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Autor: Jinnimari





Good closure in a relationship should help you let go and move on with your life. But sometimes, one party is unwilling to have this final stage. Lara was denied getting the closure she needed. The lack of closure had major setbacks in her healing process. Arthur is the avoidant party who believes that facing closure was too painful. He denied her of everything even the identity of their child wasn't acknowledged. Rather than beating herself up, being angry, confused, or ashamed Lara moved on without closure. After 3 years. Lara was never the same woman. She has a successful career, more beautiful and she said. Who needs a husband? I don't need one. Arthur was dumbfounded.

Chapter 1

In the spacious living room of the Mitchell family.

"Arthur! If you insist on marrying that woman. Don't expect to step inside the Mitchell family ever again! Once I kick you out. There is no chance to come back! You understand me?"

Samson Mitchell was furious a vein popped out of his forehead. He did everything he can to discipline his son but he's the only person on earth who won't listen to his wishes. Instead, Arthur would always defy him and follow his own will.

Arthur sneered, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and laugh sarcastically. his father hit him with his fist after he was brought home forcefully by his guards.

"Are you threatening me? do you think I am afraid to disobey you? I don't care if you kick me in this damn family! In this world, I care no one but Alice!"


Samson's palm fell hard on his face his head turned violently to the side. Leaving a red palm print on his delicate face.

Arthur was stunned and didn't move for a long time. He kept his head to the side and remained on his knees in front of his father.

"Is that all you can do? Hit your son when you couldn't insist your will in my life." Then he laughed like a mad man.

"Why don't you kill me then? Kill me! Kill me now senator Mitchell!" Arthur yelled at the top of his lungs. His loud voice echoed in the entire Mitchell mansion.

Flora ran to his son's side crying.

"Arthur, don't say that, please. I am going to die first! not you!"

"Flora! Get out of here!"

Samson yelled in the same loud voice as Arthur. Giving signals to the guards to take Flora away.

The guards understood what their boss meant and approach Flora and just when they are about to step up Flora hugged Arthur's body.

"No! Samson, If you hurt my son again, I swear to you. I am going to kill myself!"

Samson was so enraged by her actions, he harshly pulled his wife then kicked Arthur in the stomach.

"I am going to kill that idiot!"

"Samson, no! He's our only son if you kill----"

Flora had not finished her words, Samson kicked Arthur again who was already lying on the ground bleeding.

She saw her son's badly beaten face bleeding and his eyes almost shut, her body went numb.

In Orlando city, Arthur is famous for his exquisite appearance, his handsome face and excellent physique made him one of the sought-after bachelors. Flora was heartbroken, gasped for air then collapsed.

"Flora? Hurry! Call the doctor!" Samson held flora's unconscious body.

Arthur was lying on the ground laughing sardonically.

Samson grinds his teeth and glared at his son with contempt.

"I am not yet done with you!"

Then he signaled his guards to pick up Arthur.

"Lock him in the basement and don't let the madam find out about it."

The guards followed his order and bowed to Arthur as if asking for his permission to pick him up. They have good regard for Arthur even if their Big boss is Samson but his son Arthur is also powerful and they don't want to offend one of them.

Arthur didn't resist it when they took him to the basement and lock him up. His wounds hurt like hell but that was nothing compared to the burning rage in his heart.

Samson found out that he was about to get married to Alice Walker. He strongly disapproves of his relationship with Alice but Arthur is strong-willed, no one can stand against him to marry the woman he loves not even his father Samson.

To defy Samson's authority, he proposed to Alice to which Alice happily accepted.

No one knew of their secret engagement and on the day of their supposed wedding. He was taken away by Samson's men and brought back to the Mitchell mansion.

Arthur lay still on the cold floor of the basement. He didn't know what happened to Alice. She must have been waiting for him at the judge's office. He took his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Alice's number.

It was ringing for a long time then the call went directly to the voice message. Arthur slammed his mobile phone and abruptly stood up from the floor.

"Get me out of here!!!"

He roared at the top of his lungs until his voice was exhausted. No one answered him. He kicked the door of the basement until he lost all his energy and collapsed in front of the door.

The basement is empty with only a bed and table. It occurred to him that Samson was prepared to lock him up in the basement. Out of exhaustion, he fell asleep.

He woke up in the evening and unconsciously glanced at his wristwatch it's already past eight.

He noticed the food and water on the tray on top of the table. He smirked and shake his head. How long is he going to stay in this cold basement? He clenched his jaw and shout again on the closed door.

"Where is your good senator? Tell him to kill me now Because when I escaped from this room I am going to fall out from this damn family."

His voice was so hoarse and his throat is dry. He wants a drink But resisted drinking the water on the table.

Instead, he pushed the tray off the table. the food and water were overthrown on the ground.

Even if he is so thirsty and hungry. He won't take whatever they give him. he will never surrender to the authority of Samson.

"Boss Arthur, are you alright?" The guard asked behind the door.

"Tell me, would you be alright if you are in my position?" He answered between his clenched teeth and hoarse voice.

The guard didn't answer him.

"Call your boss! I want to talk to him now! Do you hear me?" Arthur yelled at the door.

When the guard didn't answer. He yelled again.

"Damn it! Are you deaf? Call Samson now!! if you don't call him. I will break your face the moment I get out of here. You understand me?"

"Yes, I am going to call your father now." The guard replied as he proceed to call the senator.