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His Demons

His Demons

Autor: Previcky



His Demons PDF Free Download


*Alpha we saw this rogue, she killed someone from our territory*. "What, she killed someone"? He said in his deep husky voice, He was surprised and also angry seeing how such a petty girl and also Omega killed someone from his park. ............. "Please, please here me out, I didn't kill him, they killed him. "I just went there to help him, please don't kill me",she exclaimed as she begged for her life. "Please I don't want to die, please let me go",she couldn't even processed what was going on. One time she was coming back from work,the other time she sawed someone dieing who need help and just wanted to help.This was one of the main reasons why she also have been hiding from the other packs, the all treat omegas as shit. Was it their fault to be Left with no family and be despite by their pack?? ************** My name is Marissa. I'm 17 years old, a bar tender and will be finding my mate this year. I'm a lonely she wolf who is trying to survive the hardships across. I don't really mingle with others and as usually, it's time for work to close. "Hey Marrisa, won't you wait a little while and have someone wishky with me,, my boss said. He is the gangster type but despite that he is always nice to me. He is a human and I was wanted to be one to a leave freely, I was tired of run. I packed my things and went out to grab my motor bike, I started the engine and rode off. "Pleaseee,help me"he was screaming in agony. I wanted to ignore but I couldn't, so I decided to give it a short and helped him. God, I didn't know what was after and this landed me in a big problem. Keep tune for more lovely viewers

Chapter 1



"Hello Timber,, what's up?

"Yeah, it's party time. There is this big ongoing party at Hills street. See, this is not just an ordinary party, the elite are the one throwing the party and I managed to got us too tickets!!!!!, She screamed.

You know, she a screaming bitch, that type .

"I'm not interested ", I said in that I don't care tone.

You see, I'm not the party type and I don't like such things.

I'm not going and you know that and the reason why I'm not going. After you got a pack and lm a lone wolf,, they think of me as Omega and I'm afraid of what will happen to me.

Yeah, I know Marrisa, but I promise you it's a humans party,,, and I think there will be no alphas or Luna's or betas there.

No one will no of us being werewolves, c'mon, let's chill, after all it's only one night.

"Hey Marrisa, please let's attend this one, and I promise that will be our only party ever,,,she said confidently as if she is sure of her results.....

I mean wait, what?, How do you think this will convince me to go with you?

"Ohk, what about I treating you for a whole week, doing your dishes and cleaning your apartment for you, it's not always that you get such offer,,or what are you saying?

"Well I think this sounds cool, I accept your offer partying bitch.

"Ohk, I will be coming to you house tonight to get you;

"Ohk, whatever...........

I'm still at work, let me end the call and so I can start packing.

"Hey, Marissa, are you leaving soon??he asked.

Yeah, eeerrmh I was thinking maybe if I could get leave sooner today, have something to grab tonight.

"Wait what, is it a party???


"Ohk,, you can go and wait, take good care of yourself Marrisa.

"Ohk Conor, after all I got some muscles here, I winked at him and he smirked.

He wave me a good bye and I waved back too.

I went to grab my motor bike.

The journey back home was silence as usual, my apartment was also silence.

It is twenty five kilometers drive away from the bar I work recently.

You see, because I am a lone werewolf, no one wants to mingle not give me a job to do. I only have Timber who have accepted me whole heatedly and I love her too.

I took a quick shower and decided to choose from the clothes I have in my wardrobe.

They are not that much, but I still manage..

I heard my door bell ring and I went to check.

"Hey Marrisa"

Hey Timber.....

"I've go something for you to wear, wait, don't tell me you were about to wear this old fashioned clothes???,, She looked shock.

"What, this is what I have, not that I mostly go to parties.

Ohk, now try this.

It was a black ball gown, showing my right thighs, v neck shape showing my back and my cleavage and it also shows my perfect curved hips that I have always try to hide in those bulky clothes. It looked perfect on me but a little bit uncomfortable.

"Hey, how is it Marrisa???she shouted

I'm coming.

She was astonished with her mouth wide opened looking like as if she'd seen the most beautiful thing ever.

"Hey, you are looking amazing .

"Are you sure because it's a bit uncomfortable??

I'm sure Marrisa, today all eyes on you,; I promise ,, she winked at me.

Stop that Timber, actually I always wanna stay low.

Thank God it's humans party.

C'mon, let's take my car Marrisa, and hurry up or else we will be late and you know what will happen next.

I went inside the car and she drove us away.


Now now, we are there.

"Wooow, this place is beautiful, look at the decorations.

Marrisa,take this mask and wear it.

We started to walk inside.

"Excuse me young ladies, can I please see your entry cards???the body guy asked.

Ohk, here you go pretty boy,, Timber said batting her eyes at him.

Errrmh, this way ladies as he motioned his hands.

Thanks,, we said and we darted way.

The inside of the ball room was more beautiful than the outside.

People were crowded everywhere, and from my vie I can see they are all rich and wealthy, but not compared to werewolves because there were the higher ranks and the most powerful of all.

