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Her Knight In Shining Suit

Her Knight In Shining Suit

Autor: Senyorita



Her Knight In Shining Suit PDF Free Download


Abbigayle Jimenez is just a simple girl with big dreams. Her world started to change when she went to the city for the sake of her desired future. She met the rich and powerful Ethan Ledesma, her friend's older brother. She developed an unexplainable feeling towards him. However, things aren't exactly going her way as some secrets are about to be revealed. What happens when she found out the truth about her identity?

Chapter 1

Abbigayle's POV

Did you ever go out of your comfort zone just to chase your dreams? Did you ever leave your family behind for you to pursue your desired future? Well, I did.

Today is my first day of school as a college student.  I have dreamt of this moment for a long time. I moved from our home and rent an apartment near our school so I won’t have to travel for long hours every time I have a class. My parents supported me in this journey of my life and they wanted what’s best for me so they allowed me to chase my dreams even if it means being away from them. My father is an accountant and my mother is a public school teacher. I enrolled in a university here in the city because I was lucky to be accepted as one of their scholars. I chose to study hotel and restaurant management program since it has always been my dream to be able to own a hotel or even work in one. I don’t know what will happen to me in the next years but I promised myself that I’ll be successful and won’t back out from any challenges I might face.

I am a 19-year-old girl, currently, a first-year college student, and I haven’t been away from home not until this time. Many say that I look like my mother but some say that I also look like my father which might mean that I’m a mixture of both. I was born and raised in a province where we live and where my parents work. Our life is far from being perfect but as they say, nothing is perfect. My family is what keeps me going and I must say that I am very blessed when it comes to my parents. They have given me everything that I need in whatever way they can and for that, I am very thankful.

I was walking to my first class when someone approached me. A tall, white and very pretty girl is in front of me. She seems nice and I can tell by the way she talks and dress that she belongs to a rich family.

“Excuse me, Miss?” She asked me.                                                              

“Yes?” What does she want from me? I thought rich students don’t want to get along with the poor university’s scholars.

“Are you new here?” she asked.

“Yes, I am. Why?” I asked.

“I am a freshman too. I’m Klaress.  Klaress Ledesma and you are?” she said while offering her hand for a handshake.

“I’m Abbigayle Jimenez. You can call me Abby.” I said.

“It’s nice to meet you, Abby.” She said.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Klaress.” 

“You’re so pretty.” She said.

“What did you say?” I asked her.

“I said you’re so pretty even from afar I could tell that you are.” She said. “Don’t get me wrong, okay? I’m not a lesbian. I just really think that you’re pretty.”

“Oh, thank you Klaress. I must say you’re prettier than I am, honestly.” I said.

“I think I’m starting to like you already.” She said as she laughed.  “What’s your course?” she asked.

“I’m taking up hotel and restaurant management, how about you?” I said.

“Oh my God, we have the same course. Is that why you were going to that building? My first class is there. Are we in the same class?” She asked me. “Can I see your schedule?” She sounded so excited.

“Yes, my first class is there,” I said and I took out my schedule and gave it to her. “Here’s my schedule.”

“Wow. We have the same schedule for every subject. We’re block mates.” She exclaimed happily.

“That’s great. I won’t have to go to my classes alone.” I said.

“Yes, me too, I’ve been so nervous earlier but now that you’re here it makes things lighter.” She said.

“Me too, I felt the same earlier. Shall we go to class? We don’t wanna be late on our first day.” I told her.

“Yeah, we should go.” She said.

We walked to our class and luckily since it’s our first day we just had an orientation about the subject we are enrolled in. I never thought that I’ll meet a friend on my first day of school. I feel fine and at ease being with Klaress and even though she looks really rich she’s not a bitchy bitch. I like her to be my friend.

“Okay, class dismissed.” Our professor said.

“It was a very light on the first day. Our professors so far we're okay, right?” Klaress asked.

“Yes, it was good. I hope they won’t give us a hard time in our classes soon.” I said.

“I hope so too. Anyways, where are you going? School’s over, do you wanna hang out?” She said.

“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go to the mall and buy some things for school.”

“That’s great. I haven’t bought my school stuff too. It would be nice to do it together today, what do you think?” She said happily.

“Of course, I would love that.” I said. “Do you live around here?” I asked her.

“Yes, our house is just a few blocks from here.” She said.

“It must be good to live near the school.” I said. She’s so lucky that she doesn’t need to be far from her family while studying. It just adds to all the emotional dramas when you’re far from home.

“It’s okay. I find it convenient.” she said. “Let’s go? Wait. I ‘ll just call my driver.”

“You have a driver?” I asked her. I guessed that she’s from a wealthy family but I never thought that they are that that rich. They must be super-rich that she has her own driver.

“Yes, I am not allowed to drive yet. My brother and my parents don’t want me to drive or be in a car alone that’s why they insisted that I should have a driver.” She said.

“Your brother must be overprotective of you.” I said. “You know with a sister like you, who wouldn’t be overprotective.”

