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True Love

True Love

Autor: Smita



True Love PDF Free Download


Soham Deo is a CEO of Deo enterprises. He is Automobile engineer. Top notched machine designer. Won many prizes in car designs as well as machine designs. He is brave, intelligent, aloof and playboy in nature. He loves boxing. Won many prizes in boxing. He played boxing at national level. Avanti is beautiful girl by look and also beautiful in nature. Loves to live her life with some thrilled . Singer and love to write poetry. She is daughter of CEO. Both Avanti and Soham forced in arrange marriage. They're like opposite polls. Then there love story started.

Chapter 1

"Avanti' s thrilling entry on stage"

Bang! Bang! Avanti the queen of hearts of the fans came on the stage on racer bike. When racer bike approached near to stage Avanti who was standing on back seat of racer bike all the way to stage suddenly jump on the stage through fire rings. All fans are cheering for Avanti, "Avanti Avanti we want Avanti ". When Avanti landed on the stage safely through fire rings gave big smile to all of her fans.

All lights on the stage suddenly lits up when Avanti landed on stage. Beautiful stage decoration can be seen by all fans. Atmosphere is very lively. Some fans are cheering for Avanti. Some fans are clapping their hands in rhythm. "Avanti clap clap clap we want Avanti clap clap clap". Some fans are follow the dancing steps of song sang before by Avanti. Wonderful stage decoration, eye catching lightning, cheerful environment no one wants to miss this live performance of their idol Avanti Rao. All fans are waiting for Avanti's first song of the day.

Avanti the star of the show said to her fans, "Hi friends are you ready for my first song of the day ? ". All fans said loudly," Yes". Some fans make request to Avanti to sing their favorite song. Avanti said, "Here is my first song for you". Suddenly all musicians start to play their musical instruments with nice rhythm. All dancers start their dancing according to rhythm of song. They are dancing on eye catching decorated stage. Some fans are clapping while some fans are dancing according to disco track, some fans can't breathe because they can't believe they are watching live performance of their idol Avanti. Avanti finished her first disco track song which is most favorite song of her fans. All fans started saying loudly,"once more". Avanti sing song again on the stage.

Avanti said, " Here's my next song for all cute love birds, I hope you liked it". Suddenly decoration of the stage change into romantic atmosphere. Full stage is covered with roses and there is big beautiful butterfly situated in the middle of the stage. Musicians started to play romantic tune.Avanti started to sing her song" When first rain drops are falling on the ground, I can feel our beautiful love, when rain drops falls in the sea new gems are formed which is sign of pure love, I can feel your pure love in my heart ". When song was finished all fans started to cheer for Avanti once again. Once again lively atmosphere made bye all fans. Avanti went to back stage to change her get up for next song.

She had no idea that her full family is invited to watch her live performance by her lovely uncle Ravi Deo. Her dad never ever allowed her to perform stunts on stage so she smartly hiding information of her live performance from her parents. Whenever needed sign of father or mother to agree for thrilling stunts she never asked her parents. She was taking help of her lovely uncle Ravi Deo. Ravi Deo has no idea that she will performed such thrilling stunts on stage so he invite his childhood friend Aashish Rao and his wife Avani Rao to Avanti's live performance show. So her parents also watch Avanti's live performance. But Ravi Deo has no idea that Avanti is badly scolded by her family after watching such thrilling stunts.

Aashish Rao is well known CEO of Rao enterprises. He has taken position of CEO of Rao enterprises at the age 22. When he has taken position of CEO Rao enterprises was facing financial crisis. After so many years hard work made Aashish Rao one of the best CEO in the country. So many newspapers wanted to take interview of this outstanding businessman. But Aashish Rao is simple and low key person. He has beautiful wife Avani Rao. He has one son and one daughter. His son Ayush handling his business in foreign countries while his daughter Avanti is apple of his eyes. He have loving and caring daughter. He never allowed anyone to hurt his loving daughter. He always protected his loving daughter. But when he saw his daughter performing such thrilling stunts he couldn't breathe. He is on the verge of collapse.