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It's A Part Of Me

It's A Part Of Me

Autor: TheCertifiedQA



It's A Part Of Me PDF Free Download


♡Accept your flaws and flaunt it♡ Written by Qudrah Adam Sometimes having something different from others isn't a default at all. InfacT it Proves that you are special. Meet Anisah Attah, a lady with an eye rare in society, she is taunted and Discriminated because of her eyes. Anisah is a care free girl with a charming personality very rare amongst girls of her erra. And now we have Waleed Usman, a handsome Top Paris fashion designer who has a hidden liking for Anisah's charming eyes. But He still disliked her because of her feisty attitude, what happens when Anisah becomes his personal maid. Will they get along or will hell break lose. Find out by Adding to your library.

Chapter 1

  "Accept your flaws

  and flaunt it"

  Everyone in the room seemed focused on something or the other. Some were busy conversing while the rest were busy cooking or cleaning up the house for the big upcoming event.

  "Anisah" She could hear the loud voice of her old shabby mother calling from the backyard.

  "Yes mummy" Anisah immediately tied her scarf roughly and ran down the stairs in a high speed.

  "Mummy you called for me" Thirteen years old Anisah said to her thirty five years old mother who stood with a bucket clutching on her hand.

  "What were you doing upstairs?" Her mother asked worriedly.

  "Mummy, Aunty Aisha needed my help" She said truthfully.

  "Aisha is back?" Her mother inquired and she nodded.

  "No wonder you were in the house" her mother turned on her heels and faced the borehole where she was washing the madams clothe.

  "Mum let me help you with this" Anisah offered sweetly but her mother declined with a negative nod.

  "Go Home instead and cook for Ibrahim, i reckon he is hungry by now" her mother said and she made a sad pout.

  "Mum Ibrahim is seventeen and knows how to cook. Please mum Aunty Aisha is teaching me makeup" she said in a pleading pout. "No, I've told you several times not to enter into the madam's house when people are much" her mother said "But you never listen" her mother added with a loud hiss.

  "Mum i promise i don't let them see me. And i don't think they notice my eyes" she felt a pang of sadness when she mentioned about her eyes.

  "That's what you think, they notice your eyes even more than you do Anisah. Just go home now, please" her mother pleaded and she nodded sadly with a very fake smile.

  "Okay mummy. Take care" she hugged her mum before leaving.

  On her way to the cottage where she leaves, she bumped into a broad shouldered boy who faced her with an Aura of Anger.

  "I'm sorry Waleed" she immediately apologized to the grumpy teenager who looked nothing Above Eighteen.

  "You better watch where you are going next time. Smelly girl" he said the last part in a whisper.

  "I apologized, didn't I?. There's no need to call me smelly" she rolled her blue eyes at him.

  "There is indeed great need. Tell me, did you take your bath at all today because you are more smelly than usual" Waleed said in all seriousness in other to piss her off.

  "And you, did you bump your head harder today. Because you are more annoying than usual" She placed her hands at akimbo like an iron lady.

  "I can see you are mad" Waleed said Angrily.

  "And i can see_" Anisah was cut short by Waleed's mother who came in the middle of their little argument.

  "What is going on here?" Waleed's mother which they fondly refer to us Mamah asked.

  "Mamah she started it" Waleed immediately pointed fingers at Anisah who stared at Waleed in awe.

  "It's a lie Mamah, Waleed started it" she said which made a smile form on Waleed's mum's lips. "Come here Anisah" Waleed's mum said and she did as told.

  "tell me what exactly happened" Waleed's mum knew both Anisah and her son very well to know who started the fight. Anisah explained what had happened to Waleed's mum who shook her head at Waleed.

  "Apologize to Anisah Waleed" his mother said and he silently hissed before Apologizing. "I'm sorry" he mumbled.

  "Good, And Waleed she is younger than you so you have to learn to act mature" Waleed's mum said, if only she knew how much he disliked her.

  "Okay Mamah" Waleed said. "You may go" his mother said and he nodded and did as told, not before sending Anisah a very deadly glare.

  "Anisah don't pay attention to him, he is immature" his mother said the minute Waleed left.

  "Okay Mamah" Anisah said with a very broad smile gracing her beautiful lips.

  "Where are you going to?, don't you want to be a part of Your friends Quranic graduation" Mamah asked and she stared at her blankly.

  "Yeah" she said absentmindedly.

  "Huh?" Mamah felt confused as to what her reply meant.

  "I want to be a part" she said and Mamah smiled with a nod "But i have to go home and cook for ibrahim" she said.

  "Okay then. Go" Mamah said she nodded before running off. She ran slowly at first but decided to halt when she was out of breath. She bent down and held her legs while taking in deep breath.

  "Well well if it isn't blued eyes witch" Waleed's voice made her get right back up in a splint.

  She rose up only to meet five set of masculine eyes staring into her blue eyes. "What is it Waleed?" She asked Angrily.

  "You were right, her eyes are disgusting. How can a girl have such a dark blue eyes. It's disgusting" one of Waleed's friend said and the rest agreed by mumbling yes.

  "Yeah, and not just that. She is smelly and extremely rude" Waleed said as he recalled how his mum had made him apologize to her.

  "Waleed please i have no time for this. So excuse me" she tried to push her way through but he pushed her making her fall flat on her butt. Which made all of Waleed's friends laugh at how she yelped when she had fell.

  "And that is for making me apologize" Waleed said. Anisah stared at him with tears gushing out of her eyeballs.

  "Oh wow, your tears aren't blue" Waleed teased which made her sniff as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

  "Waleed!" Ibrahim's thunderous voice yelled from behind them as he ran towards where Waleed had pushed his sister.

  "Are you okay?" Ibrahim asked while helping Anisah off the ground. He stared at his sister who looked pale and sad.

  "Let's go home. They don't deserve an argument or attention from us" Ibrahim said which made Waleed roll his eyes.

  "Get out of here Ibrahim" Waleed said "And also, teach that sister of yours some manners, because I'm beginning to think that she has forgotten her status" Waleed added.

  "Do not worry, we have not forgotten our status. I promise my sister will stay out of your way from now on" with that said, Ibrahim took his leave with his sister trailing behind him.