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Master Of The House

Master Of The House

Autor: Archangel



Master Of The House PDF Free Download


My body trembled with fear and despair as my Master's dark eyes roamed around my body. He is Master of this house. Everything belongs to him, including my body. That's why he claimed it without my consent. He played with my body to his twisted heart's content. All I can do is silently endure... Because there is no escape from this demonic house.

Chapter 1

Eva's Legs are shaking as her aunt dropped her at a strange house. A house that looked like a grand palace even though it looked little dark and spooky. It looked large and magnificent but the place looked scary for Eva.

She looked around with her forest green eyes but all she can see was dense forest around the house. This place was isolated from the city. They have to travel 10km to reach the nearest bus station.

' Only a maniac would build such a beautiful house here' Eva thought distastefully.

The thought of working in this isolated house troubled Eva but what choice she have. Her aunt took care of her after her parent's death and now it's time for her to repay. Since they have huge debt on their back.

" Eva, if you don't like working here, we can go back. Aunty will find you another job "

Isabella said while holding Eva's hand gently. Even though Eva is not her child, she loved her like own child. She can detect uneasiness in Eva's face and she knows Eva is little scared. And who will save her if something happened to her in this secluded place.

Eva know nothing about the outer world. She don't know how cruel and selfish people can be. Isabella is reluctant to leave this innocent girl in this kind of place.

" It's alright aunty. You don't have to worry about me anymore "

"But Eva..."

" Miss Eva West ?"

Their conversation was interrupted by a mature lady in maid dress. Her face looked stern and calculating. She looked at Eva from head to toe before looking at her in the eye.

" You are Eva West ?"

Eva nodded her head timidly. The lady regarded her with uninterested eyes before telling her to follow. Isabella tried to come along with her but the maid stopped her.

" Sorry you are not allowed here. Please leave "

Isabella winced at the harsh tone and gave sorry eyes to Eva before leaving the place with half heart. Eva tried to control her tears but they stumbled down without her consent.

" Wipe your tears, Our master hates these kind of dramas "

Eva wiped her eyes with her hands which are shaking quite badly. Seeing the fear and nervousness in her eyes the maid sighed.

" This place is not scary as you think. As long as you bid by the rules, you are fine here. Do you understand? "

Eva nodded her head making the maid sigh with displeasure.

" Always answer properly with words "

" Yes m..madam"

" Good now follow me. Don't worry about your bags, I will have someone deliver it to your room. I am Martha, the head maid. You will address me as Madam. I am in charge of everything here. "

The maid called another girl who looked quite young. The girl smiled at Eva making her feel at ease at least she have company here.

" She is Clara. She will tell you everything that you needed to know "

After the head maid left, the tension in the air disappeared. Clara gave friendly smile to Eva. They bonded with each other like long lost friends.

" You are Eva right? I am Clara. Oh my god you are so beautiful "

Eva smiled slightly, look like she got a talkative friend.

"Umm Clara? What type of person is our Master?"

Eva could not help but ask the question that was nagging her mind since the moment she arrived.

" Our master is not some normal person. He is like super rich and super handsome. He is like handcrafted by the gods. And we can't forget that body and his chocolate abs. "

Eva looked at the starry eyed Clara and sweat dropped

" I am asking about his Character silly "

" Oh sorry I couldn't help but praise his beauty. Even though he is handsome, he is cold as ice. He never smiles, even to his own brother. He is quite strict and short tempered. He hate it when someone disobey him. His orders are absolute and needed to be followed without any delay"

Eva's nervousness returned back. What if their master was a bad person. Will he punish her brutally like in the stories she heard? Even if he kill her and bury her here, no one will know the disappearance of Eva West.

Clara looked at the shaken up Eva and laughed loudly before flicking her forehead.

" It's not like what you think. He is not a abuser it's just, he won't even care about your existence. Well he never cared about maids. He will fire us if we displeased him. So be careful"

Eva felt little ease and proceeded to follow Clara into the mansion.

"Oh I forgot to mention, don't ever look into his eyes. He hate it and will immediately throw you out regardless of the time"

" Point noted "

They both entered into the large mansion which stood beautifully among the forest. The inside structure of the house made Eva open her mouth in wonder. Everything is so beautiful and screamed rich.

She was so lost at the sight before her she forget to notice a tall dark figure that was staring at her from the moment she entered.

Sensing the stare Eva turned around and looked at the darkest pair of eyes she had ever seen. The eyes are emotionless but spoke in depths.

Clara stiffened beside Eva and bend her head to give respect to her master. She hoped Eva would follow her lead but the dumb little one only stared at the eyes that emitted dominance.

She looked at Clara who is bowing her head with fearful look, understanding dawned on her. She looked at the man who still drilling his eyes at her lithe form and shivered.

'oh shit !!'