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Love is a posion

Love is a posion



Love is a posion PDF Free Download


Although Madelyn Eve Villanueva is already a well-known actress, she still feels painful when she thinks of the rainy day. She made a promise to herself that she would never be affected by his presence. But she didn't expect the wind to change, and the promise she'd made to herself was slowly shattered... "I want to talk to you, and please ... I don't want to see your face again, ever," he said in a serious voice. "Is it a joke? Don't be like that Ethan, I'm nervous about what you're saying," I laughed but I knew it was just an effort. "Do I look like I'm joking with you?" his voice became sarcastic so I blinked and stared at him. He isn't the same man I remember. "E-ethan..what are you saying?" I asked confused. His fists were clenched and his jaw clenched. "Let's b-break up ..." Three words but very painful to listen to."

Chapter 1



Ethan and I remained in a relationship from high school to college. Our friends believe that we could never be separated because Ethan was always attached to me everywhere I went. For me, Ethan Gabriel Mercado is an awesome boyfriend who never given me a headache.

Mercado's is one of the wealthiest businesses in Cagayan, with a global reach that includes Manila. Their ancestors are businessmen who have constructed a few structures and factories throughout the country. Such a distinguished family doesn’t like me at all, so every time we get together they think I’m just using Ethan because of his wealth.

Many people want to take Ethan away from me, other people say that Ethan is going to marry someone, but I don't believe it because I want it from Ethan's mouth, and I have a lot of trust in him that he will not abandon the four-year relationship we've formed.

I'm 19, and he's 24, so we're a couple of years apart. While age was not a barrier in our relationship. At first, I didn't believe in him, but I grew to appreciate him even more as time passed.


"Maddie, where are you going?" Mom asked when she saw me fully dressed.

I smiled. "Ethan texted me that if possible I would meet him tonight," I said in a gentle voice while combing my hair.

She sighed. "You probably know that many people say that she will marry someone else. I just don't want to hurt you," she said in a calm voice.

I stopped in my combing and became uneasy. "Mom, I've never trusted what other people say; I want Ethan to say he’s getting married," I said, forcing a smile.

The loss of a deep breath occurred when I turned away. I was a little concerned that what others were saying might be true, but I trusted Ethan. Ethan absolutely loves me and would never replace me for the woman he met for the first time.

“Brother, in the park where we always meet," I said happily while riding the tricycle.

"Why, you seem to be meeting more often," he said teasingly so I laughed.

I giggled. "He told me he had something to say so I just agreed to meet. You know what if he’s going to propose in front of me, right?” I said in a joking voice.

He simply chuckled and led me back to the spot where Ethan and I used to hang out. I thanked him before walking into the park where Ethan was waiting, clutching my bag securely as I looked about.

I took a big breath as I noticed Ethan standing up while crouching. I smiled and waved to the man who was staring at me.

"Ethan!" I shouted in a happy voice and immediately went to him not far away.

I was slowly taken aback to see his black eyes as cold as ice. I blinked and hugged him because I felt I had a problem but I was shocked again when I felt he didn't hug me back.

"What are we going to do here? Date?" I said jokingly but he just looked at me as if what I said was meaningless.

"I want to talk to you, and please ... I don't want to see your face again, ever," he said in a serious voice that was erased by my smile.

"Is it a joke? Don't be like that Ethan, I'm nervous about what you're saying," I laughed but I knew it was just an effort.

"Do I look like I'm joking with you?" his voice became sarcastic so I blinked and stared at him.

He isn't the same man I used to know. Because every time he sees me, he immediately hugs me and I always see his sweet smile. But it’s different now, because when I look into his eyes, I know there’s a problem and I’m nervous.

"E-ethan..what are you saying?" I asked confused.

His fists were clenched and his jaw clenched. "Let's b-break up ..." Three words but very painful to listen to.

I took a deep breath and my eyes widened as I looked at him. My chest throbbed loudly, his eyes averted but I could see his restraint.

"Huh?" it was as if I was deaf to what he said. "You're joking right? You won't be able to break up with me k-because you love me. Is this what your parents told you? To divorce me? Stay away from me? I can understand but just don't leave me, I beg you," I said in a calm voice and touched his arm.

He swallowed and looked at me before saying the word that exploded my world. "I'm getting married ..." he said in a difficult voice and bowed.

