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Teasing Games

Teasing Games

Autor: Gigi Wrights



Teasing Games PDF Free Download


Cold but hot! He's everyone's crush! Ruthless in the business world, but to the outside world? A player! What happens when the Almighty player himself gets played? “God damnit! Woman! I said stop right there!” he growled out of frustration. What kind of person is she? He has never seen. She paused and glanced at him with a raised eyebrows. "Do you have something else to say?" “You don't believe me do you? I said I'm the CEO of Jade's Company." She smirked “Right, then I'm the mother Teresa. Playboys will always say anything to get into ones panties, however, that line doesn't work on me.” with that, she sashayed out of the room. He watched her go with shock written all over his face. Fuck, did that just happened? ________ He came in unexpected, dominated her body and soul. Does he want to dominate her heart too? “Its just sex,” he said coldly and walked out after he's done. Two brothers, different personalities, who will she go for?

Chapter 1

“That's right baby! Ride me harder!” Nathan groaned.

The b*tch on top of him, whatever her name is, wiggled her big butt as she worked her waist up and down.

“That's right! Take my f*cking c*ck!”


Have you ever been in a situation where you are just waking up, and you do not know where the f*ck you are?

That's what's happening to Nathan now. Like, what the hell? How did he end up stranded on a freaking island? His mind wandered to last night and recall clubbing with his twin brother Nate, drinking, while he let some hot chick ride him. He felt dizzy and suddenly, he blacked out. He can't remember what happened after that.

Today, standing on an unknown island made Nathan realize his damn twin brother had drugged him. Let me tell you something, Nathan and his twin usually play pranks on each other, sometimes it could be dangerous but this… bringing me to a remote island is something he has never done before, so Nathan has a bad feeling about this. What did his brother plan this time?

Glancing down at his body, Nathan let out a sigh of relief. At least Nate left his clothes on but didn't leave any phone. The last prank Nathan did on him was leaving him naked at a supermarket so, he has been vigilant about where he sleeps lately until last night.

You might feel that they are both jobless, playing pranks on each other like kids, in fact, it's the other way around. It's the only means they could get over their past. Well, Nathan could get over his past with women, clubbing and drinking, and anything, you can think of. Nate still hasn't gotten over the past, but working at the company helps him most time.

Just as Nathan was thinking about how the hell he was going to get back home, he heard the crunching of footsteps heading his way.

Phew! At least he's not the only one here. He thought it was Nate, so he yelled.

“You motherfuckin' cunt!!! Why the hell will you leave me on… holy Christ!" his voice trailed off. He noticed it wasn't his brother but three blonde hotties in a bikini heading his way.


What the hell is going on? What was his brother trying to do? Nathan was now confused more than ever.

When the ladies saw him, they squealed.

“Oh, my God! So hot!”

“He is so cute!!!”

“I want him for myself!”

Nathan's eyebrows went up. “Well, that is not possible, sweetheart.”

He admits he loves women, but even at that, he's not a man that can be tied to one woman. Not now or ever. He doesn't even sleep with the same girl twice. That has never happened.

The first chick with emerald green eyes threw herself into his arms. “Hi, I'm Cindy.”

Nathan patted her enormous butt. Though Nathan was confused about why he was getting this treatment, he wasn't going to complain about leaving anytime soon. Even his subconscious mind was thanking Nate for bringing him there.

“I'm Kiara.” The girl with gigantic boobs said.

“And I'm Lisa.” She flashed Nathan a brilliant smile, revealing her cute dimples, which caused him to gulp slightly.

Why don't we get over the talking and start fucking? He thought to himself.

“Nathan, I'm Nathan.” he coughed, “Ugh, can any of you beauties tell me where this is?”

They all gave him a weird grin and then…

“Welcome to Sex Island!!!” they screamed at the same time.

His brows creased. “Say what now?”

It's not what he's thinking, right?

Lisa giggled, pulled his hand, and began leading towards a building he didn't notice before. “Don't worry about it. You'll find out about it sooner than you think,” she muttered mischievously and gave the girls a wink.

Nathan's frown deepens. That was supposed to excite him, but why does he have a feeling that he won't like what his about to find out?

_ _ _

At this time, Nate sat in his office. He ordered his assistant to bring in his usual black coffee. Soon after that, his phone rang.


“The job is done, sir.”

“Good.” he hangs up after that and smiles imaging the look on his brother's face when he finds out the shit he's into. That's right, Nate dumped his brother in a popular reality show everyone was familiar with.

You can't blame Nate though, as Nathan's elder brother, he is always looking out for him. Putting Nathan on sex Island is the only way he can think of to help him restrain from having meaningless sex. Nathan may feel he has gotten over the past, but he's only using sex as a cover-up, and that has to stop.

He hopes he made the right choice by sending him there. “Set up a meeting with the next client in an hour.”

He said to my assistant as she set the coffee on the table.

“Yes, Sir.”


Back on the Island...

'Holy shit! I think I'm in heaven!!

How can there be so many hot people in one place and at the same time?' Nathan thought, his eyes glued to the women in the room.

That's right, we have over three people on this island, there are about thirty people here, fifteen females and fifteen males. But what exactly is going on?

Though the men in the room said nothing, Nathan could tell they hated the fact that he was here, and because he is handsome, the ladies were happy to see him. All the girls except a petite lady at the corner who was only focused on the plate in front of her.

Of course, the kind of person he is, he loves being noticed by all, so he walked to her.

“Hey, I'm Nathan.”

She slowly raised her head to look at him. Her small cherry–red lips were wrapped around the spoon as she sucked on it slowly.

Nathan took in a deep breath. Fuck me! That was hot.

“I'm Raven,” she stated and continued her ice cream.

Wait, that's it? She will not drool at me? Or throw herself at me? Nathan's brow furrowed as he stared at Raven.

Before he could say something else, Kiara pulled his attention. “Hey, Nathan. You wanted to know where this is, don't you?”

“Um, you mentioned that earlier, didn't you? Sex Island? So, when do we start fucking?”

Everyone busted out laughing as if they have heard the most hilarious joke ever. Even Raven smiled.

One guy patted his shoulder. “Oh man, the term 'sex Island' doesn't mean we have to fuck.”

Nathan blinked. “Huh?”

“We are here to make money, dude. Five hundred thousand dollars is on the line.” Someone chimed in from the kitchen.


A lady walked towards him with a grin on her face. “So darling, to have that cash, there are conditions involved. No kissing, no indecent touching, that includes touching yourself, and definitely no fucking, as you call it.”

Nathan's jaw dropped. A few seconds of silence passed before he could finally speak.

“You are joking, right? I mean, rules are meant to be broken.” he choked out.

Like, what the hell is this?

This is the funniest thing he has ever heard in his life. A room filled with hotties, and you can't even touch?

“Sorry, darling, you can't break the rules, or you get kicked off the island.”

“What? I mean, the fuck?”