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Lady of the Manor

Lady of the Manor



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Raindrops sputter and drizzle down the dimly lit windows of The Chou Manor.The low hum of a record player can be heard from somewhere within the walls ofthe grand building. A rumble of thunder ripples across the sky, lightning cracklesand pops along the treetops with vicious intent. While Inside the Manor Fourwomen reside in a 'wine 'room as glasses were stained crimson and not a singledrop was left to waste.There is no urgent need to leave the little room, for there is no matter that requiresany of them to do so at the moment. A mother, her three daughters, and a selectionof special wine.....

Chapter 1

Raindrops sputter and drizzle down the dimly lit windows of The Chou Manor.

The low hum of a record player can be heard from somewhere within the walls of the grand building. A rumble of thunder ripples across the sky, lightning crackles and pops along the treetops with vicious intent. While Inside the Manor Four

women reside in a 'wine 'room as glasses were stained crimson and not a single drop was left to waste.

There is no urgent need to leave the little room, for there is no matter that requires any of them to do so at the moment. A mother, her three daughters, and a selection of special wine.

A chorus of laughter erupts from the three girls sitting on either side of their mother, conversing on something that had struck their fancy. A smile lingers over the mistress of the Manor's lips, Content with her current state. Between her fingertips rests a book encrusted with dried twine and silver ribbon, the other hand effortlessly holding a wine glass between two fingers.

Another bolt of lightning flashes outside the window, illuminating the inky black sky with golden only for a moment. A ringing boom of thunder followed after.

"Mother, would you care for another glass?"

The Woman Glances up from the torn pages of her book, a leather—clad finger coming to smooth the page down. "No. not right this moment Minju But thank you, dear." She said in her Usual Sultry and Velvety voice

Her daughters stare at her through Red eyes as their cloaks were removed for the evening, and hair on full display for once. "The storm will provide an excellent hunt tomorrow," Yiren tells her with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Tzuyu nods with a light hum of acknowledgment to her daughter. "Yes, should you leave before dusk, you remember to be back before sunrise." She reminded them

Hyewon nods as a reply. "Of course, mother. Will you join us this time?"

She parts her lips to respond to the question But pauses at a strange aroma invading her senses. None of her maidens, Save for the kitchen staff, should have been roaming the halls at This hour since They all had their assigned nighttime duties.

She inhales another take of the scent while retrieving a maroon sliver of ribbon and tucking it into the current page of her book. Making a Bookmark

"Mother, is everything alright?" Hyewon, The Oldest daughter questions her while tilting her head to the side.

The Vampire didn't answer because she was still listening carefully to the hallways. It wasn't the first time she'd had a maiden get "lost" in the middle of the night and it certainly wasn't the first time she'd had to...dispose...of the help.

A knock at the door interrupts her Listening.

"Come in," she calls, watching as a young maiden hesitantly steps into the doorway with her head bowed down because she Was too scared to make eye contact with them.

"I am so sorry to disturb you, My Ladies. But there is a stranger at the door, A lost one from the Storm as it seems."

Tzuyu watches the curl of her daughter's lips, A Chorus of low whispering filling the small room. She holds her palm out, Waiting until they've simmered down to stand up from her seat. After smoothing down her dress, she nods. "I'll return in a moment, My Daughters."


It was unlike Sana.

To Run Away this late at night, Alone and unaware of Her exact whereabouts. She hadn't planned on the thunderstorm to put a very heavy damper on Her plans either. The plan, if she would call it that, Had been to pass through the Forest as a shortcut to Sana's destination.

Yet, with all of that in mind here she was stumbling up in a dark path, Mud and other things clinging to the ankle of her Sweats and rain relentlessly burning into Sana's eyes.

She needed to find shelter for the night at the very least.

She couldn't keep walking around blindly in the middle of a storm, not this kind of weather. It worried her that at any moment a gush of wind might sweep Herself off of her feet and carry her away.

