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Let's LOVE

Let's LOVE

Autor: Damini Shrivastaw



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Aakarsh, who is a 23 years old -- young CEO -- known for his arrogant behaviour, the ruthless billionaire. He lives in Delhi with his parents. A guy, who once was a lively and happy person, but one incident in his past changed him. He got backstabbed by the most near and dear ones in his life. When got blamed for harassment by the only girl he liked, he lost his belief in love and trust. As a result he distanced himself from everyone and had transformed himself into a complete workaholic and rude person. He was living his life in the same darkness until Diksha entered his life and turned his life 360 degrees. Diksha is a bold, fierce and confident - 21 years old - girl. She was in her last year of college and had to go Delhi for an internship. She along with her parents decided to stay at her parents' friends' house. There she met Aakarsh. She was so irked with his arrogant nature. She comes to know that it was Aakarsh's company that she's gonna join for an internship. Here love got floor to create a room in their hearts. They fight, bicker, play pranks on each other and unknowingly fall for each other. But, the realisation is yet to be done! He, with all his will in him, decided to stay away from her; not to develop any kind of soft feeling for her. But, as the saying goes - you never know what destiny has in its bucket for you; that girl turns out to be his biggest support in his tough time. He tried but couldn't help falling for her wonderful and fierce nature but didn't know about it. They were trying to deal with these new feelings, still exploring more when the enemies from the past returned with a vile motive to destroy Aakarsh completely, this time. There's a secret nobody knows. Amid all the chaos their parents dropped the bomb of marriage on them. All confused and still taking a grip on their love life, Aakarsh and Diksha have a new challenge to face. They were in a dilemma not knowing what to do. Is he ready to fully accept all these especially after the arrival of the past in the present? Will the old enemies be able to cause the greatest damage? Will Diksha stand by his side in thick and thin after knowing all about his past?

Chapter 1

10:30 AM, St. Xavier's College of Technology and Management

Orientation Day 5th Semester

3rd year BCA


"I hope this year will also be as fruitful as the last two years. Since this is your last year I would like to wish you all the very best for your upcoming events...." Standing on a wooden podium, the principal addressed the students of the BCA department on the first day of their 5th semester, final year.

"Enough man... enough, now I can't tolerate this oldie and his speeches anymore. Thank God this is our final year, else, his murder by me, must have got written in his horoscope and destiny, for sure." Diksha whined standing in the last row of the auditorium without paying any attention to the principal's ongoing lecture.

"Shut up! If that minion of principal got to hear these words, he would definitely get us a yellow card. He's already after us since the previous semester." Sejal, Diksha's best friend and soul sister, scolded her for behaving like a grumpy kid.

"You keep on getting scared, sometimes by the principal and sometimes by his minions. Scaredy cat!" Diksha told her, giving her the murderous glare.

"Be thankful, I'm scared that's why you're spared, otherwise I too would have got red-yellow all the cards along with you." Sejal whispered slowly, gritting her teeth, in order not to get caught by the administration.

"With these best wishes I end my speech here. Have a great day students." Principal ended his speech, politely wishing everyone to have a good day.

"Thank you Father" all students shouted at once; the auditorium echoed with their rhymed voices.

The principal came down off the podium and nodded his head in response to their greetings and headed straight to his office.

"hahh, thank goodness the speech is over, if he would have continued it any longer, even for a single minute, I would definitely have gotten unconscious by now." Diksha exclaimed tiredly as she slumped her tensed shoulder blades....

"You know, you're totally dramatic, now let's get going or we'll surely get late again in Jha Sir's class and then he will again start his old time's ranting...."

"Those days students were like this" bla bla bla" Diksha completed her sentence.

They laughed at their joke and went to the class.


"What the hell man! They made a boring day, that too on the very first day itself." Diksha sighed entering the cafeteria with Sejal beside her.

"Really man! they must teach us properly, at least 'ONE' day, if not daily. Anyway, did you hear about that Nandini?" Sejal asked, grinning like a small carefree child; with great enthusiasm.

"Heard what about Nandini???" Diksha replied in confusion. heard what about Nandini?

"Ohh, where do you live man !"

"At my home!" Diksha cut her sentence in between and laughed.

"Hahaha very funny, see my tummy is bursting out of laughter." Sejal said sarcastically.

"Then that's your problem." she laughed again.

"Are you done?"

"'s still left....annoying the hell out of you is the only relaxation in this boring day. So amazing, at least I got entertained a bit." Diksha laughed at Sejal while she was shooting daggers at her through her eyes.

"It's a complete wastage to talk to you. Here I was giving important news but you spoiled the whole damn mood!" Sejal complained, gritting her teeth.

"Okay okay babes...tell me what were you saying sweetheart. and don't throw such glares at me as i know... you, yourself not going to keep quiet, even if I ask you. so spill the beans already." Diksha wiggled her eyebrows, cooing. Sejal smiled knowing there was no way she could stay angry at her best friend for long.

"Yes, listen I was saying that.."

*Beep* *Beep*

Their phones vibrated at once.

*BCA 5th SEM - All students are requested to attend meeting with Nivedita Basu ma'am at 12:30 PM*

"Now what man! Ain't they got over with their ways of making us bored yet - until they roast us properly." Sejal said with a crying face.

"Come let's see what new topic Basu ma'am has to explain to us." Diksha told Sejal while heading towards the main hall.

They saw Vedant coming towards them. He is their friend. They are besties.

