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Autor: Benji





When Bryce an influential bussinesman needed a BODYGUARD,there wasn't a perfect person for the job more than Annabeth, however Annabeth become involved in Bryce life and end up realizing dark secret about Bryce. Annabeth realize that Bryce needs her help and that's when she decided to help him,but as time goes by she realizes she is deeply in love with him but she is scared of the secrets that Bryce is keeping from her.

Chapter 1

  When my boss told me about the assignment ,I hesitated.I knew I was strong and tough but this job scared me,I was to become the town tycoons bodyguard.

  My accolades made my boss select me, having worked for different security agencies plus I had served in the Soviet Union for one year,yes am a Russian.

  Born Russian,raised in America.

  As a bodyguard,I was to become like a human shield ,I was to ensure of my clients safety ,at public gathering I had to make sure he was safe ,at his office nobody was to bother him and at home,I had to make sure his meals were okay.

  I had no option than to accept the job,the pay was good and I need the money.

  Bryce isn't the typical of person I expected him to be ,being the most influential bussinesman in the city,I expected him to be a straight headed arrogant man,but it was the complete opposite,he was a silent reserved man,an introvert who liked to keep to himself mostly.

  He rarely talked nor looked at me,and whenever he does,it was a 'hy' or a 'good morning' and that's was all.

  I also noticed he was always thinking,his eyes were always distance and focused,I never saw him smiling and this made me thinnk.

  So much for being rich.

  This morning however,Bryce woked up on a different mood,his eyes were sore red and he looked tired,I noticed he hadn't sleep ,when he walked to the car he stopped just before the car's door and gazed at me,I smiled nervously and greeted him.

  “Good morning sir”

  I stated.

  “Good morning”

  He replied

  I realized his voice was broken

  This was when I noticed he was stressed about something,all through the ride to his office he just stared outside the window.

  I felt my stomach turning.What could be wrong with him,I've never seen him like this before.I wanted to ask him what the problem is,but I chose to remain queit.

  Yes he is an introvert,but that doesn't mean he can't get rowdy, especially with the way his eyes are.We arrived at his office and as usual I escorted him to his office making sure everything was fine for his safety.

  However after office hours were over, instead of returning home as usual,he instructed the driver to take him somewhere else,he told the driver the address and within no time we reached the destination.

  It was a hotel,a small restaurant outside town .

  The hotel wasn't the type I expected for his standards,and our arrival here made me raise an eyebrow.

  After arriving,he didn't want me to escort him inside which I usually does.

  “Stay here I'll be out in a bit”

  He said when we got at the entrance of the hotel.

  “Am sorry sir but our security proto-”

  “whose your boss ?”

  He cut me short.

  “You are ”

  I replied

  “Who pays your salary ”


  “Then do as I say,I'll be out in ten minutes”

  He said and walked in leaving me out stranded.

  I became restless as I kept checking my wrist watch,the time was dragging itself and by the time the ten minutes he had said was over,I felt like I had stayed there for the whole day.

  Bryce wasn't out immediately after the ten minutes were over,I decided to wait few more minutes and when he didn't come out ,I burged in scanning my eyes everywhere.

  He was nowhere to be seen.

  My heart sank, where is he?,did he left alone,where did he go?,tones of questions filled my head as I placed around the hotel.

  I became panicked, what if something happens to him,I remember his appearance today and my heart skipped a beat.

  _Bryce _pov _#


  I smashed the washroom mirror with my fist in anger.Whats happening to me,why was I careless.

  My carelessness is now making me pay,this situation is making me suffer.How will I explain this shit that am in to my mom,what if the police found out,what if I get to prison what will happen to my company,the company that my dad left me I charge.

  My right hand was bleeding profusely but I didn't care ,my thoughts were to occupied to feel the pain.

  I opened the tap and washed my face before walking out ,the moment I stepped out of the men washroom,my eyes locked with hers,she looked worried and seemed relieved when she saw me,she paced towards me as her eyes fluttered to my bleeding hand.

  “Sir ”

  She stated shakily

  “Am fine ,I thought I told you to wait outside”

  I said trying to sound bossy,but she ignored me.

