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My Neighbor Is A Werewolf

My Neighbor Is A Werewolf

Autor: zanecane08



My Neighbor Is A Werewolf PDF Free Download


When a new face appears in the vast cold places of Arizona everyone was pleased to have the man named Sariel. Although, his neighbor Celestine questions everything about him. Is he a man or something? Celestine has all the theories to find out who he is, a killer, a vampire, a werewolf, and so on. But what if she falls under Sariels grasp and falls in love? Every time Sariel looks at her, her heart beats rapidly, and whenever their skin accidentally makes contact, all the stars would appear. Will she continue to care if Sariel is not a man but something more, something far crazier than she can ever imagine? Can the beauty still love the beast?

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Sariel

I look outside of the window to see how foggy it is today. It has always been like this in Phoenix, yet I never get used to it. It will always feel like the first time. I love how cold, and wet this place is. It feels magical. Especially, the astounding mystery behind those giant pine trees.

"Wait! Let's pull over at the near drug store," Daphne said in a hurried voice. I look at her for a moment, examining her face. "Why?" Skylar is the first to ask. I saw him look in the rear-view mirror to see Daphne on the left side of the car. Skylar was the one who is driving, so he should be the one to ask why. On the other hand, Jeremy was on the shotgun seat listening and dancing to the music playing on the stereo. It was loud, he is listening to some Korean pop songs.

Daphne, Batya, and I are in the back seat sitting pretty, not until Daphne commanded.

She has medium-length blonde hair. Her face has full glam makeup, she looks like Kylie Jenner except that she has blonde hair. Plus, her body is slimmer than Kylie's. I have always told her about how she looks like Kylie, eventually, she was inspired so she did everything to look glamourous, mimicking Kylie.

"I got my period. You don't want blood drooping in your leathered car seat, right?" Daphne said in her taunting voice. "You have napkins?" I asked worriedly.

I suddenly remember the first time I got my period. It was a horrible experience back when I was 13 years old. I was wearing white shorts as we play dodgeball in our PE class. And the boys laughed at me for having blood on my white shorts. At that time, my mother used to tell me that I need to have napkins in my bag pack because I might get my period in no time.

I wished I listened to her. Because I got all the trouble before I finally had a napkin. The boy laughing at me for having blood in my shorts, the sticky feeling in between my legs. The humiliation and exasperation were too much.

Even though, having a period is normal. It's part of life. It is what made us a woman. I hope in today's generation boys at a young age would not humiliate girls for having periods because it's normal. It's nature.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll just buy there," She immediately said while smiling at me. I silently nod at her.

"I'll just come with you," I offered.


I look over my shoulder to see Batya, her eyebrows were twitching. "Could you please stop that noise, Jeremy?" She complained. "What noise are you talking about? This is Kpop," Jeremy replied like he was the one insulted. He looked over Batya who was beside me. "Oh c'mon, stop it love birds," I told them. And the look on their faces changed. "It's not funny," Batya, my cousin said as she rolled her eyes at me. Meanwhile, Jeremy just laughed uproariously.

"And we're here," Skylar interrupted the notion.

The car engine moves to a halt before it stopped. I look around to see that we are the only car parked in the parking lot. My first impression of this place was abandoned. The foggy weather, the sun finally setting down, the full moon waiting to shine. Seriously, Am I the main character of a horror movie? A sudden shiver traveled from my nape down to my spine. "Les, are you coming?" Daphne asked while holding the car door. "This place looks abandoned," I said as I look around checking again.

"Oh dear, I told you to stop watching horror movies," Batya butted in. Daphne laughed at me. "It's not like we have never been here before," she said afterward. Jeremy stopped the stereo as he started listening to what is happening.

Batya tapped my shoulder condescendingly. "Go on. Hurry. We don't want to be late for the cinema," she said. This drug store is not a mile away from the town proper. So, I guess, it's a good thing that there's a drugstore nearby.

I glance up at Skylar who's watching me. I swallowed hard, nervous. But then, Skylar broke the silence by saying, "Alright, I'll come with the both of you."

"But you know Les, you don't have to come with me if you don't want to," Daphne said as she looked up to see Skylar moving out of the car. "No, I'm fine. I offered to come with you so," I said tilting my head sideways as a gesture.

I was the last one who closed the car door.

"You know, I kind of want to believe you that this looks like the setting of a horror movie," Skylar whispered, walking beside me. "What?" Daphne asked Skylar. Daphne is on my right side she probably didn't hear what Skylar whispered.

Skylar chuckled and tilted his head sideways.

"Nothing," he replied.

