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It's Hard To Unloved You

It's Hard To Unloved You



Realistic Urban

It's Hard To Unloved You PDF Free Download


Daniel Sébastien Anderson, a man women dream of are going to be my husband! He's my childhood crush, the only man I allow my heart to beats for. Known well and idolized by many girls. But what if he only sees me as his best friend not his lover? Will I able to live my dream? Or I will suffer because of my stupidy.

Chapter 1


I woke up late because of that research, why is it difficult to find an information about it? Gosh! I need to be at school before 8:00 and here I am sitting at my bed holding my head because it hurts a lot.


As I sit at the car I told my driver to give me fast ride cause I'll be late.

"Here we are ma'am," Manong Rowel informed me.

"Thank you Manong, I'll just call you when it's time to fetch me," I said as I get off the car.

I run as fast as I can doesn't mind if my heels will broke, I even bumped with one of my schoolmate. I just give her an apology and run again just to make with my class. Lucky me I arrived at exact time.

My teacher start to discuss and I was there listening carefully to what she's saying. After the discussion she collect all of our research. As the bell rang the teacher walk out of the room.

"Hey, Bella let's go to the canteen I am hungry," my friend Shane said.

"OK, I am hungry too and thirsty," I said as I let my tiredness shown with my voice.

I get my wallet and we go down to the canteen. When we enter, the loud scream of girls filled in the place. The boys are now walking like they own it and of course they were lead by the man named Daniel Sébastien Anderson, my best friend. A hot and powerful aura are seen with his eyes. He has a perfect body to be exact. I am going to be lucky if I would given a chance to be his girl. As I imagine it, Shane blow my ears for me to be back at reality.


While the boys giving there fashionable entrance, the girl beside me lost her mind again. As her friend I don't want her to totally lost her mind so I blow her ears so she can back into her sense.

“Your day dreaming again,” I said with a sarcastic voice.

“And you ruined it. Ahh! Come on let’s just eat,” she replied me as if I make big mistake.

"OK ma'am, what do you want to eat?," I ask her as if I will pay for her. Duhh, do you think I would do that? No way, she has her money, and it's bigger than mine.. I would like it more if she will pay and I'll be free for my meal.

"Just buy what you want," I get a bored answer from her.

Aysst. These girl really a pain in a ass. I am really stupid for accepting her as my friend.


Shane ordered our food while I sit at our table. The girls are still talking and screaming loud. But my eyes are just focusing to him. If Shane didn’t interrupt, I will going to be space out again.

“So,” she start. “Your birthday is coming, what are your plans for it?.”

“I just want a simple celebration,” I directly said to her.

“Oh! As if your mom would do that,” she said like she knows what will happen.

“Whatever,” I said as I eat my food. She's right my mom always want to have a big celebration, it's here way to interact to other big and famous people or companies.


A whole day has end. I was fixing my closet when my mom enter.

“ How was school, Honey?," she said as she sit at my bed.

“It’s good mom, but tiring.”

“Your birthday will be on Saturday,” she said with excitement.

“Yeah,” a bored reply from me.

“And we have a special announcement for you”

“Announcement?,” I said with no clues in my mind.

“Yes, and I am sure your going to love it.”

“Take a rest now, I know your tired,” mom said as she kissed my forehead.

When the door closed, I lay-down on my bed and keep thinking what my mom said. What could be that announcement? I sigh, “whatever it is,” I said as I allow my self to fall asleep.

It’s a tiring day, a lot of things happened. Tomorrow will be a new day, I wish it would be good.


My mom just informed me about Bell's birthday. But she said that there would be an announcement for us. What's announcement could it be?....Never mind I'll just ask Bell tomorrow if she knows about it. I am tired and I need to rest, there's a lot of things I need to do for tomorrow. My mind is now drained and I can't think properly.