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Autor: Marium T Vohra





Life can change so fast, so unexpectedly. Love when you can, while you can, as much as you can. We never know what will be our next step of life, will we take our next breath? we got no idea what will happen next but we plan our life differently like everything gonna happen the why we want to. Zainab also thought the same but little did she know everything will be changed in a blink. life is full of twist and turns join Zainab journey and find out how she manage everything

Chapter 1

  The twists and turns of your life can be so unexpected,

  and that's a good thing to learn


  When you are happy the way life is going, with some sad and lots of happy moments you just let go of everything and live within the moments, and thank God to start the new day, with new hopes but nobody knows what's coming next.

  As usual life can't be happy and simple, life want some drama some spice ain't that the best recipe of life.

  Zainab the bubbly girl who loves everything in her life her small family mom, dad and just Zainab but she doesn't have any idea what will happen next. When there is a new life coming to this world but on the other hand someone gonna left us.

  What will be your reaction when you come to know out of sudden you gonna marry a guy who is a brother to you and life wants twists right? What will happen when you came to know you will also the brother of his child.

  Hello there people this is Zainab join my journey and find out what twist and drama my life gonna bring.

  Will my life ever gonna find happiness when i'll be the wife and a mother

  At some point, most of us stop living out out of imagination and start living out of memory.

  Instead of creating the future, we start repeating the past.

  instead of living by faith, we live by logic

  Instead of going after our dreams, we live the logical life.

  Mans are always taught not to cry they are strong, they are meant to take care of womens but do mens get hurts too? do men cry?

  A broken heart is the worst.

  It's like having broken ribs.

  Nobody can see it but the pain is unbearable every time you breath

  Asad a very strong men who loves his wife unconditionally his Misha, she was everything like he live for her he breath for her and with her Asad was going start his family the happiness of being a father was out of this world but will his happiness gonna last longer?

  Asad's cold and arrogant personality will annoy people but nobody gonna know what's happening inside his heart.

  Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.

  What will happen when Zainab and Asad world will collide what will happen when their life will change in nano second.

  Be a part of Zainab and Asad's life and tag along with their journey full of love happiness, drama, emotions and hate and Zainab journey of his UNWANTED WIFE.