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Autor: Taurusgoddess26



HER PDF Free Download


A troubled guy meets a girl and becomes obsessed with her, but what happens when his troubled past and continuous actions catch up to him? Will he be able to cover his tracks and prevent it from interfering with his current life or will she find out and if so what will she do?

Chapter 1


"I love you Julian I always have, but there's parts of you that are broken and I can't fix them." Laura said.

"You said you'd never give up on me! Please..please you have to believe that I've changed.." I begged, voice cracking at the end.

"I know..but things are different now, you are different." She sighed, lifting the bar up on her suitcase.

"You can't leave.. You won't!" I yelled angrily.

"If I can't be with you, then no one will." I spat harshly, with tears rolling down my face.

In a blink I grabbed her by her throat and pinned her against the wall and began choking her with my bare hands.

"Why didn't you want me Laura?! We could've been happy together, but you didn't want that!" I shouted, as she struggled to gasp for air, I squeezed her throat even tighter.

"I gave you everything, Laura! I just wanted you to stay! I didn't want to do this to you, but you chose to leave me" I cried, releasing her now lifeless body.

I dropped to my knees and stared at her, my eyes began to soften as I caressed her cheek softly.

"Now I have to replace you.." I sighed.

"Julian.. Julian!" Krista shouted, waving and snapping her fingers in front of my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts quickly, realizing I've been in my head the entire time and darted my attention to her.

"Sorry, I haven't gotten much sleep."

I sighed, taking a sip of my water.

"But I'll be at the wedding for sure."

I said with a smile.

Her body relaxes just as she sighs in relief, pleased with my response.

"Great! Now I can add you to the list!" she exclaimed.

"Oh also was Laura coming? I know you guys haven't been the best, but I was really hoping to see you both together."

I tensed up, immediately frowning. "I'll have to see, I think she has a business trip coming up around that time." I lied.

"Really? I was really hoping she could come.." Krista frowned. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure she'll come if she can." I tried to reassure her.

Krista is my younger half sister, she's 23 and I'm 28. We're pretty close, considering she is my only other sibling.

She was the first person I introduced Laura to when she came to LA for a visit. After that, they've became close and now..I have to lie just to not break her heart and it's all Laura's fault, if she would've just worked it out then I wouldn't have to lie and she could be here with us, with me.

"Fine, if you say so. Well I have to get going, I'm meeting Robert for wine tastings." she said with excitement as she stood up and gathered her wedding planner binder along with her purse.

I got up from my seat, fixing my suit before walking over and planting a kiss on her cheek. "Have fun, okay?" I told her. "I will." she smiled, walking out of the diner.


Later on that day, I decided to take a walk, since I didn't have anything else planned for the day. I looked at my wrist, checking the time. "9:52pm." read on my watch.

I threw my hands in my pockets then I began my walk through the quiet neighborhood.

Sometimes I like to take night walks, it eases my mind whenever I think of Laura.

"I miss her." I thought with a frown.

I was immediately taken out of my thoughts when I heard the screams of a girl.

I slowed down my walking pace, trying to follow the sounds while remaining quiet.

When I was close enough, I ended up in a dark alleyway with only the light from the moon shinning through.

As I grew closer it appeared to be about 4 guys who looked like they were college students, maybe in a frat.

My eyes shifted from them to this girl. She was young, had to be at least 18 or 20 years old. She appeared to be frantic, as I saw her backing away from the guys who had been messing with her.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Leave her alone! One guy with brunette hair, who appeared to be somewhere around 6'2 turned to look at me. I couldn't see much of his face.

"Mind your business and get the fuck out of here." He growled.

The three other guys laughed as they kept messing with the frantic girl.

I glanced at her, slowly walking towards them.

"Come on..I don't want any trouble just leave the girl." I said in a calm voice.

I saw her head shoot towards my direction, but I couldn't tell if she was looking at me or not.

I shifted my gaze between her and the direction for her to run, hoping she'd catch on to my plan. It took her a while, but she finally caught on and took a dash for it.

"And where do you think you're going? You little bitch!" a guy with blonde hair shouted as he snatched the girl by her hair. He appeared to be 5'9 and a bit scrawny like the others.

"P-please.. d-don't." she whimpered.

"She's just a slut" he spat.

My blood started to boil as I filled up with rage.

I had enough, I tried to play it the easy way, but fuck he was pissing me off.

Without a second thought I threw a punch at him, knocking him to the ground and started kicking him in his stomach until he spat out blood, but that didn't make me stop.

"Let. Her. Go. Now!!" I growled in anger and disgust.

"Okay man! whatever you want!" The guy with the blonde hair shouted in fear.

He released the girl quickly and took off with the rest of the guys that were once standing there.

I looked down, pleased to see the guy that I beat senseless coughing up his own blood.

I walked towards the girl slowly, reassuring her she's safe. I finally got her to relax a bit.

"T-thanks.." she said faintly.

The closer I got, the more I saw her face and due to the moon light on her, I was able to make her features visible.

That's when I Saw her..