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Autor: Aishatu.Xx





Irene Greene never thought it was going to be hard living in the outer world after living for more than eighteen years in an orphanage. It is now time for her to leave the place shes called home her whole life. It's heart wrenching but she can do nothing about it. They think she is now an adult who can take care of herself, so they thought. It's decided, she wants to work as a maid in a powerful household to make ends meet but got an even better offer by the matriarch of the house, to become a model. It was a dream come true for someone who has been intrigued in fashion. But it comes with a price, good things never do come in a silver platter. Luciano Capestrano is the hefty price. He is the most complicated person to have ever graced the world, she complains. But when love calls, not even his mental disorder could stop them apart nor stop the hearts from uniting. With tentative steps, they found out that they are more connected to one another in a world they never knew existed. Their past intertwined their lives in such a way that even love cant save. Is a battle Cupid angel is sure to lose. It is a past entangled with mysteries, power, mastery, aristocracy and lots of blood ensnared. Thrown into another world cloaked and cocooned with nothing but bloodshed.

Chapter 1

It's a beautiful morning and she hopes it brings beauty on it's tail.

Irene woke up to get herself ready for the day ahead and hopes to God she gets what she wants. She can't just have herself sitting around without work when her time is slipping away from her fingers in an excruciating way. She needs to pay rent, so many pending bills and get herself to college –that aside– remaining just five more days and she will be kicked out if not paid.

Not that the apartment is something people would want to come and see. It is such small space she manage to squoosh herself in to survive.

Sighing, Irene stood up and trudged into her small bathroom to have a bath. Because of how broke her life is, her bathroom doesn't produce hot water but cold and she is already used to it. Living on your own was never easy and she wished she hasn't clocked eighteen, she wouldn't have had to move out from the orphanage and think about college.

More like, she wouldn't have been thrown out from the orphanage just like that.

The shower head hits her body really bad and it is surprising how she hadn't gotten scars because of it. Cold water heating her too hard is like being thrown with unbreakable ice, only for it to shatter when it hits her body. And she is not that strong herself, she is thriving.

She's been in the orphanage for eighteen years and is already used to the volunteers, the nuns, the children and all those loud noises but since three months ago, she hasn't heard from them. She is trying to distance herself from them, they never were really nice but at least she's got roof on her head and something to eat. Well, not now, she needs to work to get that.

Her kitchen is empty safe for the expired milk, few eggs, cereals and the cheap fruits she's got from the market close by.

After taking her bath, she walked out to the room to change her clothes. All her clothes are either tight, faded or torn but what could she do? She needs money to eat and can't waste them on clothes, not now at least. She change into a washed out jeans and crop top. Her fiery red hair was let out to dry itself because she lacks hairdryer.

One more added to the long list of never to get except if she is going to steal it and that is not her profession.

Looking at her five ft nine self on the mirror, she knew she is tall but doesn't like to acknowledge it and because of lack of food, she is skinny and svelte. Though she has curves here and there, she will be called a lady even with baggy clothes, she is not curvaceous. The food she eats at the orphanage wouldn't even feed a small baby of five so it is expected of her to be that svelte.

She looked around for her ancient jean sneakers and put them on before taking her buttoned phone. Closing the one bedroom flat, she left the apartment and rush down the creaky stairs to get herself out. The apartment building is old and in the most perilous side of California. She needs to get money and leave that place before she gets raped, robbed or worst, murdered. She won't discuss about being robbed since she also has nothing.

Instead of getting the cab, she strolled down for twenty minutes before getting to the subway. Ten minutes later, she got down the train and started tracing the address sent to her through the phone. It's screen has ran in deep that she can't even see much so she hopes she is not taking the wrong turns, she's come far for that.

Finding the huge mansion in between other huge monsters of mansions, she moved closer to the finest house with black gates. The house has the most finest fence, painting and structure. It is also not close to the others, there are acres of lands between them. It exudes mastery and pinnacles over the others.

Though that is the best side in the whole place, she can't help but think that the castle she is staring at will change a lot of her. As cliché as it sounds, it held this strong aura that has her shaking.

She didn't know how to get in because there is no button or anything, it's just an enormous black automatic gates. She got startled and jumped when a small recorder came out from there and she heard someone trying to clear their throat from the speaker. Her heart throbbed in it's ribcage, routing for an exit from her chest, she wanted to run thinking it was some sort of weapon.

What? The world is getting more dangerous day by day, you won't know who is out to get you. Does she have enemies? She doesn't, she just left the orphanage few days ago.

"Hello, good morning! Who are you?" The recorder asked but she didn't even reply because she was looking at it like it was from another planet, like she doesn't understand what it means.

The question was asked again and that is when she moved and blushed deep red in embarrassment. Sitting everyday is the orphanage is really messing with her brain. She hardly gets time to interact, being homeschooled and the oldest in the orphanage, she talks little. She needs to really get a grip or won't survive that monstrous world, it's filled with beasts.

"I'm Irene Greene, applied for the maid job and here for the interview." She gulped when the recorder blinked green, she doesn't know if it means she is lying or was asked to leave so she stood anxiously and wait for another miracle to happen.

She's left her little closed up world for three months and she is thrown into another one filled with mystery and unknown. The world is really esoteric, tight and obscured away from her sight. She can't believe how much she is missing in the outer world, or is she really missing much? Well, that is something she needs to answer another day.

Suddenly, the gates opened wide and she was ushered in by a bulky guy wearing dark clothes –of dress pants, suit, boots and a mouthpiece. He looks really scary and his voice is enough to make the dogs bark and run away. Even she was a shaking leaf inside of her, she's never met a man that frightening so she makes good moves to be in his good books.

