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In His Cage

In His Cage



In His Cage PDF Free Download


Pushing her against the wall. He hold her hand tightly and speak up dangerously," Do you think I am mad. Just listen you gold digger never try to act innocent in front of me and never ever think in your dreams too that you are my wife. I will never accept you as my wife. For me you are a servant in my house. "B..but nani (grandmother) sai....she cut off by a hard slap Arnav again speak up, " Never talk in front of me unless I told you. You think you can tarp me by your fake innocence just like you trapped my nani (grandmother) then you are wrong you illiterate girl. You will pay for marrying me. Your name means happiness right? But I will soon turn it into pain. Realising her Arnav make his way from room but he turn standing at door saw his so called wife sitting at a corner in his room while sobbing hard... "Don't waste your tears sweetheart because you will need it in your future days. And welcome to my cage princess. Welcome to Hell...

Chapter 1

Throwing a glass of water on Khushi's face Arnav woke her up..

When Khushi looked at him with pain Arnav speak up rudely, "What do you think of yourself? Queen of this mansion?"

When Khushi shake her head as no.

Arnav smirk at her and again speak up, "Then why are you sleeping till now you fool? Who will clean my mansion? Don't forget your duty or you will again found yourself in my cage sweetheart.

"Now speak up" Arnav ordered her..

"I cle..cleaned y..your mansion al...already sir. I did ev...everything" Khushi speak up painfully because the water he trow on her it was hot. Her face is paining now badly but she can't make noise without his permission...

"Okay go now and serve me lunch" Arnav ordered her and about to go Khushi's speak up with difficulty, " Sir my payment?"

Turning at her Arnav speak up disgustingly, "So money digger still don't forget about her money. Your money is already on the table you gold digger. Take it" Saying this Arnav went away...

While Khushi kept looking at him while tears rolled down on her cheeks

But yes it is true that she married him for money....

Author's P.O.V

22 Years Ago

"pandit ji here is my daughter. Tell me seeing her. Will she bring success to me like my older daughter?" A man asked the pandit showing his new born baby...

"NO, this girl will never bring success for you. She will bring bad luck for you. She will destroy you if you keep her alive. Kill her if you want to live and if you don't one day this girl will be the reason for your death. Actually not only yours, but she will destroy your full family" The pandit replied, and the man's throat got dry hearing this.

He looked down at his baby girl, and she smiled at her father. Sawing her smiling he got more scared the smile was showing him his destroy...

Controlling his fear he again asked him, "If I kill her will the bad shadow goes away?"

When the pandit nodded at him. He went his home. Entering his home he saw his wife sitting on a sofa must be waiting for him..

"You came. What the pandit said about our daughter?" She asked her husband...

Sitting beside his wife he speak up," She will destroy us. She brought bad luck with her. We have to kill her" He told her wife..

"What do you mean?" His wife asked him..

Explained her everything he turned towards his wife then ask, "What should we do now?"

Hearing this his wife grasped in shock and looked at her baby who is sleeping.

"Let's kill her. Our older daughter is enough for us" He told her again, and she nodded at him...

Soon they took the most truthfully man and start driving his car. When they came away from crowned area his man stop the car...

Looking outside they saw a big house other side of road. But no people are around. Soon they found a few dogs lay other side of road..

The couple looked at their daughter found her sleeping peacefully. He took her from his wife and give to his man then ordered "Leave her between those dogs. She will be the dinner for them"

The man got shocked hearing this but nonetheless, he come out from car and crossed the road. He saw the dogs are growling in anger. They must be hungry soon he placed the baby on the road and come back to car.

Soon they saw those dogs coming towards the baby and start sniffing. The baby got disturbed and open her eyes, but she found herself in unfamiliar place and some animals in front of her..

She looked around to find her parents, but when she couldn't find them. She start crying and and dog bite on her leg making her cry loudly...

The couple saw it then drive away leaving their innocent baby crying.....

Present time.

Khushi was making breakfast when her nani


entered kitchen..

"Khushi I told you to rest my dear. You were sick yesterday. Why you never listen to me?" Her nani


told her, and she look at her with her beautiful big dove eyes...



I am fine. It was just little cold. I am perfectly fine now. And I finished making our breakfast now let's eat together" Khushi told her nani


and she smiled at Khushi...

Okay let's go.

While eating nani


speak up, " Khushi dear I am going to meet my friend today. So, we can't eat lunch together today"

"It's okay nani


you go and enjoy your time don't worry about me. I will be fine.

"Okay dear" Her nani



Soon they finish their breakfast and nani went to meet her friend while Khushi come back her room and take a shower...

After taking shower, she take a story book then went towards her small flowers garden.

Sitting on a bench she start reading the story. Though she never went school, but her nani


taught her the basic knowledge. So, she can read book....

After sometime her one and only friend come there and speak up, "Khushi how are you?"

Sawing her best friend payal Khushi got happy and speak up, "I am fine Payal and you?"

"I am okay. Actually, I come here to spend time with you" Payal said..

"Really!! Thanks I am also feeling bore let's go inside then we will talk" Khushi said..

"Sure" Payal answered...

Khushi and payal was watching a funny movie when Payal's phone rang..

"Khushi I need to go" Payal told her after she attend the call..

"Sure go and come here whenever you get time" Khushi's told her. Nodding at Khushi Payal went out..

Khushi smiled looking at her going. Payal is her only friend in her childhood she always tried to make friends but everyone used to avoid her. Like she is a bad shadow..

She still remembered when she first met Payal....


17 Years Ago

A little three years old Khushi was playing with flowers and making a painting...

She was drawing a picture when a ball dropped here near. She took the ball and looked around she saw few girls around her ages searching for something here and there...

They must be searching for the ball thinking this Khushi went towards them and speak up innocently, " here your ball. Take it and let me play with you all please"

Hearing her one girl came forward and took the ball from Khushi and pushed her. Soon Khushi fall on ground and look at them with her teary eyes...

"We won't play with you. Because you are a bad girl. Go from here" They shouted at Khushi...

Feeling pain and scared Khushi get up and ran back to her place and a scream left from her mouth sawing a dog standing on the painting...

For some unknown reason Khushi fear of dogs..

She took back steps, and speak up from distance," You fool dog. You spoiled my picture. Go away please...

Soon Khushi heard someone speak up from behind" Why are you crying?"

Khushi turned and found a girl around her age standing there...

Pointing at the dog Khushi speak up while sobbing hard, "Dog ruined my printing"

"Oh. But don't cry you can make another one and I will help you" The girl replied..

"You will help me?" Khushi asked her widen her eyes because it is first time someone speaking nicely with her..

"Yeah I will help you because you are my friend from now. And I am payal. What's your name?" Payal asked..

"Khushi" Khushi told her shyly....

End Flashback

Since then Payal and me we both are friends. Payal from a rich family but she she do kind from heart...

Khushi was thinking about this when she heard dogs barking outside..

Hearing this Khushi went pale and scared. Slowly she get up from sofa and ran to her room. Locking her door she sit on her bed feeling scared while tears rolled down on her cheeks...