debts and ensure the future solidity of business.”

The room fell into dumbfounded silence .My mind reeled as I tried to process the words I just heard.An arranged marriage? In the 21st century? And with James Andrew, of all people?

“ Why?” My father inquired, his voice filled with incredulity.” Why would you want to marry my daughter?”

James’s gape changed direction to me, and for a moment, I thought I saw a glimmer of something deeper in his eyes something almost helpless. But it was gone as fast as it had appeared.

“ Let's just say that I have my own reasons, James replied cryptically. “ Your daughter is bright, intelligent, talented, and has a prominence for being both kind and resourceful. Those qualities I value. And also, this agreement would be mutually helpful. You get financial stability, and I gain a partner who can help me guide certain social anticipations.”

I felt a wave of irritation and anger.” I'm not a commodity to be traded, Mr. Andrew, “ I declared, with a trembling voice filled with emotions.” This is my life we're talking about here.”

“ I understand your feelings, Miss Davis. And I don't make this proposition lightly. But consider the alternative. If your father's business goes bankrupt, what will you do about it? How will you support your family?” James said, his expression softened slightly.

My mind was battered as I weighed the options. The thought of marrying a stranger, especially someone like James Andrew, was frightening. But the possibility of losing everything we had worked for was equally daunting.

“ We need time to think about it,” I finally said, my voice barely murmuring.

James shook his head.” Of course. Take the evening to discuss it with your father. I'll return tomorrow morning for your answer.”

With that, he stood up and walked to the door. Before leaving, he turned his face back to us .” I assure you, my intentions are dignified. I only want what's best for both our families.``

As the door closed behind him, my father and I sat in dumbfounded silence, the poundage of the decision pressing down on us. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions, torn between my duty to my family and my own desire for freedom.

“ I don't want you to feel pressured into this, Isabella,” My father said with his voice breaking the quietness.” But we’re running out of alternatives.”

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves.” I know, Dad. I just…I need some time to think.”

That night, sleep evaded me as I lay in bed, my mind replaying the events of the day over and over. The thought of marrying James Andrew replenished me with nervousness, but the alternative was preposterous. I couldn't bear the thought of my father losing everything he had worked so hard for.

As dawn broke, I made my decision. I would do whatever it took to save my family, even if it meant offering up my own happiness. I only wished that Janes Andrew would keep his word and that this agreement wouldn't turn into a misery.