“Yes, he is. After all, she only has me as his sibling.” She joked. “Truth is, he’s strict but he’s the best.Oh, here’s our ride. Let’s go.”

A black car which looked like it just came out from a car showroom stopped in front of us. Wow. I’ve never ridden in a car as expensive-looking as this before.

From what I gathered from our talks, Klaress’ parents are both businessmen and they own one of the best hotels in the country. Actually, they own the hotel in which I am aiming to have my internship someday. How lucky she is! They are really wealthy and their family is powerful in this place. She has only one brother and she is the youngest child. Her life must be pretty simple with maids ready to serve her in a snap of a finger.

“Let me clear this to you, you own High Dreams Hotels?” I asked as I was still in awe and can’t believe it.

“Yes. Our parents own it. It’s our family’s business.” She said.

“Wow! That’s amazing!” I said.

“Why? You like our hotels?” She said.

“Of course, who wouldn’t?” I said. “Although I haven’t been to one of your hotels. I’ve seen it on the internet and television. They’re the best hotels.”

“That’s very nice of you to say.” She said. “Don’t worry soon when we aren’t busy with school, we’ll go to one of our hotels.”

“Really?  That’s where I want to have my internship soon. That’s my dream hotel. That would be a dream come true.” I said.

“Yes, I’ll give you a tour there soon.” She said. “I promise.”

“Alright. I still can’t believe it. That’s why you are so freakin’ rich.”

She laughed at me. “Just a perk of having rich parents. It’s not really my money you know.”

We continued our conversation to a school supplies store and scan for things that we might need in our classes. 

“I wanted to take up nursing because that’s what I really like but then our parents didn’t allow me that’s why I’m here taking up hotel management.” She said as she looked at a notebook in front of her. We were talking about why we enrolled in this course.

“Can’t you take a course of your choice? It’s hard to do something you don’t like doing.” I said as I scanned the books in front of me.

“My dad is kinda strict and besides he wants us to follow their footsteps and run the company in the future.” She said. “It’s like our responsibility as their children to continue their legacy.”

“That must be so hard.”

“It is but sometimes I think of it as a blessing since not everyone has the opportunity that we have.” She said. “How about you? Is this course your choice?”

“Yes. It has always been my dream to own or manage a hotel. I like entertaining guests and giving them the best services there is.” I said.

“That’s nice to know that you are pursuing what you love to do. How about your parents?” She asked.

“We live in a province. We’re not rich like you but we’re okay.” I said.

“I haven’t been to a province before. Maybe you can invite me to your home town soon?” She asked and she sounded so excited about it. “I wonder what provinces look like.”

“Of course, soon. I would love to show you the place where I grew up and built my dreams. You’re gonna love it there. The air is fresh and the environment is peaceful.” I said.

“Do you have a sibling?” She asked.

“No. I am an only child.” I said. “My parents were contented with having me and so they didn’t have another child.” I joked just to make the conversation lighter. “Anyway, are you done?”

“Almost. I’ll just get some highlighter pens.” She said as she went back to the first aisle. She went back holding the pens she wanted.

“Let’s pay?” I asked her.

“Let’s go.”

We paid at the cashier and we went out of the store. I’m glad I saved when I was in high school because I get to have money now for my needs aside from what my parents gave me.

“Anyway, I have to go since I need to arrange the things in my apartment. I haven’t done it since I was so tired with the trip on the way here yesterday. Do you still want to stay here in the mall?” I asked Klaress.

“No, I think I have to go home too.” She said. “We can drive you to your apartment.”

“No, I don’t want to take too much of your time.”

“It’s really okay and besides your apartment is just near the school, right? Our house is just a few blocks away from there so it’s really not a hassle.” She said.

“If that’s the case then let’s go. Thanks Klaress.” I said.

We waited for her driver to fetch us at the front of the mall and surely after a few minutes, the car drove in front of us. I told her my apartment’s address and she told the driver to drive me to my place first.  We reached my apartment and I immediately went out of the car. I don’t want to take too much of their time when they should have been heading home already.

“Thanks for today Klaress. I had fun. See you tomorrow at school.” I said as I waved at her.

“Thanks to you too. I had fun as well. Bye Abby, see you.” She said and then she closed the car window.


I went inside my apartment and was greeted by the boxes of my things that need to be arranged. I immediately started arranging it and finished it when it was already dark outside which means it’s time for dinner. I have to go out to look for food since I haven’t purchased an appliance where I can cook yet. I took my jacket and headed outside. I went to the nearest fast-food restaurant and ordered their best seller. I was waiting for my order when I saw a family entering the establishment. They look so adorable together. I’m starting to miss my parents so bad.

“Excuse me, Ma’am, here’s your order. Enjoy.” The waitress said.

“Thank you.”

I eat in silence as I observe the crowd around me. This is indeed one of the best food chains in the country. They never lack customers. I finished eating and went back to my apartment. Will I survive living alone in a place that I seldom know?