Cold wind breeze brushed my hair. Some of it went to my mouth, I grunted as I take that hair away. For some reason, my gaze flew to a man who is sitting on the floor beside the door of the drug store. His skin tone was the first one I noticed. It is olive, rarely burns but always looks tanned. He looks foreign to me. Our town is not that big but, I know if someone is not from here. Arizona isn't that tropical, so the people in our town normally have fair skin.

His raven eyes shot through me. His eyes were inexplicably sad. I can see how it glows from his unshed tears.

On the contrary, he noticed my eyes were on him before I did. I was in shock at the moment, ashamed to be exact. That's why I slowly move my gaze away from him.

The bell upon the door clanked, as Skylar and Daphne went in. I should probably go with them. I don't know this homeless guy right in front of the store. Who knows he might be a criminal, and even though he is attractive, he is homeless.

In a hitched breath, I entered.

Maybe I should give him a drink.

The store was very organized, which is not surprising to me. I found Daphne in the sanitary area. She was looking through the rows of napkins. "Pick the Kotex," I mumbled. She looked at me before nodding. I was about to walk her through the comfort room but she stopped me. "No, I'm fine. I can handle this," she said chuckling a little. So, I followed her with a glance through the comfort room.

"Hey, grab some," someone said behind me. I immediately looked behind, only to see Skylar having spicy Doritos and some chips on both of his arms. I think it was six large packs of chips. "Whoa! That's a lot," I said laughing. Because he is acting like those chips weigh too much on his arms that he flexes his biceps. He even had the moment to move his body to an imaginary beat.

"Oh gosh, don't do that ever again!" I told him in between laughter.

"What? This body's muscles are glorious," he nudged me tapping my back slightly as I pick some more Cheetos. "Well, it is. Just don't move your butt like that. You look like a duck," I loudly laughed this time.

I just shook my head. As tears started to show in my eyes because of the tremendous laughter.

Skylar was bulky. I know he works out but, he's a terrible dancer. And he loves dancing with his butt sticking out.

"Are you done?" Skylar asked behind me. I look over and saw Daphne nodding as she come forward to help Skylar carry those chips by hand. "It's fine. I can manage," Skylar hesitated.

"Okay, fine," Daphne said. Annoyed by Skylar's rejection. They looked into each other's eyes fighting about something I don't get. Luckily, I saw the refrigerator just beside the counter, I picked up water to lend to the homeless guy in front.

Finally, after a few seconds of their bickering, I said, "Alright, let's head to the counter."

I started walking, I can hear them whispering though.

The LED lights flashes before the counter. "Is that all?" Sariel asked. His name tag was proudly shown, along with his red apron. However, I'm not quite sure if it's an apron or his uniform.

"Yes, Sariel," I replied after I grab the chips from Skylar.

I look at Sariel and saw him smirking at me. "What?" I asked. "I'm not Sariel," he said as he moves the chips coding them one by one to the register.

"Well, who's Sariel then?" I asked smiling. I'm not a nosy type of person but I feel like having a small talk today. So, I could somehow relax and not feel threatened by this creepy atmosphere.

The door clinked again, and I jolted upright by the sudden sound of the bell. The mere indication that someone went into the store intrinsically made me look at whoever that was.


That was the guy sitting outside. His hair was long, wavy, and in a shade of brown. His olive skin became more attractive because of the LED lights flashing upon him. And he is bulkier than Skylar I must admit. He's wearing a black polo. His biceps were fitted on the seams of his shirt, and his jeans were slightly covered with dust.

And his eyes... My, oh my...

I shouldn't check him out.

"He is Sariel," the guy who's using Sariel's nametag said. I snap out to reality. I glance up at the guy on the counter. "I thought he's homeless," I spoke louder than I should. The guy on the counter chuckled as he shakes his head.

"Who's homeless?" Sariel whom I thought out loud a homeless guy said.

My eyes went from his black boots up to his fitted black jeans, up to his wide shoulders, until I found the way to his eyes. Dark brooding sad eyes.

"Oh-Uhm," I stuttered. And choked.

This guy is looking at me intently, how can I find the right words if he looks like that?

Then I heard the registers ping. My glance traveled to the guy on the counter as he placed the paper bags in front of me.

Without hesitation, I grabbed those bags with both of my hands. I can't wait to leave.

I look up again, facing Sariel.

"Hopefully, no one," I retorted.

I witnessed how he was stunned that after a few seconds, I dare to answer him. He stands still, proud, which I never thought he is capable of.

"Thank you!" I charmingly said to the guy who's not Sariel. He smiled and nods at me.

Conversely, I felt Sariel's eyes lingering on me as I wave my hand to the guy at the cashier. I did not mind him. I walk towards the door as I tried my best to never glance at the man named Sariel again. "Let's go, guys!" I shouted to Skylar and Daphne who were still talking in their world.