  “Your hand is bleeding”

  She said walking closer taking my hand in hers while examining it.

  “Is everything okay sir ”

  She asked looking me at the face.

  I bit my lower lips and avoided her eyes.

  “ IAM fine ”

  I said with my voice cracking

  “I will take care of your wound”

  She said and let me out and towards the car.We entered the car and arrived home after a thirty minutes drive .




  I remained seated on my bed gazing at my bandaged hand as Anna walked towards the door with the first aid kit in her hands.

  “Wait ”

  I called to her.

  _Annabeth POV_#


  He said as I suddenly stilled and turned facing him with the first aid kit on my hands.

  “Dont mention this to anyone”

  He said in a mere whisper.

  I nodded my head.


  “Not even my mom”

  He seemed restless,I swallowed a lump and nodded my head.

  “Thank you ”

  He said as I walked out.

  I was disturbed with his behavior,why was he acting so differently ,and what happened to his hand?





  The next day Bryce didn't wake up early as usual,I prepared his coffee as usual and knocked on his door,there was no response ,I knocked harder and when no answer came I pushed the door open.

  An awful smell met me and I crunched my nose,the room was a mess.The smell of vomit was everywhere and I noticed few bottles of liquor scattered on the ground.

  Bryce was lying on the floor shirtless while snoring loudly,it was already Dawn and he was still sleeping?,not typical of him,and what's with the liquor.

  I was about to wake him when he suddenly gazed up,his eyes had circles and he looked messed up,after seeing me he stirred to his feet and stood up.

  I realized he was only wearing his boxer,his chest was out and I noticed how built his body was,his biceps tensed with any slight movement he made,he looked gorgeous though he was in a bad shape.

  This was the first time me thinking he was gorgeous.

  It was the first time me seeing him shirtless and also I hadn't even be his bodyguard for merely a month.

  “Your coffee”

  I said walking to a small glass table at the Middle of the room and placed it there before turning to leave.

  “Anna ,can I speak to you for a minute”

  He stated calmly

  I gazed at his body.

  “Not in your condition”

  I stated nonchalantly

  Much as he was my boss,it wasn't appropriate to be with him in the same room with only his boxers.

  He smiled before walking to the bathroom and within no time he was out with a towel on his waist.

  He sat at his bed with his towel still on and gazed at me.

  I walked and sat at a couch facing his bed,he looked at me then on the ground and sighed.

  I could see he was having an inner ear and I was curious to know why.

  “Have you ever done something bad before”

  He finally spoke .

  I smiled slightly.

  “Well yeah,I used to peep on people when they are bathing when I was young ”

  I joked trying to ease the tension and he forced a smile .

  “It depends with how bad you mean ,like really bad or just bad”

  I said seriously.

  “Really bad”

  Bryce purred.

  “Well during my service in Soviet ,there was a time we were sent on a certain assignment to save a little girl ,the person who had abducted her had raped her and abused her badly,when I saw the girl I was so furious that I ended up beating the perpetrator nearly killing him,if it wasn't for my comrades I could have killed him and broke the code of conduct”

  I said remembering a certain incident that took place few years back.

  “That wasn't bad”

  “I nearly killed him”

  “But you didn't,and besides the man deserved it”

  I was surprised he was having a conversation with me.

  He seemed lightened up as we spoke.

  “Why did you ask”

  I slurred suddenly.

  His expression changed immediately,he became deadpan and his breathing pattern changed.

  “I did something terrible”

  He stated in a whisper gazing on the ground.

  “It can't be that bad”

  I cooed

  “No you don't understand ”

  “Its beyong terrible,it can affect my life and ruin everything I worked so had for”

  Bryce added and his voice was cracked.

  My heart began pounding hard on my chest as I wonder what he was talking about.

  He looked at me with teary eyes.

  “What should I do, please tell me”

  He stated.

  My breath tanned dry and I lost my words,he looked so vulnerable.

  Whatever he was speaking about must be far from terrible.

  “I can't advice you if I don't know what you did”

  I finally managed to say.

  His eyes blinked and he stood up, pacing around.


  He stuttered

  “I- I killed someone ”

  To be continued.......