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Gwendolyn( Eager To Love)

Gwendolyn( Eager To Love)

Autor: Sassyjen



Gwendolyn( Eager To Love) PDF Free Download


Do you believe that there's a world different from this world A world that is magical, beautiful, enchanting and alluring. Yes, it exists! And in this world is a kingdom called Mazda. It is ruled by a mighty queen named Sheridan; the queen is ageless, she has lived for hundreds of years, yet her skin is beautiful and flawless. But in this beautiful world, there are also treacherous people, bad people that want to take over the throne. The queen's younger sister, Celia, has always envied the throne and has been trying to overtake her sister. She has the powers of fire and ice But Queen Sheridan is more robust because she has all powers of nature. Celia is an evil plotter, so she waits for the perfect moment when the queen is vulnerable before she strikes. ___The birth of a powerful goddess____ On the night that the queen started to labour, Thor was at her side, trying to keep the anguish from his face as he beholds the weak sight of his beloved Sheridan. Thunder strikes, and there was a heavy downpour Celia came to her side in the midwife's place and gave her a goblet, she told her it contains laudanum, and it will help her numb the pain; unknown to Sheridan, the goblet has a very dark poison. Celia immediately disappears She drank it and feels the changes in her body; she can no longer access her powers. She was going to die Thor was stricken with grief; he didn't know when Celia reappeared and hit him with the dagger of the undead, the only weapon that can kill an immortal. Thor dies immediately She screamed in pains, and with that pain did she bear her daughter. A lovely baby girl with blue eyes and long black hair. She named her Gwendolyn, meaning white, beautiful and blessed. Celia was furious when she saw that her sister has given birth to her child and is still alive; she is supposed to be dead. And as she tries to strike Sheridan with the dagger of the undead, the unexpected happens, the room becomes illuminated by an orb of white light and mother and child disappeared to earth. Sheridan had a new identity and changed her daughter name from Gwendolyn to Leah and warned her never to fall in love without telling her the truth but Gwendolyn is eager to love.

Chapter 1

Writer Pov

Celia got surprised at what took place, and she wondered if Sheridan used the last powers hidden in her to transport her and her baby?

Or could it be that little Gwendolyn has already gained access to her powers?

After Sheridan's disappearance, Celia took control of the kingdom; she also gives birth to a daughter, she named her Estella, a beautiful girl, but she was just as vile and evil as her mother.

Celia looked everywhere for Sheridan and her daughter; she couldn't find them; the baby Gwendolyn is a threat to her; she has potent magic, she needs to find her middle age.

Days rolled by, but Celia couldn't find the,m but one sure thing is that she is now the queen of Mazda; anytime magic is used, or the daughter falls in love, she can locate them.

So once Gwendolyn uses her powers or falls in love, she will be able to find her.



Seventeen years later.

Modern-day California

No one suspects them; they are just an average mother and child.

And their names are Rose and Leah. Martins


changes her name immediately after she got to California.

She changed her daughter's name to Leah, Simple and short.

Their names were too weird in these strange kingdoms of mortals, so she has to change them.

She works as a janitor in a vast company; she is always overprotective of Leah, she doesn't want her to know that she has hidden powers.

But the truth is that Leah can not gain access to her powers unless she falls in love.

Apart from being extraordinarily beautiful, Leah is also knowledgeable. Although Rose didn't allow her to go to school, she doesn't want her to associate with humans because she might fall in love.

____ Until one day ____

Leah Pov

I was still enjoying my sleep, dreaming of a handsome boy I have never seen in my life; I don't feel like waking up from it.

All of a sudden, I heard a knock at the door!!

Who could that be? I wondered.

I have no friends that visit, same with mom; I put on my mole, washed my face in the bathroom and decided to check the person at the door, only to find out that mom is already there, so I decided to eavesdrop on where I was hiding.

Mom said," Please come in and sit."

The lady replied, saying, "thank you."

The middle-aged lady scrutinise our home with a grin look before she started the conversation saying, "I know you must be wondering about my visit this early morning, right?"

Mom response was, "Yes, hope no problem at all?"

The lady said just a minor problem, and she begins," this is child services, and it has been discovered that your daughter here is not attending school; this is illegal and unacceptable in California; you have to enrol her in a school or else you'll lose custody of your daughter."

Oh, how did this lady sight me from there, look at her extensive eyeballs; I just decided to come out; she has seen me.

And they continued the conversation,

Mom sighed deeply; I know that she is scared to lose me, so she cannot enrol me in a school.

The lady continued,

" Here is the list of the best schools in the city."

The woman continues and gave mom her I_pad

Mom scrolls through the phone and selects the one down on the list, the school that doesn't sound eye-catching,' MAVERICK HIGH SCHOOL' That's where she will enrol me.

Happiness took over me. Finally, I am going to attend a school like my age mates.

Mom assured her she will enrol me today, and the lady took her to leave.

"A beautiful morning to you, mom."She smiled at me and said,

"My little pumpkin, I hope you slept well?"

"Yes, mom, I did," I unlock from the hug.

I decided to use the bathroom and get ready to be enrolled in school when mom called me back.

"Where do you think you are going, young lady? Aren't you going to sing for me, or have you forgotten,"

"Of course not, okay, let me sing; I have a dream."

My mom was smiling; she loves it when I sing for her; she said I have a magical voice.

* *

*I have a dream

A song to sing

To help me cope

With anything

If you see the wonder

Of a fairy tale

You can take the future

Even if you fail

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know, the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream

I have a dream, oh yeah

I have a dream

I have a plan

A fantasy


To help me through

help me through



And my destination


It makes it worth the while

worth the time

Pushing through the darkness

through the night

Still another mile

another mile

I believe in angels

Something good in everything I see

I believe in angels

When I know, the time is right for me

I'll cross the stream

cross the stream

I have a dream

I have a dream

oh yeah

A song to sing…*

Mom clapped, saying, "You are my celebrity and everything."

"Thanks, mother, now can I go and freshen up, mom."

"Yes, it would help if you cause we are going to your new school today. Let me fix you breakfast and remember what I do tell you, avoid friends; the reason you are going to school is to learn and avoid social activities."

"Heard you, mom."

Finally, my wish has come true to attend school

My name is Leah Martins, and my mom name is Rose Martins; I am just 17, but my mom is always overprotective of me, maybe because I am her only child.

I wish I can see my dad but mom told me he died in a car accident; dad, wherever you are, I am going to make you proud, okay.



We arrived at the school premises, I must confess, the school is enormous and beautiful, are you sure this is not heaven?

We went straight to the principal office.

My mom did the talking while I was admiring the school and the students.




Celia pov

It's been seventeen years, and I can't still find Sheridan.

I know one thing for sure, sister; you can't hide forever; I need your daughter power to make me more powerful.

One of my little dogs came in

errand boy

"long live Queen Celia of Mazda kingdom."

"You can stand on your feet," I smiled; I love it when being addressed that way.

"I hope you brought good news?"

"My queen, after years of searching for your sister, we discovered she went to Earth, but Earth is too big; we don't know where she is on Earth."

I got angry, "where are you, sister?" I voiced out loud.

You may leave

Well, as I said before, you can't hide forever, I know your daughter will be foolish like you to fall in love, she will be eager as you did, and when she does, I will send my beautiful daughter to take powers to kill her.

And where the hell is Estella, my daughter?