It was an odd sort of place, to say the least. It was like Animals spoke to Each other in whispered tones at her arrival in their Territory, That specific forest before had been spoken and rumored of because of the strange tales of the land.

But She had brushed it off, dismissing the tales of women in white and monsters that crept between the tall grass only to devour you when you least expected it.

The Forecasts Could have warned her about the storms, though.

She guesses this was what She gets from Running away the Night before her and Mark's Wedding

The path leads Sana to a gate, A Red glow shining through the murky fog of the night from somewhere beyond it

Pride aside, She just needed to find somewhere to stay for the night. This place seemed large from the gate, And it was her only resort.

It's a Manor?

"A Manor?" She whispered, Lip trembling from the cold Atmosphere. The clothes on her back seem to be permanently glued down to her skin from the rain, Her Hair was clinging to her fluffy cheeks because it was Damped wet. "And it's Way out here...?"

An aura of looming dread lingers around the castle, but she didn't have much of a better plan at this point. When Sana reaches the grand doors She wipes the raindrops from her already burning eyes and taps her fist against the door.

Once, Twice,

A third time and the door cracks open. A small woman with dark hair stares at Sana with wide eyes, Something like sympathy on her features.

"I'm sorry to bother you, I'm Lost you see? I've lost my way because of the rain." She tried looking as Pathetic as possible so She can get shelter which wasn't that much of a Job since she already did

The woman, A maid perhaps because of the way she's dressed, Glances over her shoulder as if Looking for someone. "Miss, I don't think you would be any better off here." She tells Sana with her voice hushed.

Sana was really desperate so she Ignored her Advice "I know it's a lot to ask because people are insane these days, I just need to wait for the rain to stop. I can be gone at first light. I won't be a problem! Please..."

"Miss, I–"

From behind the Maid, She hears footsteps coming closer. She straightens up

almost immediately, Flashing you a look that ranges from sympathetic to 'I warned you.' It confuses Sana. What was she even worried about?

A velvety voice dismisses her And takes her place at the door. To say that Sana

was at a loss for words would be an understatement. The woman who stood before Her now was tall, Taller than She would think humanly possible. Her red—eyed gaze bore down into Sana's with dull curiosity.

Calling her intimidating wouldn't even begin to cover the way Sana shrunk in her skin at the sight of her.

She stares down at Sana Who looks like a poor lost soul, With studious eyes. Her gaze travels from the sticky strings of hair in her cheeks, To the roll of raindrops down the curve of Her lips, The shivers rolling over her skin.

For a moment, Sana was frightened. Her gaze alone could have put down an entire army, She was 100% certain of that. She had the size to back it up. And for another moment, She was bestowed with the sheer infatuation of the woman before her.

How did she get so tall?

Something in her eyes Changes, A Glimmer of Curiosity and A Flash of Fascination.

"Lost, are you?" She questions, Voice rich and smooth, Enchanting as Well. She spoke with a certain Regality and Authority to her voice, She must have been the Mistress of the Manor.

Sana adamantly nods as She watches the amused curl of The Woman's Lips. "Yes, I was traveling to a nearby town, I thought I could hike it to the next train station but here we are." The Girl lied, She didn't want a Random Stranger to Judge her

Because she ran away from her Wedding. More or less a Very Attractive and Tall Stranger

"I see," she hums while Dismissing The Maiden from before To Fetch fresh clothing for you. "Fetch Our Visitor Fresh clothes, Bring her to Hyewon's


Sana kind of Forgot that the Smaller girl was Still there because she was

Bewitched by The Taller one Who was Apparently still Staring at her, But now. With a Smirk

The Girl didn't know if it was only her Imagination but She was Sure she saw the Woman Bite her Lip slightly as her Eyes raked over Her body for a Moment

A cough from The Smaller makes the Woman Raise her brows. She steps to the side, Extending a hand to welcome her inside.

"Welcome to The Chou Manor, Do come in."