I was almost knocked off my feet when his arm was loosened. When I heard what he said, it was as if something stabbed my heart; when I glanced at him, I saw the sparkle in his eyes and the path of my tears at the same moment. As I stared at him, my hands trembled, as did my lips.

"What did I do wrong? Is this a prank? I know you won't get married because you love me, maybe there's another way ..." I took a deep breath and smiled at him. "Maybe ... you can talk to your parents ... c-can't you just talk to your brother? Don't do it to me–"

"I'm getting married so please! I hope you understand that I'm going to have my own family." I jumped at the sudden rise of his voice so he was also stunned and averted his gaze.

I felt a crash in my heart, tears kept flowing in my eyes. I bit my lip and looked at him intently who was now in tears as well.

"You don’t love me anymore?" I find it very difficult to say those words. "C-cause if you love me you won't allow yourself to marry someone else because you love me," I wiped my eyes with the back of my palm.

He bowed and his tears also continued to flow in his eyes. "Y-you didn't do anything ... it's not your fault ..." he said softly so I cried even more.

"You don't love me anymore ..." I repeated and cried even more because I didn't hear anything from him.

He swallowed and sighed. "F-forgive me ..." he said in a low voice and left me alone while crying.

Later, I sobbed as well as laughed. Because of the pain I was experiencing, I was caught in my chest and heaved a sob as it began to rain heavily. I was in excruciating pain and wanted to scream, but I was losing out.

How deceptive the world is, because the only person who gives me courage has completely destroyed me. Why is the world so deceptive? I only have Ethan. Because Ethan promised not to leave me, I'm not sure if I'll laugh or get upset with him.

I gripped my knees because I felt numb and could only feel agony and embarrassment. I was expecting him to stay with me no matter what occurred. Where have you kept your word? The bitterness I felt swept over me like poison. I sobbed because I still couldn't accept it.

And I have to add, Love is a Poison. My system is poisoned by broken love's venom. Toxic and lethal.

Madelyn's POV:

7 years after ...

I was already a famous actress in a well-known company and a model when I stepped off the plane wearing my shades and carrying my baggage. I've also been able to offer a comfortable living for my family after so many years. It wasn't easy, but the misery that man caused me drove me to succeed.

As soon as I stepped off the plane, the guards appeared, and I noticed several cameras. My manager, glam squad, and Julie, a friend of mine, were with me. They were my companions during my seven years abroad, and they also served as role models in the entertainment industry. I was first hesitant, but I eventually consented due to the financial incentive.

"Ma'am Madelyn, how about showbiz?"

"What can you say about the photo of you and Sir Rafael in a restaurant?"

"Is it true that you two have a relationship?"

I kept my mouth shut because I didn't want them to talk about my personal life. Our car arrived immediately but we were not touched by the nasty media, they almost pulled my body and I was thankful that older brother Rolie, one of my bodyguards, was there.

"We wouldn't have thought they'd greet you like this," He said in a excited voice as he got into the car.

"A famous actress visited the Philippines, who wouldn't be intrigued?" she said while busy typing on her tablet.

I just ignored them because I was staring at the Billboards where my photos were. I’m glad that somehow I became famous, I never thought that in a simple emigration there would be a name in the industry.

"You have a press conference this afternoon, and also launch your new cosmetics," said Julie who has also become my assistant.

"I'll go through my Mom and my sister first and maybe I'll stay at home there," I said calmly and arranged the bag on my thigh.

We got to Cagayan right away and so much has changed here, I took a deep breath and stared at our house. I told myself for a long time that if anything bad happened I would go back to another country with my family.

"Mom! Ate is here!" Elaine in a spirited voice and quickly ran towards me. "The scent! Smell Spain!" she added so I laughed and hugged her too.

I grinned and hugged my mother as soon as I saw her since I had missed her so much. Dad, on the other hand, remained in jail after accusing him. I moved Dad's case to the front of the line, but he refused to leave. He stated that he wanted to prove that he was innocent of the charges leveled against him.

"My child," Mama said tearfully. "We haven't seen each other for a long time, it's a good thing you came here safely," she added and guided me to our house.

I looked about the house with my eyes wide open, never forgetting to decorate it. I put in a lot of effort, from the paving to the second level. I smiled, as though we'd just shared a room due to a leaking roof.

"There's a lot of media there Mom, and it's good that my bodyguard Rolie is here," I said in a calm voice and sat on the sofa.

"How's the acting sister? I also want to go in case I thought I also want to model like you. And at least I can get together and never rely on you again," She said in a dreamy voice so I stared at her.

