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Falling For Miss Fairmot

Falling For Miss Fairmot

Autor: I_amthal



Falling For Miss Fairmot PDF Free Download


"I see the way you look at me, and I know that you want me" Logan pushed aside a strand of hair from Kaelyn's face. "I want you too. I want you to sit on my face and I want to eat you out until you're screaming my name out loud" Logan added, placing a kiss on Kaelyn's nap. A sensitive spot that made the brunette let out an audible moan. "Just say the words" Logan whispered this time with her lips inches away from Kaelyn, igniting a burning flame in her that desperately needed to be quenched. ****** After a horrible encounter with her former employer, twenty-two-year-old Kaelyn Faye accepts a deal to tame the daughter of a wealthy family in exchange for a hefty sum of money. But when Kaelyn sets eyes on her target, the beautiful, confident and flirty Logan Fairmot, she knows fulfilling the task will be complicated as she will be forced to forego one thing to be happy. And no matter what she chose, her heart will be broken.

Chapter 1

Not too long ago, Kaelyn Faye was a girl with a lot of dreams and aspirations. All she wanted dearly was to own a bakery shop, which by the way, she has been working her ass off towards achieving. Even on days when she felt under the weather, she'd made sure to check into work.

However yesterday, she needed to take her mom to the hospital for her monthly checkups. She'd thought her employer understood with her after she'd pleaded for a day off. But she was shocked to find out that her employer, Mrs Charfield didn't give a damn. Instead, she'd forced the poor brunette into doing more tiring work and had cut ten per cent off her already mediocre salary.

Kaelyn's mother, Mrs Faye used to work for Mrs Charfield, but after incurring an accident on another job, she couldn't continue with the hard Labour. Then, when Mr Charfield was still alive, the salary was good, and the working environment was harmonious and Mrs Faye didn't want to lose that. So she talked with Mrs Charfield and pleaded with her to employ Kaelyn to replace her. But when Mr Charfield died, everything went downhill. Salaries were cut, and workers were laid off, and not because the Charfields didn't have the finance. Mrs Charfield laid workers off and had the few who worked for them work ten times harder with a lesser salary. It forced those who were retained to quit, leaving just young Kaelyn and two other aged women in the Charfield residence.

The short-haired brunette was exhausted. She could barely feel her feet on the ground. Her back had started to cramp, but still, she forced herself back to work. She still had lunch to prepare then, and she had to dive into baking since Mrs Charfield was hosting a small tea party later that night.

Kaelyn let out a sigh. She brushed away a strain of hair that was plastered on her forehead from so much sweating. She sat back on the wet concrete floor, leaning her back against the wall.

She didn't know when, but she slowly drifted to sleep. She was exhausted from sleepless nights, workload and starvation. She could barely function properly.

The next time she opened her eyes was when she felt a stinging pain on her leg, followed by the sound of loud tugging and someone cursing. Standing up confused, Kaelyn was mortified when she saw her employer's daughter, Janet laying on the ground, rubbing her forehead.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Miss Charfield" Kaelyn expressed sincerely, walking over to help Janet get on her feet.

"Don't you dare touch me, you dimwit" Janet yelled, slapping away Kaelyn's arms that were stretched out. The short hair brunette swallowed a gulp, she was so exhausted that she didn't realise when she fell asleep.

"I'm sorry Miss Charfielf. I didn't see you" Kaelyn explained.

"Of course, you wouldn't see me, because you were sleeping on the job. Is that what your stupid ass is being paid for? To sleep? And because of your stupidity, you made me stumble and hit my head" Janet yelled with venom in her voice. It wasn't the first time Kaelyn was in this situation. She had found herself in so many bad encounters with Miss Charfield, most of which were a result of Janet's naughtiness.

"Gosh, I don't see why my mom takes pleasure in hiring poor, pathetic scoundrels like you" Janet spat as she stood, dusting her behind.

"What has my background got to do with anything?" Kaelyn asked calmly. It wasn't the first time Mrs Charfield and her daughter threw her background to her face. What is so wrong with coming from a poor family?

"Did you just talk back at me?" Janet was stunned. Kaelyn had never once spoken back to her, but in all honesty, Kaelyn just wanted answers. She wanted to know why Janet derived pleasure in throwing her family's situation in her face. she wasn't here for charity. She worked hard for whatever was given to her at the end of the month.

"No. I just want to know what my background has to do with this situation. Why do you always throw that to my face?" she murmured, her head facing the ground. As Kaelyn lifted her head, she felt a sharp hand against her cheek, leaving a stinging feeling on her jaw.

"Don't you ever, use that tone with me" Janet warned, this time, she walked towards Kaelyn, and grabbed a fistful of her short dark brown hair before adding. "Next time, It wouldn't just be a slap," Janet said.

Kaelyn had had enough. Since working here, Janet has done nothing but make her life a living hell. She tried several times to understand where that hatred was coming from. She was always on time and respected every one of the Charfields women's little whims. Maybe it was all the bottled-up anger or the fact that Kaelyn was exhausted, but she decided then and there to draw the line.

"I have tolerated your insults, the way you talk down on me, but what I will not tolerate is you putting your hands on me. I may be poor like you rightly said, but I'd be darned if I let a whimsical bratty girl like yourself lay a hand on me"

Kaelyn's voice was sharp, she never faltered. As she walked toward Janet, she could feel fright radiating off her.

"Get away from me" fear was could be heard in Janet's voice, but Kaelyn didn't back down. She was tired of being humiliated.

"Not without an apology" Kaelyn stood her ground. Janet was terrified. She'd never seen Kaelyn so furious. She was used to the reserved girl who never speaks up, but now, she was seeing another side to Kaelyn.

"Get away from her" Mrs Charfield spoke up, pushing Kaelyn from Janet, who quickly rushed into her mom's embrace.

"Mom, call the cops. She's trying to kill me" Janet lied, making Kaelyn scoff. She was merely defending herself and making sure never to undergo another bullying from the blonde, and now she was being accused of something so atrocious.

"How dare you?" Mrs Charfield questioned, grabbing a fistful of Kaelyn's hair and dragging her to the large living room.

"You're hurting me," Kaelyn exclaimed, feeling the pain in her scalp. Mrs Charfield pushed the brunette forward, making her stumble and end on the floor.

"Call the cops" Mrs Charfield ordered her daughter who quickly rushed and went to the landline.

"Ma'am please don't do this. I was just defending myself" Kaelyn begged. She didn't want to go to jail. She was thinking of her poor mom's reaction should she find out. Plus, she wouldn't be able to make bail.

"By trying to kill my daughter? You peasants and your barbaric ways of handling things. I'm going to teach you a lesson" Mrs Charfield's voice could be heard throughout the entire house. By then, all other employees had gathered to see what was happening.

She could hear their whispers and could feel their judgemental look on her. They too have been victims of the Charfield women, so why weren't they saying anything?

Kaelyn's heart dropped when she heard sirens, and before she could comprehend what was happening, she was being taken out of the Charfield's residence in handcuffs.