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My Highschool Story

My Highschool Story

Autor: Thimmy



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My Highschool Story Synopsis Hi! My name is Abigail Howard and this is my highschool story. Follow me on my journey throughout highschool and enjoy every bit of it From my first best friends, to my first love, down to my first breakup and my worst mistake. Its a hell of a rollercoaster!

Chapter 1

  Chatters, squeals, "heys"  and  "yos"  from the guys, breathtaking hugs among different groups of girls, smile on everyone's faces.

  "Clarice, I've missed you so much!"

  "Me too Linda, I have a lot to gist you about"

  I watched as two girls, who are clearly besties, exchange hugs. It's the first day of resumption in Harvard High after the long holiday of last session.

  The 12th graders are hyped up because hey, it's the last year for them in highschool. And just so you know, I'm not part of the "thems".

  I sighed as I walked on. I mean, I should also be with a group of friends and best friends squealing and jumping hand in hand in excitement just to show how much we've missed each other but as usual, I'm the quiet, gentle Abigail Howard . Yeah, I don't really have friends, ain't that popular too.

  I walked further down the hallway to my class, ignoring the girly giggles and manly laughs erupting from every corner  due to thier interaction. I got to the door of my new class and I sighed before pushing my way in. I sighted many old faces and some new ones. They are probably transferred students.

  I sighted an empty seat at the end of the first column and I walked to it. It is directly beside the window, just the way I like it. I adjusted my school skirt and sat down, placing my bag beside my seat. I was about to place my head on my seat when I sighted a large shelf with few school bags placed on it. That must be for out bags. I grabbed my bag and walked to the blue painted modern shelf. I placed my bag on it and when back to my seat. Just as I sat down....

  "Hello 11th graders!!" A voice boomed from the door post and everyone gave a loud cheer immediately they saw who it was. Well, everybody except me cheered.

  My eyes went to the owner of the voice and as expected, it was Adrian, and his best friend Andrew. The most popular guys in school.

  When I got to this school, I thought those two would be the richest, the most handsome, the most feared bad boys and play boys of the school because that's exactly how popular guys are portrayed most of the time in the fictional novels that I read but no, they aren't any of those things I mentioned.

  Yeah they are both handsome but the most handsome guy in Harvard High is David Kent who is in the 12th grade and he isn't as popular as Andrew and Adrian.

  The two guys are rich but definitely not the richest. They aren't bad boys. Infact they take studies seriously but they sure aren't the most intelligent in school.

  They have a bunch of girls willing to date them but they don't lure girls or use and dump them.

  I gotta say, Andrew is the most responsible. He tends to take responsibility of things. He's the most intelligent in 11th grade. He's the kind of guy that knows his responsibilities and keeps to them.

  But, when it comes to Adrian...Adrian can be so irresponsible. Yeah, he takes responsibility of somethings but damn! He's so playful! He jokes around a lot! Adrian can make you laugh at a funeral. He plays with things he's supposed to be serious with. But when he gets serious for once, he becomes another person entirely. And Andrew is more of a "all ladies guy". All ladies except me of course.

  You must be wondering, so why are they this popular? Even I don't know, maybe it's because of thier playful personalities.

  Even the teachers can't deny how mood lifting they are. A teacher might come into our class with a bad mood but surely won't leave with a bad mood.

  I watched the duo as they shook hands with the other guys. Funnily enough, science department which is my class has only 5 boys and 8 girls

  And speaking of popular, where is....

  "Emily, Zeemah!"

  My head snapped to the direction of the voice and I sighed deeply.

  It's Emily and Zeemah, the popular chics.

  Okay okay, I know what you're thinking. Firstly,they ain't spoilt brats, secondly, they ain't the sexiest or prettiest, thirdly, thier family is in the average class. Fourthly, they ain't Adrian and Andrew's girlfriend and they ain't cheerleaders.

