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I want you back

I want you back

Autor: ChristineO



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The prose centers around Amber and Nicholas. Nicholas leaves because of a misunderstanding, no calls, no text and after her parents convince Amber to date again since there was no sign of Nicko. He decides to show his face but he is afraid of losing her while he tried to get what she had - Money. Will she reconsider her decision for a divorce?

Chapter 1

  She stopped walking and looked well at the person few feet away from her, standing in this same direction.

  What was he doing here? He wasn't supposed to come back. He was suppose to be handling his dream job.

  And she is supposed to be out of the airport, hailing for a cab with her sister instead of gaping at her ex-husband.

  'Amber, what is it?' She heard her sister in front of her.

  'Nothing.' She begun to walk to meet her.

  She looked back, making sure she was not being followed, or maybe she was just exaggerating; she saw his back and his sides, maybe it was somebody else and he was putting on shades. Maybe......

  Yeah! It was definitely someone else, if he was the one, he would have moved to her....if he saw her perhaps and besides he couldn't possibly remember her after a year? No, not possible .....but how could she remember him after a year? She usually don't remember the boyfriends who didn't mean a thing to her. Maybe because his sister works in her company, maybe because there are a lot of things that he bought when they were married or maybe she still haven't gotten over him?

  She paused as she saw her sister raised her hand to call a cab.

  No, there was no way, she still haven't gotten over him. Even after her dates, while she was still in a relationship, even after everything?

  ''Amber, did you see somebody?' She heard the driver began to drive.

  She looked at her sister and smiled, touching her arm to reassure her. 'Of course not, why do you think that?'

  'You look pale.'

  She just shook her head. 'I am fine, I promise.'

  'Alright.' She said as she relaxed back on the chair and closed her eyes, it had been a long ride.

  She sat back and looked at the mirror, watching the car past the joints and other cars, her mind slipped back to the first time, he kissed her.

  They were the only ones left in the building, apart from the security guard outside and they have been looking over files to give to the manager the next morning. He had insisted she left but she had told him no, because it was an opportunity to show her dad that she was working hard and to show her supervisor she was serious.

  They finished up the work before ten, he asked if they could have dinner but she had first thought it was a bad idea until she figured; he hadn't reprimanded her for anything yet, so she was in his good books.

  'What would you like?' He asked when they sat down on the table the hostess place the menu on their table.

  She scanned the menu and looked at him, looking so serious, figuring out what to order.

  'Do you like anything in.....' He stopped and asked her, when he caught her looking at him.

  She dropped the menu and looked at him. 'I haven't been here before, you can order for me.' She told him with a smile.

  She watched him nod his head, slightly and tell the waitress something she didn't hear because she was too busy admiring how good looking he was.

  She had heard the ladies talking about him in the bathroom but she had heard that presently he is dating someone from upstairs in the company. She had never really been upstairs because her work was based downstairs.

  'Hey, aren't you hungry?' She heard turning back to look at his face.

  'I am. Yes I am.' She said trying to look a bit ecstatic at the sight of what was in her plate.

  'You don't like it, I could order something else.....' He said when she didn't start eating immediately.

  'No, no.' She shake her head. She didn't want to hurt his feelings right now, he was being so nice.

  'I don't have much appetite...... especially when I am on medication.' She said as she reluctantly picked up her fork.

  'On medication?'

  She nodded, her dad had complained that she is too outspoken that she was a female and to caution what she says but she had taught herself to be expressively but at certain places not to embarrass herself. And she saw nothing wrong with telling this big guy in front of her the reason for her medication, especially since he knew half of her life already.

  'I am on my period.'

  She had felt he'd be embarrassed by her outburst, but if he was, he did a great job hiding it. 'Do they take medication for that now?' He drank his juice.

  She nod as she put a full spoon of vegetables in her mouth and chewed. 'Sometimes the cramps are unbearable.'

  'I have a sister.' He informed.

  'She have cramps, Apirl's cramps usually a day.....she is always in the room, never goes out of that day.'

  'There are bad cramps.' She said simply, she knew the girl must have explained why it was different with her. Jessie and her share the same pain.

  'I haven't noticed any difference in the ladies I worked with.'

  'They can't announced it, now, can they? And they have to be fit to work. There are more important things besides a bad cramp.' She told him, finishing up with her vegetables.

  He smiled and for the first time, since they've been together.

  'What?' She fought the urge not to smile back. His smile was breathtaking.

  'Is there anything else, I should know.'

  Like what. 'Like what?'

  He sighed and lean closer to her, causing her one big emotional turmoil in her heart. She looked his well craved face; God! Could someone this handsome, unable to look elsewhere. Now she understood why the ladies were all over him, but didn't he have someone that he was flirting with her?

  'How you decided to do business and Jessie take Art?'

  She blinked at his question and watched him relaxed on his seat. She hope he didn't catch her staring.

  Why don't you ask her yourself, she wanted to say but what came out of her mouth was; 'Jessie loves Art and I love the business world.'

  'That is one thing I discovered you don't share.'

  She nod and looked at her watch before looking at the food remaining in her plate. It must have cost a lot.

  'I am sorry about the food, I am really sorry.'

  He nod his head. 'It's okay.' . It seemed like he also did not finish his meal.

  'You're ready to leave?'

  She nod. 'I don't stay up too late. Jessie does that not me.' She gave her excuse with a smile, she hoped he accepted.

  He removed his napkin and dropped it on the table. 'I'll take you home.'

  She shook her head. 'No, thank you.' She watched as the waitress came towards them and carried the unfinished food out, without asking for the cheque..... maybe he was popular around here, she concluded.

  Then she stood up. 'Really there is no need.'

  He smiled and stood as well. 'I insist.'

  She nod, she knew it was late and useless arguing with him and then she let him walk her home. By the time they got to her gate, she stopped; this was as far as he goes; she didn't want Jessie or her mom asking her about the guy they just saw outside.

  'Thank you for dinner. It was great.'

  He smiled. 'Maybe when you have a large appetite, I could treat you to something you like?'

  She smiled at his conning way of asking her out; she had offers like this but each time, saw it as a waste of time but with this man; she could spare ten minutes from her busy schedule.

  'Maybe.' She half agreed and she liked spending time with him outside the office.

  Maybe since they've gotten to know each other, maybe he might go easy on her with the work?

  'You don't want me to walk you to the gate?'

  She shook her head. 'I am fine. Thanks.'

  'Alright.' He touched her arm. This is going to formal to casual relationship.

  She nod but she didn't move yet.

  She had a crazy idea but she didn't know how he would feel about it.......

  Her thoughts cease and her breathing stopped for a few seconds as his lips embraced hers and his hands on her waist, pulling her to his body, when she realized what was happening, she kissed him back and suddenly she stopped and moved away from him turning to the house, she kept walking and did not look back until she was safely upstairs in the confines of her room.