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Hungry Heart 18+

Hungry Heart 18+

Autor: Mafuyu4


Steamy Stories

Hungry Heart 18+ PDF Free Download


"Please let me go. I swear I won't tell anyone!" James chuckled. "Oh no princess you're coming with us" David's hand snaked around my waist, he pulled and pressed me against his hard chest. My nipples pebbled at the contact. I bit my lip to stop from moaning. "You're not fair! I hate you! I hate you!" I continue to thrash but not to avail. David tightened his grip on my waist to the point it hurts. A whimper escaped my lips. "What was that?" His hands start to roam to my exposed flesh, feeling every dip and curve until he reaches my ass. He roughly squeezes it made me yelp. I shook my head. Until I feel another presence behind my back. James. "Brother, I think our little Princess, needs a punishment don't you think?" My core burned in anticipation. I clenched my thighs. Heat pooled between my legs. I gulped.

Chapter 1

If only I could turn and slow back the time, then this wouldn't happen.

But if you're in my shoes, I'll tell you right now, Run, run away and never come back.

Whenever I hear their voices, there's this involuntary shiver that rolls down my spine.

They made my skin crawl. Just the touch of their hands, even their scent, the expensive colognes that they used. I hate it. I hate every fiber of my body.

I cursed the day that I met them. How I wished that they never laid their eyes on me. If I know that this would've happened, then maybe I will not step my goddamn foot inside this school. The freedom that I have now will forever be a dream.

Those eyes that haunt me every night. It pierced through my soul. Every beauty has its curse. Beneath that handsome and perfect appearance hides the nightmare that everyone couldn't even imagine.

Why? Of all the girls, why me? I'm just an average girl. Why make me suffer like this?

Please if there's God. Please save me.

Save me before I lose myself.

The sound of broken glass and the loud slam of the door woke me up in my reverie.

This is real. It's not a dream.

Sobs racked inside my body. I tried to contain it as small whimpers escaped my lips.

"Baby girl, come out! I promise we're not going to hurt you" David sang.

My body began to tremble. Even after so many years that we've been through it still has the same effect on me. A choked-out sob escapes my lips. How can fate be this cruel?

I didn't ask for this.

"Princess, we just want to talk. Come out please." Begged by James. His deep voice resonates in the darkroom.

I scoffed. Liar. What a drama queen.

I close my eyes and shake my head no! I will not fall to their schemes! They're both maniacs! Both manipulative and cunning bastards! I curled up into a tiny ball.

This is their plan! They're just waiting for me to submit myself to them! Ha! As if!

Those manipulative bitches. Just wait and see.

If only the ground could swallow me. I continue to pray as tears escaped my eyes.

The silence is deafening, the loud beat of my heart pounds painfully in my chest, their shadows loomed neared in my hiding place. Sweat beaded on my forehead.

I tried to maintain my shallow breaths and covered my mouth to prevent them from hearing them.

Various negative thoughts swirled inside my head. Both lead to my demise.

Please go to the other room. Please!

Heavy footsteps can be heard on the other side of my room.

"We know that you're here Princess. Don't make me repeat my words." He gritted out. I can hear the silent threat with those words. David's voice shook me to the core. He's angry now. Angry David is not good. Ever since we were little he's been an explosive kid. Everything sets him off, I don't know how their parents manage to tolerate them but I'm done with them!

God, he's so scary! I can feel the anger that leaks and radiates in his body.

Sweat trickled down my neck. I can feel the stiffness of my shoulders. It feels like forever and I'm stuck with this position.

I ignored the painful cramps of my muscles as soon as numbness took over my body. I kept my focus on David's footsteps.

He's the dark and evil twin. Nothing good happens if he's mad. I swallowed the lump in my throat and buried my head between my legs.

Please go away!

There has to be away! My frantic eyes searched every nook and corner of my room for an escape but found nothing. I see a tall figure in the corner. James. He was blocking my exit.

They both knew it from the start! Clever bastards. They'd knew that I will go here. Tears burned in the corner of my eyes.

I'm doomed!

Suddenly their heavy footsteps stopped.

I waited. Minutes ticked by as my heart pounds fast. My palms continue to sweat. I gripped my pants in anticipation.

The familiar cologne wafted inside my nose, slowly I turn my head. My heart thudded in my chest.

"Found you."