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Alpha Shine's Luna: Moonscent And Shine

Alpha Shine's Luna: Moonscent And Shine

Autor: Okiami



Alpha Shine's Luna: Moonscent And Shine PDF Free Download


A world of werewolves cursed by a powerful and ancient witch which made them half animal, half human, and something far more dreadful. Something that no human from the old world could understand. A werewolf was not a werewolf until they became aware of their new, monstrous nature, the marking and ripping of the flesh as their bodies changed and grew in size and strength under the influence of the cool moonlight... The struggle of Moonscent And Shine.

Chapter 1

This is the story of Moonscent and Shine.

An exceptionally powerful young witch, mixed with the blood of a werewolf, a half immortal sorceress who was born into a world plagued by witches and their evil deeds, but led by a stronger one, the goddess of moonlight. Born without any knowledge of her magical gifts, well hidden inside her soul.

An offspring of two powerful bloodlines.

An endless struggle between Moonscent and Shine continued to rage on until the sun had faded away, leaving no trace of where it once shone.


"I---I feel cc---cold--mm--mom. Please..."

Her voice was soft, frightened and obviously broken. Her face was tear streaked and her long black hair was tumbled and dirty around her face. Her faded clothing was torn and ripped and it hung off her body. She was very thin and looked like she was dying. She was crying like there was no tomorrow, and she had a deep cut that ran down the length of her arm, it was bleeding profusely.

"Go get the laundry done right now or else I will drop this bowl of boiling water down your fucking throat and burn every inch of your fucking skin off, do you understand me?!" Her voice was rising, higher and higher until she was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Now go get the fucking laundry done! Do it right fucking now, you piece of shit!" Her eyes narrowed to tight slits, and she clenched her fists and her eyes were ablaze with hatred as her brows were knitted together in a scowl.

A girl in her twenties with long brown hair who was standing in the doorway, watched as the bloody and gasping girl took up the howling woman's full and shrieking rage. The girl stepped out of the doorway and walked away from the torture, limping slightly as if her foot was bothering her and a blanket was wrapped around her tall, thick frame.

"P--please, mom..." The trembling girl whispered, her voice barely audible, trying to stand again as she stumbled backwards into the tiled floor.

She pulled her tattered blanket around her chest and squeezed her eyes shut as tears rushed down her cheeks. Tears of pain, of loneliness, of helplessness. Tears she was certain no one could hear but herself or ever could be wiped away, for no one would ever feel or notice her.

"Moonscent!" The shrill voice of an older woman roared into the room from the doorway.

She staggered into the now quiet room, carrying a full bottle of gin with a faded blue label in one hand and a broomstick with a stained red handle in the other. She stared into Moonscent's terrified face and then, without warning, swung the broomstick across her face and knocked her head into the wall hard enough to cause her to lose consciousness for the moment. The sounds of shattering glass, cracking, splitting, and crashing rang out throughout the room.

An explosion of hot pain spiked through Moonscent's body. She recoiled and clawed at the blur of noise and motion, but couldn't block out the pain. She finally broke through, forcing her feet to move into the steps she had so laboriously used to climb up the staircase, then she found herself being dragged by her hair through a sea of broken glass and splinters. She didn't dare resist, but even if she could she wouldn't be able to manage it.

"Aunt...? I am sorry, aunt! Please... I--I will go right now... don't throw me there today, aunt...." Moonscent managed to gasp out with a quivering voice.

A little later, Moonscent was taken out of the building and thrown down on the heap of scattered metal scraps in the snow in the far corner of the yard. Before she could cry out in pain, she was shoved down onto her side and held down by the weight of all the crushed metal in her arms and legs. She bit down on her lip to keep from screaming and struggled to turn her head enough to see if any of her family were there.

Not to make a sound, she said weakly, fighting off unconsciousness. "I'll be alright. I have to take it as a bad dream. I'll be okay. It is a bad dream." Deep in her heart, she knew she was telling a lie.

Then suddenly...

"Wake up, mate. Go get dressed for the ceremony, you sleepy head."

Moonscent heard a voice say in her ear. The voice sounded vaguely familiar, but she couldn't place it.

"Get up, Moonscent!" The voice called her again, this time with more urgency.

It sounded like something had awoken her.

Even though her mind was numb with pain and confusion, she felt her body move a little in response to the command. Moonscent felt herself lying flat on her back in a soft bed, weightless. She couldn't keep her eyes open, but the feeling of being picked up somehow brought back her senses.

In the next moment, she felt the strangest sensation, like she was sinking into a warm bath. She struggled to open her eyes and squinted at the dim light leaking through the window. The strange sensation continued, like waves crashing over the sea, which grew stronger and deeper with each passing moment. When she finally made it to full consciousness, she realised it was sunlight. She felt all her skin flood with warmth as a stream of light flooded into her eyes, illuminating her surroundings. A room far more elegant than anything she had ever laid eyes on.