She thanked him when he directed her where to follow which was some long pathway. Mentally sighing, she embraced herself for the new journey ahead, she knew it won't be just those funny rides being a maid in such huge mansion, there are some consequences to face. Colossal opportunities don't come in this light and free, it has so many challenges attached to it.

That aside, the place is effing beautiful.

There are interlocks all around that is made like a road for car, it is extended, really prolonged. Beside the interlocks, there are plants of all kind and grasses sleeping soundly in a well trimmed style. The scent of multitudes of flowers waft through the air instantly calming her ever growing nerves. Daffodil, mimosa, pansy are all planted with so much more, she could only draw them back in the orphanage but now, she could let her eyes feast. They are such beautiful sight to sour eyes.

The lane continue to take her down to where she made a left turn only to catch her breath at the sight before her. It hitched abruptly, abandoning her all together as she takes in the exquisite sight in front of her.

The mansion is pure white! It is a three storey building that takes away each breath from you, sucking it off. There are many windows which are getting illuminated by the sun coming up to stand in the middle. It is as though the sun came out because of it, to shine the burnishing windows. The way the building itself stand is enough to have you withering, it looks so debonair!

And then she saw one in town five cars parked by the side, it doesn't even look like the place where their cars collection is. Maybe they are the cars used for the time being, she can't even name them but is sure one is enough to pay for her whole life. They are shining from where she stood, definitely sport cars. Hmm, these people look extremely wealthy, she hopes her pay will be able to succor her too.

She has searched about the Capestrano's when she applied for the job and was told that the father is dead, leaving his wife and two sons. According to the internet, their father left loads of money for them but when his sons stepped on in the business world, their name and business bloomed all across the world and they got number one in the world with no competitor till date.

Their company produce all sort of electronics. They make automatic stuff just like their gates, cars, phones, laptops and a lot more. She didn't bother searching about the sons or the mother knowing she is only going to clean their home and there might be chance that she won't bump into them till she's done and has the money she wanted to further her education is intact in a sheaf.

She straighten up her spine and made her way to the gigantic black oak door, she didn't find the doorbell but felt the vibration underneath her feet before the door opened, startling her yet again. Forcing the yelp back, she made her way into the house which she can't describe with words. Her heart is still palpitating in her chest due to another fright, she is out of words.

She just stood there and took in the whole house with her eyes and dropped jaw before moving inside –she can't lurk around when she is there for work, they might turn her down if she acts incompetent– where she could see fourteen more other girls waiting.

It looks like they are waiting for the same person and applied for the same job. How can she stand a chance without experience? There are a lot of them here, her heart dropped to her stomach before she moved to where they are standing.

She didn't have the time to look around when all the attention from the other girls is yawed to her.

Finding the nicest one amongst them with brunette hair in tight professional ponytail –the type she did to herself in the subway after her hair dried– chocolate brown eyes wearing a straight skirt and long sleeved white shirt. She is a little chubby but it looks so good on her. She looks pretty nice and not snappy like the other bimbos staring down at her so she sat down next to her with air of confidence.

"Hello, I'm Irene." Irene threw a pretty smile to her lips and move her hand forward for her to shake which the girl accepted.

She hopes she doesn't look weird knowing she's never interacted with anyone her whole life. She does not make the conversations, people tend to start it first so imagine her surprise when her heart dropped in happiness. For the first time, she is doing something good and would like to rub it on one of those nuns in the orphanage.

They said she won't make it, she is just building herself up.

"Hi, I'm Nina." The girl has a beautiful smile, Irene noted mentally.

"Uh, did you apply for the maid job here too?" She inclined her head and asked, she don't want the conversation to end before they become friends.

"Yes, the interview is about to start because Mrs. Capestrano just walked into the room." The girl informed, taking back her hand and paused the music playing through her earphones.

Blair nodded and continue to chant, hoping to get the job because she needs it a lot. She wanted to concentrate on what will be asked and let her mind wander everywhere. Her head can't come up with any question or decision so as to what they would ask, she is as blank as the blank sky in the morning. She heard the girls talking in front of her so to take her mind off things, she listened.

"...they signed a very huge contract yesterday and will throw a party tomorrow." One of the older women gushed, her eyes popping out to exaggerate her words.

She looks to be around twenty three or four and don't look like she needs the job. She is wearing such designer outfit and wanting to become a maid? Definitely for something else. More like to ogle at the two handsome men in the mansion than to do dishes.

"Yes, I saw that yesterday on the television. Did you see how handsome they looked? Especially Logan, did you see his new hairstyle?" The one with dyed blonde hair in mid twenties fan-girled looking equally enthusiastic about the topic at hand.

"But even Luciano looks hot with those tattoos, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He looks more dangerous." Another grinned, she looks to be twenty one or two, she wasn't even in the conversation.

Blair was waiting for one of them to ask why did she pipe in but none of them did, instead they add her into the conversation and they kept talking in high pitched voices. Maybe they should tone it down a bit.

Irene loose interest because she thought they would be talking about some sort of fashion. Yes, she likes talking about fashion and clothes even though she doesn't have them. It won't hurt to hear about something new which she probably won't be able to afford with her years salary. She has strong hope that these people will give a lot of money by the end of the month so she is holding on it.

She has her budget filled and her last hope is this money she will hopefully get. Right from those bills that are about to reach her neck and choke her to the struggles of leaving that apartment, that money won't ever be enough. Maybe she should apply for another side job, she would love each change coming her way.

One by one, the girls started entering and when three were done, Nina stood up when she was called and left. After being interviewed, they will go back to their seats and wait for the final announcement of when they should wait to be called. Irene couldn't be more anxious seeing the girls don't look as excited after they walk out. What is going on in there?

"Irene Greene!" She stood up and hastily ambled into the room where Nina walked out from and gave her a thumb's up, she might just be her best friend.