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My Fierce And Pretty Lawyer

My Fierce And Pretty Lawyer

Autor: Yhen Amor



My Fierce And Pretty Lawyer PDF Free Download


Atty. Yhera sworn she will never trust again after she has been betrayed twice, unless she found that one true love. How would she find that one true love however, if she will not open her heart for another chance? Until she met Seigfred Yee, a young, good looking busi-nessman who tried everything to win her heart. Due to Seigfred’s persistence, Atty. Yhera finally let go of her feelings and said Yes to Seigfred. Jethross, Atty. Yhera’s old flame suddenly appeared. Would he bring havoc to the current happy love life of Atty. Yhera? Two days before their wedding, Seigfred is nowhere to be found and Rhoda, the young arrogant brat who is too des-perate to win Seigfred’s heart was found dead. Who killed Rhoda and where is Seigfred? Can Atty. Yhera solve the case and finds her one true love again? Finds out as the story unfolds.

Chapter 1

  She just recently finished taking the most hurdled exam in their country; the Lawyer’s Bar Examination. For a year, she focused on reviewing, oblivious of everything around her.

  It’s time to celebrate with Jethross, his boyfriend for almost three years already. She has so many lapses in their relationship during the time that she was reviewing for this BAR Examination.

  While sitting now at the driver’s seat of her old Toyota corolla, she heard the ringing of her mobile phone. It is her friend Sarah.

  “Hey friend, what’s up? I just finished the exam now. I want to jump! I am free at last hahaha. I will be going to Jethross to invite him for a celebration. You know, I need to make up things for him.” Happily Yhera blurted out to her friend, who just kept her silence on the other phone.

  “Yher, can we see each other first before you meet Jethross? It is quite urgent.” Sarah’s voice faltered.

  “Sarah, are you crying? Hey, hey, where are you, I will be there, alright? Hang-on.” Immediately, she started her car’s ignition upon knowing where Sarah is.

  She directly went to Sarah’s house, per her instruction. Sarah’s maid told her that Sarah is sitting at their pool side.

  When Sarah saw her, she suddenly runs and hugs her tightly.

  Yhera was so surprised. “What’s going on friend?”

  “Yhera, please take this lightly. I need to tell you something. Sarah scrolled something in her mobile phone and then showed it to Yhera.

  Yhera’s eyes narrowed upon seeing some pictures. She could not fathom yet, what these pictures are all about. She looked at Sarah with confusion.

  “Yhera, Jethross got married three days ago. I learned about it two days ago. I am sorry, I did not tell you right away because I want you to focus on your review and exam.” Sarah gets hold of Yhera’s hands and looks at her with full of sadness in her eyes.

  “No, no, that is not true Sarah. He just called days ago and told me good luck on my exam and that he loves me.” Yhera’s tears are now flowing like rivulets. How could it be? Jethross loves her so much and she loves him too in return.

  Sarah hugged her bestfriend tightly hoping to ease the pain she is feeling right now.

  “Sarah, how can Jethross do this to me? He lied to me! He cheated me! Damn him! Damn him.” And Yhera’s cries can be heard all throughout the premises of Sarah’s house. Slowly, she slumped on the ground together with Sarah who is crying too.

  Yhera’s heart is so painful. Her whole mind is numb and she felt her world crumbling down.