A certain gentle attracted my eyes, I don't but I am having this feeling I can't grab onto.

"Hey Marrisa, come here and grab some wines.

Ohk, I'm coming,, whatever I am thinking I must stop.

I hurried up and went to where Timber was .

"Ladies would you like to take some wine???

Errrehmmm.........I- I - I.....

Hey don't worry, it's a cherry berries,not that strong and think you can handle it very much, the guy said .

He was very handsome, dress in his black emporio armani coat with a dirty blonde hair,,, well he look sexy and attractive to be frank and rich.

"Hello gentleman there, please one glass of red wine and one glass of cherry berry yogurt.

Ohk, sir, sure.

"Do you want something Miss ........

"Timber",,, she corrected.

"Yeah, Miss Timber do you too want something????

"Errrh____mmm, no you see someone is waiting for me so I have to go quickly,,, ohk so see you guys.

Hey,,call me when you're done Marrisa,, she said as she darted away quickly.

"So Miss Marrisa may I have a dance with you???he asked just as he lowered his hands asking for mine.

I hesitated for a while before I placed it in and everyone took his floor.

We started swaying according to the tune as he pushed me slightly and I collapse with his body.

His right hands holding my hands whilst the other one holding my waist firmly as if I am his.

"So you're Marrisa aaaah,,such a beauty with a beautiful name,,he said seductively with I blushed along.

So you're a rogue right?

At that instant it feel like all the blood in me drained away and my body stiffened. I felt my palm already wet with sweat and panicking.

"Hey,, cool down okay, I am not here to hurt. Justing amazed that you came here,, why you thought it's all about humans in the world, no werewolves will be here???

Then I realized I made a big mistake coming here,,, I didn't even think about it that much with the possibility that werewolves will be present.

"Yeah,, we have quite decent number here and there are all powerful and great alpha's , Luna's and betas too,, he pointed out, but don't be worry.

"I am beta Rodriguez of Crinsent moon pack.

"Wait, what??? that's the powerful pack of the whole world. I've heard they are having a very dangerous and strong alpha no one dares to play with and also handsome. The aura surrending him is very deadly.oooh moon goddess, I hope he is not here or else my head will be gone in a blink of an eye.

"No one will hurt you,, I assure you that.

He promised me as I felt my body relax a little bit but not fully.

" Thank you very much Beta"

Oow, no need to thank me, but can you treat me to dinner the other time or I mean when you're free????

He was having that pleasssssse face and it look really cute on him. What can I even say, I can't deny such a handsome and sexy guy like this for a dinner treat.

Don't think I'm a Playgirl, well I'm not.

We heard murmurs and chitchat and the girls around whispering to each other about something.

Then I felt the domineering power and emitting from someone.

I was too stunned when I saw the beauty god infront of the pulpit.

At that moment I frozed when I thought he nearly saw me and that was the last thing I wanted right now.

It was the alpha. Every girls dream, he was well built,,,broad chest, dark hair fallen at his shoulders and a pair of dark blue orbs which will instantly trap you under it and also look deadly, he sexily beautiful,a very strong and thick jaw.

I wanted to faint.

I really wanted to take more look at him but I couldn't, the last thing I wanted right now is being caught as a rogue,, the end of my life.

"Excusee beta, I wanna leave right now???

"And why Marrisa,, why are you in such a hurry.

Sincere I can feel that he was very concerned about me.

Well, have something urgently to do, see you later

I darted away from there and called Timber.

"Hey Timber, where are you????

"I'm here Marrisa,,,look at the corner side of the bar,, I'm there.

Then I saw a drink Timber waving her hands at me with a guy.

Oooh no, she was really drunk, now another problem, I have to drive the car myself.

I went to get her and pushed her inside the car and started driving away from the mansion.


"Hey Rodriguez"

"Yeah Zeke"

I smell rogue here.

Why is rogue here Rodriguez????

I thought I ensured this place safety in your hands.

Hey relax Zeke,,, I just let her off the hook,,,

And what did you wanted to do, kill her or what????

You know exactly what I know Zeke,, she is your mate and you hate her????you don't want her????

Then after all let her be,,, or you wanna temper with her life too?????

"Hey,watch your tongue Rodriguez,, you're talking to your alpha,,,he shouted with a deep and at the same time a dangerous voice command respect with the alpha power surrounding him.

"Sorry alpha, for making you angry,,, his beta said as he he lowered his head and bent down as a submission.

"Fu*k, it's ohk Rodriguez, I am even terrified with my own self.I am sorry for venting my anger on you.

I am very sorry buddy.

"Hey Zeke, don't worry, it's ohk.

Zeke p.o.v

I was so angry that I let it all on beta.

I never taught my mate will be a rogue.

The problem is not even that she is a rogue,,,, she is also considered as very weak on our race chain

How will she be able to survive with what's to come,,, my deepest fear, the *demon* of my life.

They made sure to kill everyone, everyone I ever loved,,, and they couldn't get through with me because I am strong