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The Beauty

The Beauty

Autor: Nassy



The Beauty PDF Free Download


Emma , a sweet care free girl who had her career in check , she was a nurse at a very famous institute , It all started when she crossed paths with two drop gorgeous evil mystery men . What will Emma's fate be ? Note : this book will contain violence, abusivecontent a different kind of dark theme romance from two men who had never experienced love before , " feel free to leave your comments "

Chapter 1

  Emma pov ..

  It's a good day indeed, I answered my bestfriend who was in the phone , what are you going to do this evening em ? She asked with hope , I am not sure sweetie ,

  My shifts can change and I may end up having a bad day , you know how hospital works ? I tell her , I could feel her excitement running low. Okay , okay , I will try my best Nila , I will text you when my shift is over , and that is if I am early, I chirped trying to brighten her mood,

  Promise? She asked , absolutely gorgeous I exclaimed and soon I cut the call with a sigh , Fuck, I am running late !! I yelled and went to the vanity table , I did my simple make up,

  I tied my hair into a bun and took off my bathrobe , Nila took all of my time gossiping, I can't understand her sometimes , doesn't she have something more better than to discuss about what her coworker did , and how she got busted cheating with their boss ..

  Ugh!! Shs is a little crazy but I would never trade her with anything, she was always my favourite and most closest friend and family that I could have ever had in my life .

  I was an orphan , I found myself on the streets in such a young age , I managed to find help not from the social children systems, but from the places where I could be able to get good education and be able to to vend for myself and start my life.

  A smile formed on my face, I looked at myself on the mirror and smiled ,I wonder who I looked like , was it my mom ? Or maybe dad ?

  A sudden laughter broke from my mouth, " Don't even dare try Emma, you have anybody but yourself and it has always been that way!" My subconscious tells me ,

  I took my long knee dress , and a small neck scarf and wrapped it on my neck and took my small two inch heels and took my hand bag and walked out from my apartment,

  Even though I have nobody to say that they are proud of the girl I am today, I can feel my heart praising me from the inside , I managed to fight the wars that were wrapped around me and I was able to get through them,

  I bought my apartment, I manged to get education even if it was from the community college , I nailed it and I reached the dreams that I wanted to achieve,

  "Taxi, " I called after I saw it empty . I entered inside and told the driver the place where I was going, I was always alone after Nila, we met accidently but it was all worth it , we are two different people but the thing that bond us was our love between us and care , we were like lost sisters ,

  Can you belive how we met ? " We met at Mc donalds , her fighting with the seller while I was struggling to find my lost money to pay for my food . " she was a saviour that day and saved me from embarrassment.

  We ended up being friends, then best friends, and then insperable sisters . She has always been ,

  We are here ma'am the driver announced snapping me out of my trance , I payed him and walked out, it was still early but totally worth it.

  I walked inside the hospital not before giving my id to the security for confirmation that I was a staff here , well it's a trait every employee does that ,

  Goodmorning ma'am the security guy said like always, morning I replied with a small smile and walked inside ,

  And the terror , the headache starts from now !! I murmured under my breath after I came face to face with Doctor Agatha , she is a very cunning bitch , I hate her guts .

  "Goodm- ," Mrs Taylor!! I need you at the operation room like right now, and make it fast she yelled not even trying to give me much more details , I was pissed off not because of that but she fucking ignored my greeting , I hate her Ego,

  That witch, I rolled my eyes and went to my locker and changed to my uniform, I opted for pants and a shirt because it was more decent than those short little dresses ,

  " I took my id with me and after a few , I was out to the operating room carrying all the necessary equipments, "

  I was starting to ask about you Mrs Taylor, but I am glad that you have moved your legs like a woman and not like a chicken, I wasn't in the mood of replying anything to this red headed plastic bitch !"

  Other nurses joined us and Dr Jonathan too, and soon we started doing with our usual works , " The whole theatre was cold but after few hours of

  Working, the whole room was heavy , the smell of blood , the foootspes that we kept on exchanging each other, taking different equipments, "

  This is a very hard surgery,

  How long is the surgery due ? One of the nurses asked , I am not sure because I think we are being really slow today! I replied ,

  Stop talking and do your works ladies , Stop gossiping for pete's sake, Dr Agatha yelled .

  I wonder how did she even got her doctorate licence with that attitude , I mumbled and held a chuckle ,

  After three hours of operating and threading the wound, the operation was successful and done ,

  Congratulations to all of us guys , the operation was successful , doctor Jonathan announced and we all applaud.

  " i am glad, I am so sick for being in here !" I need some alcohol, Dr Agatha grumbled and walked out with venom and disguts on her voice .

  What is wrong with this woman? Nobody forced her to be a doctor, she is just so spiteful in everything, " God help her!"

  I disposed the unwanted used equipments , the other did the same too and cleaned the operating room, and the othe nurses took the body to another room for extra care .

  A sigh left my mouth, it was still in the morning but a little late going to the early hours of the afternoon and I was tired , my stomach grumbled , I remembered that I had eaten nothing since morning, .

  Great, it's time for breakfast Emma , I tell myself and ans walked out to the canteen after I was all cleaned up .