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Not Just A Triangle

Not Just A Triangle




Not Just A Triangle PDF Free Download


Not just a triangle tells about the life of 3 but 4 friends who were caught in a love square. Each love wasn't reciprocated and this leads to their division. Afterwards, their children also got caught up in the sins of their parents and have to either pay, fight or create a love outside their family.

Chapter 1

Jennifer Candice pov

"Welcome sir and madam" I greeted the two parties that just entered the reception, I and my best female friend work as a receptionist in one of the best hotel, if not the best though in Athens city.

"my usual" the man replied, of course he is one of our usual customers, and this girl with him is one of the numerous girls he brings here, infact this is the fifth time he will be coming here today, and with different girls.

"sure sir" I gave him the key and they helped themselves to the room

"Candy, don't you think this man have interest in you?" Ari my best friend said

"Arianne Love!, will you just shut your mouth?!" I yelled at her

"like, I wonder why on Earth he never ask me for the key, although he gets to my table first, he will just walk by without greeting and If I do, he won't answer, or what do you think?"

The vibration of her phone in her purse saved me from any more questions and answers session with her

"It is Sam" she whispered and put the phone on speaker, just the mention of that name makes me blush

"Sam Maxwell!" Ari yelled into the phone

"Hello babies" Sam replied

"Awwnn awwnn, daddy's voice sounds cute this afternoon" she replied

"Ari, let's hear what Daddy have for us" I spoke for the first time

"well, I just finished today's work and checking through your timetable, I discovered you guys will be ending your shift in 10 minutes time, so I want to take you guys out, to relieve you of today's stress, what do you think?" Sam said

"Sure, we don't mind, pick us up in 10 then" Ari replied

"you see, you have got the best dad in the world" he said

"And who made you a dad?" was Ari's response

" Arianne Love and Jenifer Candice, see you guys in 10" he said and hung up before any more replies

I didn't know I was smiling and blushing until I heard Ari's voice

"Lover girl" she called out, waving her fingers across my face

Let me do some introduction

Arianne Love


, Sam Maxwell

Sam or Max

and I

Jenifer Candice; Jenny or Candy in short

are friends for almost 2 years, I have this feeling for Sam, and I had told Ari about it, and that was almost 2 years ago too, she had advised me to tell him, but I couldn't bring myself to doing it, and Sam didn't feel anything for me, he only sees me as a friend,I am an extrovert and a trouble maker, but whenever it comes to Sam, I become the opposite of me.

"Oh please, let's just get ready" I replied her trying to hide my excitement of being with Sam again, although we meet everyday, infact I sometimes don't know where my house is again because Sam's house has almost become ours, I mean the three of us, most of our clothes and stuffs are in his place, and that is where we retire to almost every night.

"Whatever, oh here comes the she devils, welcome guys" Ari greets our colleagues who are on the night shift, Beauty and Beatrice, I didn't bother greeting anyone because I was already impatient, I had finished packing my things and waiting for Max to be here, we exchanged all we have to exchange with the girls and made our way out of the hotel, we were barely outside when we saw Sam's car pulled into the parking lot, I grew nervous all of a sudden, this feeling I get whenever I am around Max.

"you have to tell him anytime soon, or should I help you?" Ari whispers into my ear since Sam was already coming towards us, I shook my head and wanted to reply her when I heard Max voice

"Oh my Angelas, come give Daddy a hug" he said with his arms wide opened, Ari ran into his hands and kissed him on both cheeks, I did the same and we entered the car, we drove out and started our discussion on how the day went


Sam pov

I just couldn't take my eyes off Ari, her dress today is quite revealing and it gives me access to some flesh, I have always have feelings for her since I have met her and became friends with her, that was 5years ago, well I have spoken to her about it a couple of times but she had turned me down without thinking, I don't know if Jenny knows about this but I guess she doesn't since she is always the silent type among us, she talks less and this gives me the chance to check Ari out most of the time without suspicion since she is the one mostly engaged in a conversation with me. I just wish this girl will accept my love for her one day.

"So I met a guy today, his name is Bruce and he claims to know you" Ari voiced out jolting me out of my thoughts, I feel jealous and angry at the mention of her meeting a guy, although I know nothing can happen between them, Ari don't do guys.

"he said that? do you have his picture or something?" I replied hiding my emotions totally, I looked at Candy and noticed she hasn't been eating her food, she seems lost instead

"Jenifer Candice! are you even here!" I yelled

Candice pov

I have been thinking about what Ari said in the afternoon and the offer of her helping me tell Sam about my feeling for him, but I don't think it is a good decision, what of ladies pride for crying out loud, I just have to keep on holding the feeling to myself and accept my fate of just being friends with this guy that makes me feel and want to do things, I don't know how far I was gone until I suddenly heard my name, "oh Candice, what have you gotten yourself into" I yelled internally

"oh, am so sorry, I am just stressed out, today's work has been stressful" I quickly said

"so, Ari said she met a guy who claimed he know me today, were you also there?" he asked

"yes, he is quite tall, around 6'7", he said you guys were friends in school, said his name is Bruce the creep" I quickly replied because of the butterflies running and dancing in my stomach. Sam who had been serious all this time suddenly bursted into laughter, and I find myself staring at him, happy I made him laugh and wishes he didn't stop, he looks way too cute when laughing

"wow! I know the guy, we aren't really friends but somehow close, like his elder sister had a crush on me and Anna got into trouble with him some time like that, he decided to punish her the boy's way, so I had to step in like the good brother I am, so we were friends for Anna's sake" he explained, but I wasn't even listening, only one sentence got my attention, "his elder sister had a crush on me" I could feel anger erupting inside of me and I don't know when I asked

"like how old is she, what is her name and where is she now?" I asked all at a goal

"well, she was 3 years older than me, she was 15 then, and I was 12, her name is Kelly, so beautiful, but where she is now is what I don't know, we may ask Bruce if we get to see him"

wow! he even remember her name and says she is beautiful, what a girl, I already hate her, my next question was a shocker to me

"but do you like her" I asked before realizing it, Ari who had been quiet for a while decided to speak now

"enough of the questions, let's talk later, aish! the food is already cold" she said and dropped her spoon, picking up her phone and typing God knows what

"Gross, 3years difference, isn't she ashamed" I said again, Ari looked at me and gave me this if-you-say-anything-about-this-matter-again look, I also dropped my spoon and picked my phone