"Where were you both, I was looking for you guys for so long." Vedant asked, munching his favourite chips.

"Yeah, we were in the cafeteria." Sejal replied, taking some chips from the same packet.

"I hope Umesh bhaiya didn't have a heart attack while listening to your food dose. Vedant asked with a serious face hiding his laughter.

"You donkey, can't even live a single day without getting beaten by me." Sejal replied angrily.

While Diksha and Vedant were laughing hard at her expense.

"Now stop your drama both of you and let's get going otherwise that Basu will make fun of us in front of all." Diksha asked the other two.

The trio was heading towards the main hall when they heard Anirudh saying something to Shikhar.

"What !!" They shouted together.

The other two boys were startled. Anirudh and Shikhar are their classmates. Also, Anirudh is their CR

Class Representative


"Why the hell are you guys shouting like maniacs?" Anirudh, their CR, asked them, throwing his hands in the air.

"What were you just explaining to Shikhar ? " Diksha asked enthusiastically.

"What?" Anirudh asked, confusingly scrunching his eyebrows together.

"Idiot, you were just explaining something about internship na?." Sejal reminded him.

"Oh that, yeah actually for internships ma'am has....." his voice got interrupted by a sudden announcement.

*Students of BCA 5th semester are requested to gather in room no. 12 for the meeting*

"Let's go for now, I'll fill you with details, later." Anirudh asked them carrying his bag on his shoulders.

They reached there and took their respective seats.

"Good morning students, I hope you are doing very well and must have got refreshed after your vacations" Basu ma'am greeted the students.

"Yes ma'am" all shouted.

"Okay so let's start with the topic which you all are called here for"

All the students were listening to her keenly.

"Now you all are in your 2nd last semester hence you're required to do internships in various companies to gain experience and look how things work."

"For that we need suggestions, though we already have many names in our list, but still, we wanted to know if there is any specific company in your mind where you want to do your internship" She stated further.

"Ma'am I want...."

One boy started speaking when she cut him in between.

"One minute let me complete first then you all are free to express your thoughts and queries."

"So I was saying if anyone wants to suggest any name they can, if not, then the list which we prepared is already there. You can select any one company from all the names given and inform us. We will then check for the majority and the company which is suggested by more students will be your internship place" she explained. Everyone was listening keenly.

"All the arrangements will be done by the college itself, and you will be staying there for 6 months till your internship period gets over and one more thing, this is a paid internship but you will get paid for the last three months only. " She explained further and sat down on her chair.

*Nivedita Basu is their counsellor and the head of placement cell.*

"Now you can ask your queries and express your thoughts" She encouraged the students.

"Ma'am when do we have to start our internship?" Rahul asked the first question.

"After your internal exams." She replied.

"Ma'am how much will they pay us?" Sejal asked with a smile.

"Not as much as you are flashing your teeth, it will be varying between 12-15k, depending upon the company" She replied with a soft laugh while the whole class burst into laughter. She sat down in her place again with a scowl cursing under her breath.

"That's why I asked you not to show your teeth every time, but no, madam will act according to her will only. Now did you get relief after getting insulted?" Diksha scolded her in a whisper.

"I was just normally asking, what's the need of pointing every single thing out. Damn you Nivedita Basu." Sejal replied with a grimace on her face.

"You both stop with your whispering before that woman throws us out of the class." Vedant whispered when he heard their not-so-low whispers.

"Anyone else who wants to know anything?" Nivedita asked.

"No ma'am" they replied.

"Okay then now I'm reading the names of companies which we have listed. There are 5 names in total along with places :-

1. Krystal Softech - Ranchi

2. Microtech Limited - Bengaluru

3. Amber Technologies - Bhopal

4. KV Technologies - Delhi

5. Black Panther Solutions - Delhi

"These are the information of selected companies. Now you all have 2 days to think clearly, check and read about them on the internet and give one name either from this or your own suggestion. We will again have a meeting on Wednesday to finalize the name. Now you can go and attend your classes. Have a good day."

She said and walked out of the room collecting her things. As soon as she exited, the whole classroom echoed with the loud noise of students, who didn't wait any further to have a discussion on it.

"Eeeeee....KV Technologies is also listed in it....ohh my God ohh my God.....I am so finally." Sejal clapped and jumped happily like a 5 year old. Her excitement was too much to get in control today.

"Yes man! KV Technologies. Isn't it like a dream come true for us? our dream literally came true." Diksha grinned and said with dreamy eyes.

"But dude, ma'am said that we need a majority to finalize any name from the list of companies given.." Sejal said in a fake crying tone.

"hahahah...Happy realization guys got it too soon." Vedant said sarcastically and chuckled looking at both the girls who had poker expressions on their faces.

"Okay fine, now you don't show your teeth....yuck so dirty....God knows when did you brush last time." Diksha said annoyingly with disgust looking at his slightly yellow teeth.

"Yes, let's talk to Anirudh, what kind of CR will he be if he can't get everyone to agree for this, all he does the whole day is just roaming around the president saying yes ma'am-no ma'am. And I'm already sure, half of the students want to join KV Technologies only." Sejal said nodding her head

"Yes, let's ask him, although he acts more like a cunning fox than a CR, but still, he's the only one who can inform us about it. So let's ask him." Diksha suggested.

Both the girls walked out of the room leaving Vedant standing in confusion, scratching his head thinking what the girls just said.

"How can the mood of these two change so quickly; from happy to irritated? Like how so fast and sudden? God, one day I'll go crazy because of them."