I smiled when I remembered how I started to be a model. “It's not easy and sometimes I always get scolded but I made it better. I tried hard, work hard to get what I want,” I said.

"Hey, I envy so much, sister. I also want to be known in various TV commercials. You know that I like to wear clothes in fashion runaways." We laughed at her when she suddenly walked into our living room like a famous model.

We shared a meal together, and I missed Mama's cooking terribly. Following our meal, we paid a visit to Papa, who is still imprisoned. I put on my cup and mask because it was difficult to see me.

"Come on," I said calmly and adjusted my seat belt.

We prepared food for Dad, there was never a day that we didn’t visit him. Every day we brought food for him, I also knew that Dad was not at fault there for stealing money. He just got involved and I know how good Dad was.

"I'm sure your Dad will be happy when he sees you," Mom said.

We arrived at the police station shortly after I simply smiled. To inform Rolie about security, I set up my cup and shades in advance. When I noticed the officers' bewilderment, I approached them and asked for assistance.

"I told them you're especially famous and you need security," Rolie said while supporting me.

We got inside and as soon as I saw my Dad, he was fine and his body was full. Because the last time I visited him, he hadn't eaten anything and was almost skin and bones. I took a deep breath and stared at him.

"Mario," Mama called softly so he stared at us.

"Madelyn?" he called me so I smiled even though I was wearing a mask. "Daughter? Is that you? Are you home yet?" he added and I could see how his eyes twinkled.

I hugged after I removed my mask. "Daddy," I said tearfully as I hugged him.

"Maddie ..." he said tearfully and stared at me. "When did you get back?" he said and looked at my whole being.

I smiled. "It's only now, Dad. It must have been yesterday that I had a shooting in Spain so I only came here today," I said in a calm voice.

The three of us talked and I also told Dad that I would get him out of jail. I have some source and a good lawyer so he couldn't speak because he knew I would be really angry.

"How, can I leave you here first Mom? I still have a pres conference and I might be late," I said when I saw my watch.

"Is that so?" Mom and looked at Dad. "Then you go first and we'll just take a taxi," she said in a calm voice.

"Are you sure Mom? I'll call Julie to bring my car so that Kuya can take you," I said.

My automobile arrived eventually, and I kissed all three of them before jumping into my car. I need to hurry because Rocci and Julie have already arrived, and I may be late. I came to a complete stop when I noticed two cars stopped in front of me. Looking at the watch, I grimaced and grumbled.

"Damn, I need to go ..." I whispered irritably.

I got out of the car still wearing my glasses. Even though it was hot I immediately went to the two cars, both of them behind me. I approached so they looked at me and I was so shocked to see Elvis.

"Mad?" Elvis said in shock and so did Edward.

"H-hey," I said formally. "Can you please let me drive properly? You're blocking my way and I have to hurry," I added and formally looked at them.

I ignored them because they were still shocked, I took a deep breath and drove my car past them. I was caught in my chest because of its throbbing so I shook my head and immediately headed straight to the resort.

"Sorry! Where are they?" my opening when I saw Julie.

"This way, it's good and you got here right away," she said in a calm voice.

I took a deep breath. "Traffic," I said simply because I didn't want to let anyone know that I had seen Ethan's friends.

We entered the hall and saw them standing when I entered, various cameras focused on me. I smiled and they waved, I posed a few times before I sat down and roamed my eyes.

"Thank you so much for coming here and I really appreciate your efforts," I said smiling and wrapped my fingers around the table.

They started asking random questions and I answered them as well. The smile clung to my jaw but I also endured and gladly answered them.

"Me and Rafael are good friend's and he's my partner for our upcoming outdoor photo shoot," I said.

It didn't end there, though, and neither did the problem they were dealing with. Even your personal life will be harmed in Hollywood. They all have nothing to lose, so I try to be patient when it comes to my family, especially since I know the Mercados are still mad at me.

"Recently, we found out that you and Mr. Mercado are high school sweetheart way back then? Did you move on or not?"

I was stunned by the questioner and blinked. Julie looked at me with a worried look. I took a deep breath as my fists clenched.

"Yes, I already did," I said boldly. "He's no longer in my present, so please I don't want to talk about him and besides, it's all in the past," I said in a calm voice.

He's the fucking poison on my system. He shouldn't be talked about anymore, he's married and he has a kid now. I'm so happy for him but my anger didn't let go.