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Her Suspected Billionaire (The Suspected Billionaire

Her Suspected Billionaire (The Suspected Billionaire



Her Suspected Billionaire (The Suspected Billionaire PDF Free Download


Falling in love was not included in the contract Alice signed when she applied to be Billionaire CEO, Evan Sterling's personal secretary but it was a clause she had no control over. She had history with rich entitled bosses and she was cautious in her dealings with her new stuck up boss.    Alice wasn't the only one who was moving cautiously,  Evan had built solid walls around his heart after an encounter with his secretary turned lover ended badly for him and he wasn't about to allow history repeat itself. But fate had other plans for the both of them and with the right connection and acquaintance, Evan finds himself employing yet another secretary.    A moment of intense attraction and a little too much wine lands Alice in yet another item that wasn't listed in the contract, Pregnancy. With not enough recollection of the encounter, Evan for fear of being hurt like before, locks Alice out of his life totally oblivious to the fact that she was carrying his child.    Alice finds out about the pregnancy late and cause she couldn't tell Evan who had so abruptly switched back to the strict CEO, she leaves everything behind and leaves the firm.    With Alice gone, everyone went back to having double the dose of the icy billionaire CEO. Evan hopes to find Alice and not only confess his love for her but to convince her to give him another shot at assistance and his heart. Maybe this glittery was actually gold.

Chapter 1

"You slapped me?" He asked and Alice opened her mouth to say something but words failed her, he grabbed her by her hair and yanked her shirt, causing some of the buttons to come falling on the floor.


Some hours ago.

Alice walked in the office as gracefully as she usually does, making head turn in her direction as the staffs took in her beautiful figure.

"Heard she's fucking the boss." A female voice said and that made Alice almost trip, she knew the other staffs had their doubts about her relationship with the boss and quite frankly they were not wrong to think she's been fucking him as everything he does was always in her favor. Alice never thought of having sex with him and whenever he brought it up, she would casually dismiss the discussion and go about her work.

She wanted to turn and give the lady a befitting response but she fought the urge to, something told her it wouldn't end well and a drama early Monday morning was the last thing she needed as she has a lot of things to do and files to work on. She ignored the comment and made her way to her office, sinking and burying herself in her chair, she sighed.

"One day, I'm not going to have to worry about all this shit." She sighed and taking a glance at the pack of cigarette in her handbag, she wished she could smoke in the office premise but it was prohibited as its unprofessional. She let out another sigh before finally burying herself deep in her work.

The sound of the intercom ringing made her stop working, she picked it up and heard the voice she's been wishing not to hear till the end of the day. Somehow, Alice wished she could escape her boss, go a day without seeing or even talking to him but, he was her boss and she would eventually have to.

"Meet me in my office in ten." He ordered.

"Okay Sir." She replied reluctantly before dropping.

She picked up her phone to check what the time was and that was when she realized she'd been working for almost 5 hours without giving herself a break.

It was lunch break and here she was still buried in her work, she stood to go to the bathroom before heeding to her boss' call. Picking up her phone, she punched in her best friend number in the phone, she picked up after a few rings.

"Give me 3 good reasons as to why I can't smoke right now." She said when her best friend picked up.

"Just 3 or you'd need more?" Her friend asked sarcastically.

"I'll try making do with 3." She answered.

"Well, for one, it's an office. Two, you shouldn't be smoking while working. Three, I don't know what else to add but if you still need your job I suggest you don't smoke." Her friend replied.

"What makes you think he won't overlook it and just pardon me?" She said with a smirk.

"Point. He might, considering he hasn't gotten into your cookie jar yet," Her friend answered, "speaking of, you both seen each other today? I have a feeling he's going to want to apply more pressure and try again." She added and Alice only nodded.

"I hope not, fuck! Shit! Shit!" She almost screamed, putting out the light of her cigarette and struggling to put her skirt back on properly.

"What?" Her friend asked, the confusion clear in her voice.

"I was supposed to go see him like 5 minutes ago, I completely forgot, talk to you later, bye." She said and then hung up.

Alice composed herself, straightening her already ruffled skirt she walked in and watched as her boss' jaw dropped, she was oblivious to the fact that the first two buttons of her shirt had come undone and her black net bra was revealing.

"You asked me to come see you Sir." She said, jolting him out of his thought.

"Yes, I did, I need your opinion on something I'm working on." he answered, standing up and walking towards her.

"Okay, Sir, I'll be glad to help in any way I can." She reluctantly added.

"Oh, you have everything in your power to help." He added, taking her by her hand and gently pulling her so they were both walking towards the table, Alice said a silent prayer as she was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"You can help me and I believe you will." He repeated, bringing his lips closer to Alice's and gently tracing his fingers up her arm and stopping just close to her boobs to grab it.

Alice out of impulse landed a resounding slap on his face, shocked by her act of stupidity or bravery, she looked at her boss' angry face and when his grip tightened on her arm, she knew she couldn't escape.


"No, please, stop." Alice begged but to no avail. All her pleas falling on deaf ears as her boss was determined to take her whether she liked it or not.

"Shut up, you scrawny peasant." Her boss shot back while pulling her hair and forcefully trying to turn her over. Alice fought as hard as she could but she knew she was no match for this monster of a man that was her boss.

Finally thinking of a way to break free, Alice obliged, she turned and set her eyes on the vase that was at the center of the table, just within her grasp.

"This is my chance," She muttered under her breath, stomping her feet hard on her boss' and making sure her heels dug deep in his feet, Alice reached for the vase and in a blink of an eye she'd hit him with it, he released her.

"Shit!" He winced in pain as blood gushed out of his forehead and Alice could only stand and stare in shock, her skin went pale immediately and nothing seem to move, she couldn't even feel the cold air conditioner as she was already feeling hot from the inside.

She stood ghostly and watched as her boss moved around in confusion, what has she done? Was he going to die? What next?