  What I'd classify the four of them as is...I think it's safe to call them best friends. Since I got to Harvard High, I've always noticed that the four of them were inseparable. I was in the same class with them in first grade but after first grade, I was placed in another class. But that doesn't make me not to notice how tight thier friendship were. They've never dated one another. They are just a squad of crazy and weird folks.

  Wherever you find the guys, you'll surely find the girls in their location or close to thier location

  Emily is a nice,  pretty and funny girl. She mixes with anyone she finds interesting. She's free spirited and can be crazy sometimes.

  Zeemah do I even put this? You see, between the two girls I'd say she's the closet to the guys. It was through Zee that Emily got to know the guys. So Zee is kind of the badass "momma". She mixed with guys more than girls and the funny thing is she has never dated any dude from Harvard High. I'm sure of that but I don't know if she has dated any dude outside the school.

  And now to myself, you might be thinking I'm some nerd that has some kind of low self esteem or some boring chic that wears an ugly glasses and gets picked on by other students just like in fictional novels.

  I'm non of that. I'm just a girl that likes minding her business more than anything. I turned back and sighted Zina, the other quiet girl apart from me. Well, at least she has a bestie. I once had a close friend, Kori,but she relocated to Korea because that's where where dad is working.

  We do chat and talk all the time, I really miss her.

  I snapped out of my thoughts and placed my attention on the squad, I watched as they hugged with bright smiles. My eyes followed Andrew as he walked towards the seat beside me. He probably doesn't notice someone is watching him. My eyes went to his bag and I widened my eyes, his bag is exacly like mine. Same design, same color, same zip oh my gosh!

  People mustn't notice this it else a big deal will be made out if it, he placed it on the shelf and went back to seat..a black leather bag is separating his bag and mine, I guess he didn't notice mine.

  The electric bell rang signifying the beginning of first period, I glanced at the timetable behind me for the subject we have..hmm, Geography.

  "Morning class"

  Mr. George, our geography and homeroom teacher, walked into the class with his signature smile and gentle footsteps.

  Mr. George is a 30 years old man but he looks 25, almost all the female teachers in the school have a crush on this man. Even some students. Mr George is a very good looking man. Good looking? He's hella handsome. Plus, he's single, making every single female teacher wanna be the lucky woman but.. Mr. George doesn't pay attention to them, he says his sole business is to impact knowledge and turn blind eyes to all distractions.

  And I admire him for that,most men would have took advantage of the women but he didn't.

  "Morning Mr. George"  Margaret, the number one flirt in the class said in a very flirtatious voice, Mr. George shook his head and smiled.

  "It's good to have you all back after the long holiday,most of you didn't come for the summer class. Adrian, Andrew, Zee , Emily and Abigail..

  He trailed off as his gaze went to me, I gave an apologetic bow and he smiled. I guess his gaze on me made other people to turn thier attention to me and that's what I hate - attention.

  "Why didn't you come? It's unlike you to miss a summer class." He said adjusting his collar and I smiled faintly.

  "I...I traveled due to personal reasons but I attended a summer school in one of the school where I traveled."

  For some reason, my voice came out hoarse but I quickly cleared my throat to bring it back to normal.

  "Oh...I thought as much."

  He turned his attention to another student and I  sighed as I looked sideways,turns out Andrew's gaze was on me before Mr George turned his attention away from me, I looked away slowly and I heard a light chuckle from him.

  "So.. Mr Adrian, it's no news you always miss summer school, let's here your flimsy excuse for not coming this time."

  The class erupted with laughter and Adrian shook his head.

  "I um...

  "Didn't know there was a summer school?" Mr. George helped him complete his statement and Adrian winked at him, signifying that he was correct

  "You are one crazy dude." Emily said and Mr George just chuckled


  "Um... Mr George,I didn't mean not to come it's just.... be honest I didn't feel like coming"

  The class roared with another round of laughter and I just shook my head, I turned my head to the window and watched how the birds flew in the air. That was enough for me to lose concentration from the class.