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Devil Loves Me Hard

Devil Loves Me Hard

Autor: Mulove



Devil Loves Me Hard PDF Free Download


''Soon, I will be the only reason of your shaking legs.'' He said with a smirk. He is the fire. No one can afford to mess up with him. He is the sharp edge of the knife. If you dare to touch him or his little daughter, you will only get hurt. •••••• Rhysand Seth, is the President of Dynamic Cooperation. He is a perfect man with the Devilish looks and endless money. But he is a single father of a 5 years old girl with Atrial septal disorder,  Aideen Seth. In order to give his daughter a normal life, he got involved in a contract marriage with Asteria Blaze until Aideen recovers from her heart disease. Asteria is a simple girl who is trying hard to make her ends meet. Can Asteria go through this period without any difficulty with the Devil?

Chapter 1

''Young Miss, you cannot run like this.'' Maya, a babysitter ran behind a 5 years old little girl while panting hard. ''Please be careful. You will get hurt.'' The pitiful woman in her late thirties cried.

But the baby was in no mood to stop. ''Maya, you have to catch me. Else I am going to run whole day.'' The beautiful girl threatened her nanny.

''Please don't do that. Or I will have to call your Daddy.'' Maya tried to hold her from the hand but the 5 years old sneaked away.

''Don't you dare to call him.'' Her voice suddenly turned cold and now all the energy from her body drained out. She was out of breath. Even in the cold weather, the beads of sweat trickled down on her face while her cheeks were flushed red.

Maya got a chance to hold her but today was not her day. Before she could do that, Aideen fell hard on the cold marbled floor. Maya panicked. It was not good. It was not good at all.

''ROSE.'' She shouted on the top of her lungs for help.

Within seconds, Rose came to the site. She placed her hands on the mouth to stop herself from screaming. ''Oh my God. What happened here?'' She asked and helped Maya in rubbing the back of the little girl who was now near to fainting. The rise and fall of her chest was getting more abnormal as he was having difficulty in breathing.

''I want you to call Mr. Seth right now and we are taking her to the hospital.'' Maya calmed herself and instructed.

She held Aideen in her embrace and ran outside the huge mansion towards the parking lot. ''DRIVER.'' She shouted.

Driver immediately rushed and turned on the engine of the vehicle. Rose came behind in her slippers as she tried to get through Mr. Seth.

The ladies settled with the girl who was on the edge of dying at the moment and the driver drove them to the hospital at the highest speed possible.

''He is not picking up." Rose announced.

''Continue to call him. This isn’t good at all. I have never seen Young Miss this sick before.'' Maya rubbed her chest to make her heart function normally again. However, this time it was not helping.

''Why did you make her strain herself to the point of death? Just pray that she is fine. Otherwise, it is out last day on Earth.'' Rose stated the cruel fact in the most brutal way.

''Instead of thinking about yourself, you should think of saving her.'' Maya rolled her eyes, ''Call Mr. Eric. Maybe Mr. Seth is in meeting.''

Rose nodded and called the assistant of Rhysand Seth. He picked up her call at the 2nd ring.

''What is it, Miss. Rose?'' He calmly asked.

''Actually, you should tell Mr. Seth that Young Miss is not feeling well and we are taking her to the hospital. Please come to the hospital as soon as possible.'' She begged.

''Oh God. We are coming right now." He said and hung up.

Eric walked in the impatient steps towards the meeting room that was really gloomy at the moment. Not a single sound, and the people broke into sweat.

''JUST HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF?'' Rhysand Seth roared at the top of his lungs, making every single person in the meeting room flinch.

''Mr. President, there is an emergency." Eric called him.

And the ruthless expressions on his face were replaced by the worry and concern. There is only one emergency in his life that can occur without a warning. Eric did not need to explain himself.

''Meeting adjourned. I need the report early in the morning on my table.'' He said to the executives and slipped in his coat.

His blue eyes were filled with tension. ''What's wrong this time?" He asked Eric while getting out of the main door of the company. Since Eric had already informed the driver to take out the car, he was waiting for him.

''I don't know the details. Maya and Rose are taking her to the hospital.'' Eric informed, closed the back door and settled on the front seat.

Rhysand nodded. He tried to maintain his poker face but Aideen was his weakest point. Even if a single strand of her hair is hurt, he could not help but find himself in more pain than her. She is his life. Even though she is sick and the doctors tell him to keep himself prepared for the worst, still he cannot bring himself to do that. He cannot imagine his life without her.

''Drive fast.'' He said to the driver in the dangerously dead tone.

The man stepped on the accelerator and covered the 30 minutes drive in less than 15 minutes.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Rhysand ran towards the pediatric ward. He saw anxious Maya and Rose in the corridor.

''What the fuck happened to her?'' He snapped at them. The ladies did not look in his eyes.

''She ran in the whole mansion today.'' Maya reported him in a tiny voice.

''Fuck.'' He cursed and banged on the door of the ward where the doctors were treating her. He wanted to see her, hold her and stay with her when she is in pain.

''Open the fucking door right now or I will not mind breaking it." His cold voice echoed in the almost whole floor.

Eric stepped forward to hold him. ''Boss, don't do this. We should give time to the doctors to treat her. And I have asked the staff Dr. Tayson is checking up on her.''

Rhysand took a step back and ran his hand in the hair.

''She will be fine. Don't stress yourself out.'' Eric comforted him.

Rhysand looked at the women behind him, ''we are going to have a long talk. Just pray that she is fine." He threatened them with his gritted teeth.

''We are really sorry, Mr. Seth-'' Maya tried to say something in her defense.

''No excuses.'' Rhysand shut her mouth while pointing his index finger. ''Save your apology. I fucking don't need that." He glared at her.

Soon, the door opened and a doctor with grey hair came out. He took off his mask and gloves and took in the sight of Rhysand with whom he is familiar with.

''This time it was really difficult, Mr. Rhysand.'' He stated and Rhysand felt his whole world collapsing. ''She is out of danger now but I have told you not to let her even walk. But she ran hard and her heart was not able to keep up with her body. Any physical activity is a great no for her. Be careful next time.''

Rhysand was seriously worried now. Her condition has started to worsen from the past. ''And please don't intervene in the treatment.''

''I was really stressed about her-'' he took a deep breath. It was really an excuse.

''I know. You don't have to tell me.'' Dr. Tayson Jeffery patted his shoulder. He has been their family doctor even when Rhysand was a kid.

''Can I see her?'' He asked.

''Yeah and we need to discuss her operation too.''


Rhysand walked inside the room where his little Princess laid with no energy at all. The smell of disinfectant, the beeping sound of the machines and the cold room always made him feel suffocated. But he had no choice when it came to Aideen.

Her tiny body was almost wrapped in the countless tubes. He glanced at the heart monitor that showed an uneven heart rate pattern.

He sighed and gazed at her. Rhysand ran his hand in her dark brown long hair and tucked them behind her ear to have a better look of her pale and haggard face.

''I am sorry.'' He kissed her hand with the drip, ''I am sorry for not giving you a better life.'' She was the only person in the whole world who never judged him. He can be himself. He does not need to pretend. She accepted his dark and brighter side. The emotions which he cannot show to anyone, he can show them to her.

''I love you, Princess.'' He told her while sniffing hard to push back the tears that threatened to fall from his sapphire blue crystal eyes.