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Pursuit Of His Ex-wife

Pursuit Of His Ex-wife

Autor: Yemi69



Pursuit Of His Ex-wife PDF Free Download


Sharon had fallen for Evan for years. In an effort to earn Hart's love, Sharon wholeheartedly committed herself to their two-year marriage. Despite being constantly on call for her husband, she didn't regret her decision. She yearned for nothing more than Hart's love in return. Unfortunately, her desperate hope was shattered when Hart coldly announced he wanted a divorce. She had to agree and left. Years later, Sharon met her ex again. "You gotta fix me," he pleaded shamelessly, "you're the only one who can heal me.” "You know what's bugging me?" she asked dismissively. "I am not your sex toy." "Oh babe, I'm willing to be played by you, just let me be with you.

Chapter 1

Sharon sat down on the floor crying, she just had a heated argument with her husband, and she felt that what she had done was right,

' How can my husband whom I have loved since I was ten be cheating on me with that lady?"

A few years ago, she drove her away from Bradford with the help of her, father-in-law who insisted she get married to Hart who was her childhood crush.

Theirs has been an arranged marriage and she was happy going into the marriage thinking Hart loved her too and that the feeling was mutual, only for her to realize she has been deceiving herself.

Flashing back to the heated argument they, as tears run down her eyes because he had used hurtful words that stabbed her heart like a sharp arrow.

"I'm fed up with this sham called marriage! I am done with your selfishness!" Hart Jefferson, towered over her as he yelled. " I thought you saw the writing on the wall and you would give up, but I was wrong to think that you deserved a chance!"

" Hart, please, reconsider your decision," Sharon's words broke in and out

Fear crept into Sharon's heart, knowing that he was determined this time and the one who used to help was no longer alive. She figured, " I did what every married woman would do and confront her husband's mistress,"

" I never loved you!" Hart confessed to her. " She is not my mistress!" He fired at her

" If she is not your mistress why did you buy her a house then?" Sharon was confused, she couldn't wrap her mind as to why he would buy a house for her.

" Sara is all alone in this world and I made her my responsibility because she has no one to depend on. A few years ago, I knew what you did with my dad to chase her out of the country but I hid her and now that my dad is dead, there is nothing you can do, my lawyers will bring the divorce papers tomorrow I want you to sign them and leave my life,"

With a scowl, Sharon responded, " She could have gotten a decent job anywhere she lived -"

" And with what connection? In a new town without anyone, she knows?" Hart retorted.

" Please, Hart don't do this to me, I love you," She said through sobs

" I hate you, Sharon! " Hart yelled at her " Do you want to know why?"

He was hurting her and was not bothered because he had been in pain for over five years being tied to her.

" You were imposed on me by my father who was sick and I had to accept it because I didn't want to lose him but he is no more so let's go our separate places"

" Imposed on you? Sharon silently asked. ' But I thought you loved me, you were always caring and protective of me, why did you lead me on,"

" Hahaha!" Hart laughed out loud, " Those were just an act to make my father happy,"

" An act? Do you hate me so much that you had to divorce immediately after his death?" Her world was crumbling before her, the fairy tale was disappearing in her eyes.

When Hart fully completed his studies, it was decided they got married but what they never knew was that he came back with another woman, and when the truth got to the open, they drove her away from Bradford.

Sara Lee had been a nightmare to Sharon, she did all she could to get rid of her but in the end, she lost to her.

Sharon never saw this coming because any time Hart visited Bradfotd, they always chatted like old times and she was always very open about her attraction towards him, yet he never refuted her. Imagine her surprise and dismay when they discovered he returned with a woman he was casually dating

Sharon who was the only one disappointed when she discovered, his father, Derick Jefferson, was so furious that he tried to get rid of Sara. He changed his mind and paid her off to leave the city, but she hid away.

With Sara out of the picture, Hart's attitude towards her changed, he stopped staying at home and never cared about Sharon. She was forced to lick her wound secretly because the one who helped her was in a critical condition so she could not tell anyone.

" Yes, I hate you because you didn't allow me to live my life, I had to live my life to please you, and all that is stopping now, I want out of this, I can't be with a selfish person who doesn't trust me.

' Yes she was selfish because she wanted to protect what she loved,' Sharon admitted to it because she couldn't stand to see Hart with another woman, as any woman who was in love would do.

" My father is no longer alive, and I can do whatever the hell I like with my life now," Hart coldly said. " I don't want you in my life again Sharon!"

" I love you, Hart," She admitted, tears ran down her cheek. "I have done everything to make you love me, you knew I have always loved you."

She kneeled in front of Hart and wrapped her arms around his knees. She begged, " Please have a change of heart, I love you so much."

" Read my lips, I DON'T LOVE YOU! I never did!" Hart forced himself away from her. grip and left.

Sharin shook, feeling coolness down her spine. For seconds, she remained silent, glaring at the door hoping he would turn around to pick her up and apologize for saying these hurtful words

' I guess this is the end despite everything I had done to earn his love,' Sharon said to herself. Her breathing became strained as tears continued to roll down her face.

Sharon felt completely defeated.

Her mouth parted, yet no words left her lips. She wanted to scream his name and call him back but the words were stuck in her throat.

The next thing Sharon heard was the loud roaring of his car.