Confusion crept up on her face, and she wondered how she could possibly be there at all, in a place that seemed so different from anything she had ever known.

"Alpha? Luna? Are you awake now? It is time to awaken."

A moment later she was spooned up against a muscular body, warm and hard and comforting as a voice came from the other side of the partially open door, barely audible above the clatter of the windchimes. The hard body against her was perfect in every way and she was sure she felt him touching her with every breath that he drew. She breathed shallowly, staring up at him in awe and wonder. She should be frightened or something, she supposed, but it felt like she was floating in the air and he was holding her there. A deep breath blew against her ear and she gasped at the heat from his breath, exciting her more than she knew was possible.

"Stop tempting me, my beautiful Luna. Cover those delicious tits of yours and spread...I mean, just get dressed... Fuck." He cursed under his breath and bit his bottom lip, scanning her beautiful body.

Moonscent's eyes fluttered open and she blinked, unsure what he'd said. His freckled eyes were bright blue and shining in the faint light. He seemed like he could see right through her and into her soul. They roamed over her breasts and up her neck, letting her know he found something there that excited him, even though she didn't quite know what he was looking for.

"Who--I...uhm..." Moonscent stammered.

Focusing on his eyes, then lips again, she forgot how she'd ended back on the bed. He rolled over on top of her, taking her scent on a deep inhale and shoved his hand between her legs. The touch of his fingers was electrifying.

"Damn,'re wet for me. Oh fuck... My Luna..." He buried his face between her bare breasts.

Moonscent could hardly breathe and his whisper was a sexy growl against her neck. She almost shrieked in surprise. She tried not to let his fingers trail into her. She was frightened of that.

"W--wet?" She wondered what he meant. " mom---and"

As she whimpered, he grew still. He lifted his head to look at her with a lustful grin. Like a hawk to a poor dove, he stared into her frightened grey eyes.

"What aunt and mom, sweetheart? Don't you want me touching you now, but stripping naked every time we are together?" He kissed her ear and gave her a short nip, chuckling at her quick reaction to his touch.

Her cheeks were already flushed.

"You shouldn't be naked in my presence if you don't want me to get an erection. It's almost exploding in my freaking pants right now, my pretty Luna."

"W-wh--what it...sir? What's... exploding?"

"Soon you will find'am." He chuckled softly. "I love this new game of yours, my Luna. I shall enjoy watching you walk, with legs spread, while taking support from me...for weeks."


"Come here, Moonscent, I don't think...I can wait anymore. Your Alpha...wants to get a taste before anything else. Forgive me, my Luna."

He dragged his tongue in between her breasts, settling someplace...juicy, pinning her hands high above her pretty head, then releasing afterwards.

Moonscent flinched when she finally noticed her naked and exposed body. She covered her breasts with her hands, but her wetness leaked out onto the brown sheets, making a puddle there.

"Now spread, let me settle in between those creamy goodness before something bad happens to your one and only handsomeness."

"I don't understand... can you not hurt me...sir? I--um...I need to..." She blurted out as she lay there shuddering and trying to get the words out.

"Alpha? May I come in now and get Luna ready, please? It is almost starting. I brought the meal."

A maid dressed in a plain purple uniform was heard outside, wheeling in the tray loaded with various types of food and drinks, such as grilled boneless chicken breasts and spaghetti with meat sauce, to which there was a side dish of vegetables. Rich wine bottle was placed on the side, with water bottles next to it. Other varieties as well.

"No. Tell everyone to wait, including my mother." The Alpha ordered in a loud voice, then turned back to Moonscent with a serious tone on his face.

His hungry eyes kept boring into her and she squirmed, she was still pinned beneath his hard body, crushing her with his full weight, his beautiful face only inches from her own. He moved his mouth from her ear to her lips in a kiss that was full of hunger, was it lust? His breath had grown heavier and he ground his cock against the quivering flesh beneath him. Moonscent felt her body shudder, her body was aflame. She closed her eyes, silently praying that she would wake up from this nightmare, or at least know what was going on.

"Ahh!" Moonscent let out a short cry of pain as his sharp teeth penetrated deep into the raw flesh of her neck.

She screamed in terror, grabbing him with both hands as she struggled to get out of his grasp. When she thought her skin would be ripped off, a fearfully familiar voice rang out in a terrifying thunder.

"Open those fucking eyes, Moonscent!"

Her name floated up to her eyes. She slowly opened her lids and gasped in shock when she saw the face she had feared, for every breath seemed to take hours to flow in and out of her mouth. Her eyes grew heavy and dim as they tried to see the face that remained permanently frozen in her mind, forgetting she was drenched by a bowl of cold water deep in that chilled state.