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Autor: Sugar Chelle


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About the trials and tribulations of becoming a recovering and functioning ex addict.Parts are true some bogus. It starts at the blue mountains my place of origin and birth and the death of my brother Mark and the pain it caused not only short term but also long term,wth going through the grief the blame and eventual destruction it left behind,re bad relationship, domestic violence etc. I hope those who read it can get some guidance on how much experience in becoming clean and sober ,and staying that way

Chapter 1

  I spent all day doing the house and looking after kids and was just about to put the kettle on make myself a cup of tea before hanging out the last load of washing for the day,when suddenly,the front door flew open and here he came the supposed love of my life.

  "Thought you were cleaning today.What the fuck happened,looks like a bombs gone off"

  Why was he home so early? To check up on me .What the hell.


  "Well what"

  "Why is the washing still in the basket U lazy bitch, why's dinner not cooked and kids in bed .you stupid stupid bitch"

  As he walked up the stairs to take a shower and get changed. Thank Christ another 40minutes peace to get washing out and dinner started and when he gets out and we have dinner then the children can bathe.Please get out of the shower happy, I prayed and began to pick up the laundry and head out the back to put the washing out.

  It had been such a great day with the children and now cranky was cranky and we would have to behave,no talking at the table even though he sat Infront of the television anyway and I sat with the children. To make sure they behaved and weren't punished for some minor thing.

  He was never like this in the beginning he loved us well made us think he was a real man,how wrong was I. Now I was at Coffs Harbour and hadn't seen my parents for almost 10yrs,they didn't even know about my daughter Ebonae,and she was almost two and half. I did miss them alot though.

  As I hung the washing out I thought about why was I still here putting us in danger he only really yelled at the kids I copped the bashings and torture of not being able to comfort my children after he had smashed my face up as they stood and watched,terrified,yet I still walked them to school every morning while he drove two blocks to work and I walked two and a half kilometres morning and afternoon to get the children from school. And I was the lazy bitch.Hardly.

  I finished hanging the clothes out on the line and went inside to prepare dinner.

  Mmm stir-fry sounds good the children love it and 20 minutes to prepare and cook,bath Ebonae and shower Luke and Blake can have his shower in the morning before school.

  "Soo.Whats for dinner not bloody spag bowl I hope I'm over that crap"As he slickly plodded down the stairs like lord muck on his way to his man cave

  I called out

  "No.stir fry" .

  "Finally something good"

  Why did he expect so much of the women in his life fuck,what was it?

  "Dinner's ready" I could out down the basement as I placed the stir fry and rice in the middle of the gorgeous red gum table,that my still existing brother had made for us on our wedding night

  "C'mon you three wash up.dinner"

  We all sat around the the table quietly munching away ,as no-one was to talk at the dinner table. House rules.

  As soon as Alecs plate was clean he was straight up and back down into the basement. Ebonae, Luke ,Blake and I finished up and began the task of cleaning the kitchen,

  "Why does dad never clean up?"Blake asked sternly.


  "You know cause your father works all day"

  "Yeah but so do you"

  Blake was getting to the age where he was realising how unfair the power in the house was and how old fashioned thinking it was. And why did I wear sunglasses all the time,like all the time even inside.

  "C'mon let's get this done so we watch some television together"